专利名称:Circuit arrangement for frequency-changing
for a television receiver
发明人:MAIER, GERHARD,FISCHER, BERTRAM申请号:EP85111446.2申请日:19850910公开号:EP0176824A1公开日:19860409
摘要:1. Circuit arrangement for converting an input frequency transmitted to atelevision receiver and not lying in the range of reception of the receiver into a frequencylying in its frequency range of reception, with the help of an oscillator stage and a mixer
stage (16), and a band filter arranged before the mixer stage, characterised in that theoscillator (17) of the frequency converter (5) is fixedly set at such a frequency lying belowthe range of reception that the mixing product is in the UHF frequency range at theoutput of the mixer stage (16) in such a manner that with the fixedly set oscillatorfrequency of the frequency converter (5), the tuning of the band filter (15) is controlledby the tuning voltage of the television receiver tuner (4) tuned to the converted
frequency of reception synchronously with the band filters in the television receiver tuner(4).
地址:Postfach 1307 78003 Villingen-Schwenningen DE