Men have only one chance to live in this world. Life is precious, so istime . The time you hold in your hand is so limited that you can’t afford towaste it. Once you let it slip away, you’ll never chase it back.
Since time is so precious, how can we make the most of it?In my point ofview, judgment and efficiency are the two key ingredients. It is vital to have asense of judgment. Whenever you are to make a decision, you should weigh thepros and cons. Therefore , it is much less possible to be regretful, thus avoidwasting time. And if you are sure you make the right decision, just jump on itand be decisive. Meanwhile, efficiency is also important. Being efficient meansyou are more productive than others. In this way, you are more competitive. Aslongs as you can entirely concentrate on the work you are doing, you willnaturally get your efficiency improved.
As the saying goes, ‘ Time and tide wait for no man’ . Always bear in heartthat time is precious but really limited. So it is wise of you to make carefularrangement of your time.