
Method and apparatus for controlling flow about a

2023-11-01 来源:独旅网

专利名称:Method and apparatus for controlling flow

about a turret

发明人:Alan Z. Ullman申请号:US12842534申请日:20100723公开号:US08870122B2公开日:20141028


摘要:Methods and apparatus are provided to control flow separation of an ambientflow along a surface and about a turret, such as by reducing flow separation aft of theturret. By reducing flow separation, the resulting turbulence may be similarly reduced

such that the performance of a system, such as a laser system, housed by the turret maybe improved. To reduce flow separation, a motive flow may be provided by ejectornozzles that open through the surface and are positioned proximate to and aft of theturret relative to the ambient flow. The motive flow has a greater velocity than theambient flow to thereby create a region aft of the turret of reduced pressure relative toan ambient pressure. Within this region of reduced pressure aft of the turret, a portion ofthe ambient flow mixes with the motive flow, thereby reducing or eliminating flowseparation.

申请人:Alan Z. Ullman

地址:Northridge CA US


代理机构:Alston & Bird LLP

