尊敬的合作伙伴: Dear Honored Partner:
感谢贵公司长久以来对我司质量,环保及SER(社会环境责任),信息安全,安保等体系活动的鼎力支持与协助﹗谨祝 贵公司事业繁荣昌盛﹗
Thanks for the long-standing great support and assistance with the Quality, HSPM, SER, ISMS and Security activities of Our company.
We wish the thriving and prosperous development of your company;
现我公司已对以下技术标准(或文件等数据)进行发行,并将此讯息通知贵公司,希望得到贵公司的大力支持;在此深 表感谢﹗
Now,our company has published the following technical standard and hereby inform this information to your company.We hope to receive
your fully support on this.Thank you very much!
以下文件为最新版本,旧版文件自新版发行日期起自动作废,请贵公司配合销毁(电子文件请自行删除;如为本公司 发放之纸张档,请缴回至本公司业务窗口),恕不再另外通知﹗
Below is the latest version. The old version becomes invalid automatically when the new version was published.Please asisit with disposing the old file(For the electronic document,please delete it.If it's paper document issued and sent to you by our company, please sent back the old paper document to us through your exsisting contact with our company.Please be informed that no further notice will be released﹗.)
自合作伙伴接收并回签此表格,代表合作伙伴均收到,并熟悉了解我司的最新要求,并对此无异议,将依照最新标准 要求执行;
After partner reveived and signed back this form, it means the partner has already received and
understood the latest requirements from Our company, and have no objections. Honored partner should implement according to the latest version.
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公司名称(印章): Company Name: 签收人: Signee: 联络方式: Contact: 签收日期: