


Determination of money materialsBasic elements of a monetary system Determination of monetary unitsTypes of money in circulation货币单位的确定币材的确定 Capacity of money for payment流通中的货币种类Regulation of coinage and issue of money货币的支付能力 造和发行的规定货币的铸 Provision of reserve system of currency issuance


The development of system of monetary system 主币(无限偿还))

The silver standard( The bimetallic standard(银本位The gold standard(复本位) Inconvertible credit money standard(金本位)

) 币制度不兑现的信用货Ⅰ)

The standard money was minted with silver The silver standard(16th century)

Silver coins had unlimited power of legal tender Silver coins could be minted freely

Silver coins exported and imported freely ⅡBoth gold and silver were recognized by law as The bimetallic standard(16-18th century) monetary metal

Both gold and silver coins were in circulation Gold as well as silver had unlimited power of legal tender

Gold as well as silver could be minted freely The two monetary metals were interchangeable

ⅢThe gold Specie /coin standard.The gold standard(1813-1914)

The gold bullion standardThe gold exchange standard((金块本位制)(金币本位制) The gold Specie /coin standard 金汇兑本位制 ) Gold coins circulated freely Gold coins had unlimited power of legal tender

Gold coins could be minted freely

Gold and gold coins could be imported or exported freely

Banknotes could be converted into gold or gold coins freely

The gold bullion standard




用金时,可按规定的限制数量用纸币向央行兑国际支付或工业换金块(如英国在400The gold exchange standard 盎司,约值17001925英镑)年规定一次至少兑换。 (国家无需规定货币的含金量,市场上不再流通金汇兑本位制)




不兑现的信用货币,一般是由中央银行发行. Inconvertible credit money standard

的,并由国家法律赋予无限清偿的能力。货币不与任何金属保持等价关系,也不能兑换 黄金,货币发行一般不以金银为保证,也不受金银的数量控制。货币是通过信用程序投入流通领域,货币流通




Credit lending with the feature of repayment of refers to the behavior of borrowing and

the principals plus interests and is a

special form of movement of value.本金和利息为特征的一种资金的运动的特殊以偿还

形式。How to understand it?(Nature of credit)

Credit is the behavior of borrowing and lending with the condition of repayment

of principals with interests.

The relationship of credit is that between creditors and debtors.关系体现一种债权债务Credit is a special form of movement of

value.Feature of Credit价值运动的一种特殊形式。➢

➢ ➢ Temporization Repayment Profitability Forms of Credit

➢ Risk ➢➢ ➢ Commercial creditBanker’s credit(银行信用)(商业信用) ➢ Public creditConsumer’s credit(国家信用)

Commercial credit ➢ Private credit (消费信用) provided mutually between enterprises is the credit that is (民间信用) and is linked directly to good exchange. Banker’s credit granted by banks and other financial is the credit that is institutions

Advantages of banker’s creditTo overcome the limitations of commercial credit

Not only to provide credit but also to create credit public credit

all levels

provided by government at Function of public credit To compensate for budgetary deficit

赤字)弥补财政赤字。方法:(预算币To regulate economy and money supply2.增加税收3.发行国债(最好)1.发行货 控经济和货币供给。调 The credit that businesses, banks and other Consumer’s credit

financial for meeting consumers’ demand for institutions grant to consumers consumer goods Consumer’s loans Forms of consumers’ credit(消费品). Credit cards

To improve consumers’ present living Roles of consumer’s credit


To promote the production and sale of consumer goods

To facilitate the application of new

technologies,and the sale and renewal of new products

To adjust market supply and demand Private credit is the credit granted

Private credit

mutually between individuals in the form of money or goods

What are financial markets?Financial markets refer to the whole of the

places and activities of the financing and transactions of financial instruments. What are Inter-bank markets?

Inter-bank market is the market where the provisional financing with the maturity of one year or less is conducted between banks and other financial institutions Purposes of inter-bank borrowing To adjust positions调头寸To square

positions 平头寸

Ⅱ利率的期限结构.term Structure of Interest Rates

Yield CurveA plot of the interest rates for particular (收益率曲线)

types of bonds with different terms to maturity

期限不同的某类债券的利率曲线Three important empirical facts Interest rates on bonds of different maturities move together over time

不同到期期限的债券的利率随时间一起波动When short-term interest rates are

low,yield curves are more likely to have an upward slope, and vice versa


Yield curves almost always slope upward 收益率曲线几乎总是向上倾斜的Three Theories of Term Structure

1.Expectations Theory2. Segmented Markets Theory(预期理论) 市场理论)

(分割 3. Liquidity Premium (Preferred

Habitat) Theory先)理论

流动性溢价(期限优Expectations Theory 预期理论The proposition(

The interest rate on a long-term 命题)

bond will equal an average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the 长期债券的利率等于在其有效期内人life of the long-term bond.

Key Assumption(们所预期的短期利率的平均值Buyers of bonds do not prefer bonds 关键假设)

债券投资者对于不同到期期限的债券没of one maturity over another


Bonds of different maturities are 不同期限的债券是完全替代品perfect substitutes

Certainty 确定性分割市场理论

The proposition( The theory sees Markets for 命题) different-maturity bonds as segmented.The interest rate for each completely separate and

bond with a different maturity is then determined by the supply of and demand for that bond with no effects from expected returns on other bonds with other maturity.


Bonds of different maturities are not Key Assumption(关键假设)

substitutes at all根本无法相互替代不同到期期限的债权

ImplicationMarkets are completely segmented: (启示)

interest rate at each maturity 市场是完全分割的,determined separately 各种期限的债券利Differing yield curve patterns are


account for by supply and demand differences associated with bonds 收益率曲线的不同形态可以用不同到of different maturities.

Application 期期限的债权的供求因素解释-----

usually upward sloping

Explains Fact 3 that yield curve is People typically prefer short holding periods and thus have higher

demand for short-term bonds, which have higher price and lower interest Does not explain Fact 1 or Fact 2 rates than long bonds

because assumes long and short Liquidity Premium (Preferred rates determined independently Habitat) Theories

流动性溢价(期限优先)理论 The proposition( The interest rate on a long-term bond 命题)

will equal an average of short-term interest rates expected to occur over the life of the long-term bond plus a positive term (liquidity) 债券长期利率等于该债券到期之前所premium.

有短期利率预期的平均值加上正的Key Assumption

期限(流动性)溢价 Bonds of different maturities are substitutes, but are not perfect 不同到期期限的债权是可以相互代替substitutes

Inflation risk 的,但并非是完全替代品 Interest-rate risk

Liquidity Premium (Preferred Habitat) Theories

Investors prefer short rather than long bonds (term) premium,  must be paid positive liquidity bonds lnt, to hold long-term Example

1.One-year interest rate over the next five years:

5%, 6%, 7%, 8% and 9%

2.Investors’ preferences for holding short-term bonds, liquidity for one to five-year bonds:

premiums 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0%. Interest rate on the two-year bond: Interest rate on the five-year bond:

(5% + 6%)/2 + 0.25% = 5.75% (5% + 6% + 7% + 8% + 9%)/5 + 1.0% = 8% Interest rates on one to five-year bonds: Comparing with those for the

5%, 5.75%, 6.5%, 7.25% and 8%. expectations theory, liquidity premium (preferred habitat) theories produce yield curves more steeply upward sloped

Liquidity Premium (Preferred Habitat) Theories: Term Structure Facts Explains all 3 Facts

Explains Fact 3 of usual upward sloped yield curve by investors’ preferences for short-term bonds

Explains Fact 1 and Fact 2 using same explanations as expectations hypothesis because it has average of future short rates as determinant of long rate

Functions of a central bank

Issuing bank 发行货币制定货币政策

Banker’s bank通过存款准备金制度积累存款,以保证商业银行清偿力,同时推行货币政策调节货币供给


government’s bank国库代理人,经营国库;为政府融通资金,提供特定信贷支持;代理国内外金融事务;为政府提供金融预测和决策建议向公众发布经济金融信息

存款货币创造的制约因素 现金漏损(h) 超额准备(e)

活期存款转为定期存款(t/) 基础货币与货币乘数

基础货币(Base currency) 货币乘数(money multiplier) 基础货币(Base currency)

也称货币基数(Monetary Base)、强力货币、始初货币,因其具有使货币供应总量成倍放大或收缩的能力,又被称为高能货币(High-powered Money),它是中央银行发行的债务凭证。

表现为商业银行的存款准备金(R)和公众持有的通货(C)。 B=R+C

货币乘数(money multiplier)


式中的m 代表货币乘数,△MB,代表基础货币的改变量,△MS 代表货币供给量的改变量。 货币乘数的确定



乘数两个因素。 货币乘数的大小取决于

现金比率(c) 定期存款比率(t) 超额准备金比率(e)

活期存款法定准备率(rd) 定期存款法定准备率(rt) 现金比率(c)


率。c值大小,主要取决于社会公众的资产偏好。一般来讲,影响c 值的因素有: 公众可支配的收入水平的高低。可支配收入越高,需要持有现金越多;反之,需持有现金越少。

公众对通货膨胀的预期心理。预期通货膨胀率高,c值就高;反之,c 值则低。 社会支付习惯、银行业信用工具的发达程

度、社会及政治的稳定性、利率水平等都影响到c 值的变化。 在其他条件不变的情况下,c值越大,货币乘数越小;反之,货币乘数越大。


e 值的大小完全取决于商业银行自身的经营决





一般来说,e 值越大,货币乘数越小;反之e 值越小,货币乘数越大。


rd 和rt 的大小是由中央银行直接决定的。若

rd、rt 值大,货币乘数就小;反之,若rd、rt 值小,货币乘数则大。
