
Resin compositions


专利名称:Resin compositions

发明人:Nakayama, Takeo,Inoue, Saburo,Sakamoto,



摘要:A resin composition, which comprises (a) a copolymer containing isocyanategroup prepared by subjecting a compound represented by the general formula whereinR₁ stands for hydrogen or methyl group and an ethylenic unsaturated monomer tocopolymerization, and (b) a copolymer containing amino group prepared by subjecting acompound represented by the general formula wherein R₂ stands for hydrogen ormethyl group and an ethylenic unsaturated monomer to copolymerization, has a pot lifeof such an extent as for permitting them to be used as spray-coating, and the resultingfilm is excellent in flexibility, chemical resistance, water resistance and corrosionresistance, and, besides, rapid in curability, thus being useful as cold-drying coatings onmetals, plastics, woods, inorgainc materials, etc. and also as adhesives, etc. The resincomposition is very good in compatibility, thus being useful in such a field as requiredhigh gloss and beautiful finish. Further, the amino group containing copolymer is ofrelatively high molecular weight, thus being of less toxicity, and, besides, substantiallyodorless, and, therefore, it causes no injurious problems to health and safety.

申请人:Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd.

地址:1-1, Doshomachi 4-chome Chuo-ku, Osaka JP


代理机构:von Kreisler, Alek, Dipl.-Chem.

