
Array fabrication

2021-04-11 来源:独旅网

专利名称:Array fabrication发明人:Webb, Peter G.申请号:EP01306574.3申请日:20010731公开号:EP1179364A3公开日:20030212


摘要:A method, apparatus, and computer program, for fabricating multiple arraysarranged successively in a first direction on a substrate and each having multiple featuresets arranged successively in the first direction within the array. The method uses a headsystem having multiple successive sets of dispensers. In the method, the head system is

advanced in the first direction over the substrate while dispensing drop sets for eacharray from dispenser sets so as to form the arrays. In one aspect, drop sets are

dispensed in an order the reverse of that from which the dispenser sets pass over a givenlocation on the substrate as the head system advances in the first direction. In this case,each dispenser set deposits a drop set at a distance ahead of a drop set deposited by apreceding dispenser set which is less than the distance to the successive drop dispenserset which deposits the next drop set,

申请人:Agilent Technologies, Inc. (a Delaware corporation)

地址:395 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 US


代理机构:Tollett, Ian

