摘 要:英语教学离不开词汇,词汇教学方法多种多样,但作为一门语言,其功能就在于交际,交际的功能决定了词汇教学与语篇的关系是必不可分的。本文从结合教材中的阅读课文和依托单元话题重组教材语篇两方面着手,举例说明如何在语篇中进行高中英语词汇教学的设计。
词汇教学在高中英语的地位举足轻重,语言学家David Wilkins对词汇学习的重要性作了如下精辟的概括:“Without grammar very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” 分析近几年浙江省英语高考试卷,可以发现试题对学生阅读量的要求有了大幅度提高,单项选择与完形填空中词义辨析题的比重加大,书面表达题设置的开放性程度在增加,这些说明高考对学生词汇量的要求在逐年提高。
例如,在教学必修l Unit 4 Earthquake阅读课时,笔者先展示了电影《唐山大地震》
里的片段,之后抛出问题:What scenes do you still remember after watching the movie?学生会对影片中的一幕幕骇人场景进行描述, 如果学生在回答时使用了本课的新词汇, 则对该词汇进行paraphrase;如使用的是以前的旧词汇,则可以通过近义词转换的方式来呈现本课的部分目标词汇,如:
Many buildings fell down. 一Many buildings were destroyed.
Some people had not enough time to run out of the building. 一Some people were trapped under the building. Many people were hurt. 一Many people were injured. The city was completely destroyed. — The city was in ruins. The army came to save the people. — The army came to rescue the people. 2.读中感受新词,深化理解
在阅读中学生主要通过自然语境习得词汇,“利用语境习得词汇这种技能只有通过练习才能获得”(Bright & McGregor,1970:31),因此必须保留适当量的生词留待学生通过阅读练习习得。而且,教师可以在阅读过程中对学生进行词汇学习策略的点拨。
在阅读课中所设计的问题不仅仅是为了让学生理解文本所透露的信息, 同时还帮助教师在有语篇的支持下呈现新词汇。
例如,在必修l Unit 3 Reading:Journey Down the Mekong中有一段Wang Kun对她姐姐Wang Wei的评价,笔者通过几个前后呼应的问题同学生一起剖析这一人物,同时在这样的语境中学习一些关键词汇。
T:What kind of person is Wang Wei? S:Stubborn.
T:How do you know this?
S:Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly.
She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she would not change her
Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.
T:It seems that nothing can make her give up her idea.With such a stubborn sister,Wang Kun had to give in to her.
例如,在必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero的阅读中,笔者设计了一道
The phrase “generous with his time” in Paragraph 1 means________. A. strict with time B. serious with time C. careful with time D. willing to spend time
例如,在选修6 Unit 2 Poems的阅读课中有这样一句:Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines,句中的短语make up有多种意思。此时笔者并未直接让学生猜测make up在其中的词义,而是呈现了一篇含有数个make up的短文,要求学生选择哪一句的make up跟文中的词义一致。
Nina ①made up this morning to meet her man. They quarreled yesterday because of Nina’s some what ②make—up. Now, he said he wanted to ③make up with her. He ④made up a funny joke, so she couldn’t help laughing. Just at that moment, he took a ring out of his pocket,and said to her that he had ⑤made up his mind to marry her. She happily accepted it and they even dreamed that they would have many kids that could ⑥make up a football team.
上述短文中有6个make up,但是每一个的意义都不一样。①是打扮、化妆,②是装扮,③是和解,④是编造,⑤是下决心,⑥是组成。
例如,必修5 Unit 4 Making the news时,笔者设计了如下练习:Try to rewrite the passage“My first work assignment”between 110-130 words to introduce how to be a good journalist.要求学生在缩写过程中既能充分利用课文中出现过的词汇(如admirable,experienced,acquire等)、词组(如cover a story,submit the article,have a good “nose” for…,inform sb.of…,accuse sb.of…,get the wrong end of the stick,get a real scoop等)以及倒装句式,又要注重语篇的内在逻辑性(如firstly,meanwhile, importantly,lastly等词语的运用)。
又如,必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela阅读课是Elias以第一人称讲的一则故事,在理解课文以后,要求学生根据下列关键词以第三人称复述Elias的故事,同时提醒注意句子间的衔接,以培养他们的语篇表达能力。
(Before meeting Mandela)school fees & bus fare/gold mine/passbook/out of work
(Meeting Mandela)went to him for advice/guidance/grateful
(After meeting Mandela)hopeful/ANC Youth League/attack the law/answer violence with violence/blow up/be put in prison/make…equal
话题是纲,纲举目张。抓住话题,才能调出内存——大脑中的背景知识和经验。在词汇教学中,教师可立足考纲,依托单元话题,整合相关话题的单元词汇和句型,收集相关话题的听力材料,创设较长篇幅的阅读文章,最后落实与该话题相关的写作任务上。笔者以必修l Unit 4 Earthquake为例,探讨依托单元话题的词汇教学。
1) 常用词汇 Feelings Before: curious anxious Damage Before: Events Before: strangely 3 sound of planes 4 well water rose and fell 1 ruins ndRescue work After: calm practical hard-working selfless helpful brave courageous prepared tireless organized determined dig out the trapped build shelters cracks pipes burst 1 animals behaved surprised amazed After: After: 2 houses in ruins puzzled confused 1 great destruction 2 lights in sky shocked horrified 3 roads destroyed relieved worried 4 water, gas and scared angry distressed sad terrified frightened unbelievable encouraged to get injured roads and canals 7 hills of rock became dirt 8 children lost parents 9 homeless 2)单元佳句
electricity hard After: 5 people killed or 2 2 quake 3 army came hopeless hopeful 6 cracks cut across ①In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. The suffering of the people was extreme. Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.
②Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. All of the city's hospitals,75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.
③Water,food, and electricity were hard to get.
④All hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
⑤Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.
就上述话题,我从网络上选摘了以下的一段BBC新闻素材,这篇素材应用了许多课文中的生词,学生在学完课文后,所学的生词马上就有用武之地,在阅读这篇素材的同时,有力地加深了学生对有关地震词汇的理解及掌握。 BBC News with Neil Nunes.
A powerful earthquake in China is feared to have killed thousands of people in the southwestern province of Sichuan. The official news agency Xihua says nearly ten thousand people may have died, with many more buried and injured. In one county, most of the buildings are reported to have collapsed. Michael Bristow sent this report from western China.
“This is the biggest earthquake to hit China in more than 30 years. Thousands are already confirmed dead. Chinese state media are reporting that 900 middle school children were buried when their school co1lapsed.At least 50 are known to have died.80% of the buildings in one county alone have collapsed, and up to 5,000 people there are feared dead. The earthquake struck just before 2:30 this afternoon. The epicenter was in the mountainous Wenchuan county in Sichuan province.”
就上述话题,笔者给学生印发了以下这篇写于2012年关于玉树地震的文章。 In that earthquake two years ago, thousands of people died, and entire neighbourhoods were destroyed. It was a tragedy that brought the whole country into mourning.
The devastated earthquake took 27-hundred lives, with another 270 others still listed as missing. The entire town of Gyegu was flattened, leaving thousands homeless. All the area’s schools were destroyed, leaving 3 thousand students to study in makeshift classrooms.
Overcoming the tragedy of losing loved ones was a hard task, but these students
were eager to get back to studying. For survivors who lost everything, hope is all they have.
President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao urged all-out efforts to help rescue those left buried under the rubble.
Some 3,700 personnel from the Qinghai division of the People’s Armed Police were sent to the region to aid in rescue efforts. Soldiers worked around the clock to pull people out from the debris.
Some 47 relic sites and buildings in Yushu were damaged by the earthquake, including local temples, monasteries, and multiple dagobas. Soldiers were also helping protect the site of these ruins.
假设你是一名记者,请根据以下提示,写一篇有关日本地震的当日新闻报道。 时间 地点 严重性 受灾情况 2011年3月11日14时46分 日本东北部 日本历史上最具破坏力的一次灾难 1.伤亡人数:15,843人死亡 3,469失踪; 2.许多人被困;地铁无法运行,使数千人无法回家; 3.引发约10米高的海啸冲走许多房子,使当地居民无家可归; 4.引发数起火灾和核电站爆炸。 灾区人们的反应 虽处于震惊、痛苦中,但社会秩序稳定。 注意:1.词数:100-120
2.生词提示:海啸tsunami 核电站nuclear power station 三、结束语
阅读课中的词汇教学应坚持以阅读材料为载体,以语篇为依托,使词汇学习和运用自然而然地渗透于文本解读的过程中,延长词汇记忆的时间。同时利用教材话题或贴近学生生活实际的话题拓展词汇的再现和提升,有计划地配以听、说、读、写等语篇练习,以发展学生口头上和书面上初步运用英语进行交际的能力。如何以多样化的形式进行语篇教学,真正地把理论融入自己的教学实践中,来达到完美的教学效果,这还需我们一线教师长期思考探索的问题,身体力行的实践过程。 参考文献:
1.Bright, J. A. & McGregor, G.P.(1970)Teaching English as a Second Language. London: Longman
2.费尔迪南·德·索绪尔著.高名凯译.1980.普通语言学教程【M】.北京:商务印书馆. 3.沈琴芳.2011.基于语篇的高三英语词汇复习策略探讨[J】.中小学外语教学,(9):32-I37