

英语美文:Keep Your Dream(守住你的梦想)

Bill was a middle school teacher in Utah, USA. Once, he assigned homework to the students, required them to write a composition about their own future ideal.


A boy named Robert spent half a night writing seven pages to describe his dream in detail, which told that one day he would have a ranch while he drew a ranch sketch map covering an area of 200 acres with the stable, runway and plantation, as well as the building and indoor plane design.


The next day he excitedly handed in his assignment to his teacher. However, when the homework was returned, the teacher ticked a great \"F\" on the top right corner of the first page, and let Robert see him. After class, Robert went to see the teacher. \"Why did I only get F?”


The teacher looked up and down the boy, saying earnestly, \"Robert, I admit your assignment was done very seriously, but your mind is too far away from the real world, too impractical. You know your father is just a horse trainer, even without the fixed house or capital at all and often moving while a ranch has to need a lot of money. Can you have so much money?\" The teacher finally said, if Robert was willing to do the homework again to determine a realistic goal, he could give him a new score.


Robert took back his homework and went to ask his father. His father stroked his son's head and said, \"My son, you should make your own decision. However, you have to be cautious, because this decision is very important to you!\"


Robert kept this homework all the time, the \"F\" still very big and very fulsome, but it was the very assignment that encouraged Robert to continuously surpass the journey of carving out, and many years later

Robert finally achieved his dream.

罗伯特一直保存着那份作业,那份作业上的“F\"。 依然很大很刺眼,但正是这份作业鼓励着他一步一个不断超越创业的征程,多年后罗伯特终于如愿以地实现了自己的梦想。

When Bill led his 30 students to step into this ranch covering an area of more than 200 acres, he shed tears of repentance. \"Robert, now I realize that at that time when I was a teacher, like a dream-thief, who had stolen many children's dreams, but your tenacity and bravery keep you never giving up your own dream!\"


Keep your dream, brave to go on with it and you reach the other side of success in advance.

守住自己的梦,勇敢地走下去,你就会比别人提前到达成功的彼岸。 你现在多大?你还有梦想吗?还能记起当时的梦想吗?别说梦想,当时说过要学的东西都学了吗?曾经答应自己的事情都做到了吗?世界那么大,你还在想着去走走,而不是行动起来吗?别想了,行动起来吧!英语是打开世界的钥匙,找到专门针对零基础的洛基英语学习平台,给自己一个打开世界的可能。生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。
