专利名称:System and method for measuring and
quantizing document quality
发明人:Steven J. Harrington,Jose Fernando
Naveda,Rhys Price Jones,Nathan Sarr,NishantAtul Thakkar,Paul G. Roetling
摘要:Text, images, and/or graphics of electronic documents should be organized and
laid out in a two-dimensional format for presentation to the viewer. The best such layoutdepends upon the content present, the creator's intent, the output device, and theviewer's interests. To analyze the qualitative nature of the layout in quantifiable terms,the electronic document is measure using various quantifiable factors; such as, balance,uniformity, white space management, alignment, consistency, legibility, etc.; that impact aqualitative nature of a document. Such quantifiable factors are then used to quantize theaesthetics, ease of use, eye-catching ability, interest, communicability, comfort, andconvenience of the document.
申请人:Steven J. Harrington,Jose Fernando Naveda,Rhys Price Jones,NathanSarr,Nishant Atul Thakkar,Paul G. Roetling
地址:Webster NY US,West Henrietta NY US,Rochester NY US,Rochester NYUS,Rochester MN US,Grand Island NY US
代理机构:Basch & Nickerson LLP
代理人:Michael J. Nickerson