


英文,My best English composition in the first year of junior high school.

In my opinion, my best English composition in the first year of junior high school is about my summer vacation. I wrote about how I spent my summer vacation, the places I visited, the activities I did, and the people I met. I also described my feelings and emotions during the vacation. I used a lot of descriptive language and vivid details to paint a clear picture of my experiences.

I vividly remember the time when I went to the beach with my family. The sun was shining, the waves were crashing, and the sand was warm beneath my feet. I could hear the seagulls squawking and the laughter of children playing in the distance. It was a perfect day, and I tried to capture the beauty of that moment in my composition.

I also talked about the time when I went camping with

my friends. We hiked through the forest, roasted

marshmallows over a campfire, and told ghost stories late into the night. It was a fun and exciting adventure, and I wanted to convey the sense of camaraderie and joy in my writing.



