
【51Talk-常用英语口语】 谈论电影


常用英语口语 谈论电影

1.What's on this week? 这个星期正上演什么电影?

2.When does the movie start? 电影几点开始?

3.Would you like to go to the movie with me? 你愿意跟我一起去看电影吗?

4.What's the movie about? 电影讲了什么故事?

5.What kind of movie is it? 这是一部什么样的电影?

6.The leading actor and actress are both very famous. 男女主角都很有名。

7.Have you got any seats? 还有座位吗?

8.How much is that, please? 票价多少钱?

9.The story was too sentimental! 这个故事太令人伤感了。

10.What did you think of the film? 电影怎么样?

11.How is the music in the movie? 电影中的音乐怎么样?

12.Which part do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个片段?

13.Who's the director of the movie? 谁是这部电影的导演?

14.Can you watch the movie without reading the Chinese subtitles? 你看电影时能不看中文字幕吗?

15.Are you going to the movie premiere? 你要去电影首映会吗?

16.Chinese directors are highly respected at major international movie festivals. 中国导演在一些主要的国际影展中备受尊敬

17.I'm a big fan of western movies. 我非常喜欢美国西部电影

18.Have you seen the new James Bond movie in the movie theater? 电影院正在上映新的007电影,你看过了吗?

19.What kind of movie is it? 是哪类电影?

20.It's a feature/ comedy/romance/sci-fi / action/film. 故事片/喜剧片/爱情片/科幻片/功夫片。

21.I've no interest in such films. 我对这类电影没兴趣。

22.The acting of the movie is excellent. Apart from the plot, the acting, music and scenery are very good. 电影的演技好极了。除了情节空泛一点,演技、音乐和布景都很不错。

23.I'm sorry for hero. I don’t think there's any excuse for his acting in some parts.我对男主角有点遗憾,不知道怎么搞的,有的地方演得不好。

24.Do you remember that the critic thought that it was one of the best films of the last ten years? 你记得评论家们说这是近十年来最好的电影之一吗?

25.They felt it would be a candidate for some film awards at the end of the year. 他们觉得这部电影年底会拿一些电影奖。

26.If I were one of the judges, I d pick it as the best film of the year. I haven t seen such a marvelous plot and such superb acting in a long time! 如果我是评委之一, 我会把它选为今年最好的电影。我很久都没看过这么难以相信的场景和华丽的动作了。

27.Don't be too critical. We can't expect it to be perfect.


28.Whose part do you think is best played? 你认为哪个角色演得最好?

29.You're absolutely right! That's the very figure I like best. 太对了!我喜欢的也正是这个人物。

30.Some of the scenes moved me into tears.有些场景感动得我流了泪。

31.Did you enjoy the movie? 你喜欢这部电影吗?

32.Oh, it's really a drag. 哎呀,太单调乏味了。

33.What a pity. I think it's better than the European strategy. 真遗憾。我觉得比《欧洲攻略》还要好。

34.However, we should not get Oscar little gold man! 不过,应该得不到奥斯卡小金人啦!

35.Tell me why you saw the movie twice.讲一讲你为什么这部电影看了两次?

36.I think it's the most successful film in scene-setting and music. 我认为布景和音乐最为成功。

37.What do you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

38.Oh, it's just so-so.哎呀,一般吧。

39.What part of the movie do you like best? 你最喜欢电影的哪部分?

40.I really liked the car chase, and the opening credit sequence was very exciting. 我蛮喜欢它的飞车追逐,而且开头的演员阵容表也很棒。
