专利名称:Method and system for misfire detection发明人:Marvin Lynch,Ningsheng Qiao,Jack
Szpytman,Louis Liu,Richard Gilbert,AlanChewter
摘要:A method for determining a misfire condition includes receiving crankshaftacceleration data. The method further includes routing the received data through at
least one of a plurality of processing paths and through a startup path and determining acrankshaft revolution count. The method further includes comparing the determinedcrankshaft accelerations over the determined revolution count to at least one thresholdcrankshaft acceleration value over the determined revolution count and determining amisfire condition from one of the startup path and the processing path based on thecomparison.
申请人:Marvin Lynch,Ningsheng Qiao,Jack Szpytman,Louis Liu,Richard Gilbert,AlanChewter
地址:Detroit MI US,Troy MI US,Dearborn MI US,Bloomfield Hills MI US,Livonia MIUS,Ypsilanti MI US