发明人:HOLLEY, John, M., Jr.申请号:EP01920123.5申请日:20010220公开号:EP1204565A2公开日:20020515
摘要:A carton has top and bottom walls that are interconnected by a pair ofopposed side walls to form a tubular structure. An end closure structure is provided ateach end of the tubular structure to at least partially close that end. One or each of theend closure structures includes a bottom end flap, a pair of side end flaps and a pair ofweb panels. The bottom end flap is foldably joined to the bottom wall and extendsupwardly. The side end flaps are foldably joined respectively to the side walls and extendto each other to traverse the respective end of the tubular structure and to cover atleast part of the bottom end flap. Each web panel foldably interconnects the bottom endflap and the respective side end flap and is disposed in a face-contacting relationship withthe inside surface of the respective side end flap. A pair of first tear lines are formedrespectively in the side end flaps. Each first tear line extends between the adjacent sidewall and the adjacent web panel. A pair of second tear lines are also formed respectivelyin the side end flaps. The second tear lines emanate respectively from the first tear linesand extend to each other to form a single continuous line disposed above the first tearlines.
地址:Courthouse Plaza NE DaytonOhio 45463 US
代理机构:Hepworth, John Malcolm