年资 length of service
税后工资 Take-home Pay
考核 evaluation
考察 inspection
考绩 evaluation of employee
考绩表 employee evaluation form
自动离职 voluntary withdrawal; quit
自荐 self-appointment
佣金 commission
余之经历如下 My experience is as follows...
呈请辞职 tender a resignation
吹毛求疵 carp; split hairs
休养许可;病假 sick leave
休息一下 take a rest; take a break
任期届满 expiration of the term of office
同工同酬 same work same pay
同事 colleague
同等学历 equivalent scholarship
名衔 title
在职 be incumbent
好差事 offices of profit
守职的 be dutiful
年俸 annual pension
年假 New-Year vacation
年终奖金 year-end bonus
出差费 traveling allowance [for official trip]
出国考察 investigation trip abroad
加五成的加班津贴 time and a half
加班 work overtime
加班费 overtime pay
加衔 brevet; nominal rank
加薪 salary raise
功绩 achievement
召见 give audience to
外出许可 leave out
外快 windfall
失业的 be unemployed; be jobless
失职 neglect one's duty
打卡 punch the clock
打卡钟 time recorder
打消辞意 withdraw a resignation
正式就职 installation of office
正规职业妇女 career woman
永不录用 dishonorable discharge
生产津贴 maternity benefit
工作环境 working conditions
工作证 employee's card
工资 wages
不告而退;不告而出 take French leave
不受薪 non-salaried
不准兼职not permitted to hold concurrent posts
休息日[不当班的日子] day of
不摆架子 be unassuming
中饱私囊 line one's pocket; be on the take
互调 inter-office rotation
内定 unofficial decision
公司法规 by-law; bylaw
公共关系 public relations
公事 official business
公差 official trip
公务 public affairs
公职 public servant
分娩假 maternity leave
升级考试 promotion examination
日班 day shift
人事制度 personnel system
人事背景 personnel background
人事管理 personnel management
人浮于事的职业 overcrowded profession
八小时工作制 eight-hour shift
下午班 afternoon session
下班;收工 leave the office
下级人员 lower level employees
上午班 morning session
上司 higher-up上班;
上工 go to the office
口试 oral examination
大功 grand merit
大夜班 night shift
小夜班 evening shift
工作分类 job classification
工作日 work day
工作时间 work hour
工作时间记录卡 time card
工作时间记录簿 time book
役历表 statement of service
改派 reassignment
改组 reshuffle
改编 reorganization
每日八小时分三班轮流工作 work in three shifts of eight hours
求职者 job hunter; job seeker
求职信 application letter
决定权 power of decision
防止舞弊 prevention of fraud
事务 office work
使命 mission
例行公事 routine work
例假;事假 causal leave
到差 take office
受训 get training; receive training
受贿者 bribee
奉公守法 be law-abiding
委任状 appointment; commission
官架子 panjandrum
官场 officialdom
背景资料文件表 dossier
计时工作 timed work
休假 furlough
军官 commissioned officer
降级 demotion
面试;面谈 interview
候补 expectant to fill a vacancy
候补额 candidacy
兼任 additional post
兼职 concurrent post
准假停薪 unpaid leave
员额 strength of staff; number of stall
家族津贴 family allowance
悔过书 statement of repentance
拿干薪 sinecure
晋升 promotion
晋级 advancement
核心时间 core time
留待复核;容再考虑 ad referendum
留职停薪 retain job and forfeit salary
能力 ability
记功 merit
记过 demerit
退休 retirement
退休金 retirement pay
退休证 retirement certificate
高级人员 senior staff
停工[雇主为抵制工人要求而休业] lock-out
停职通知 termination notice
假公济私 jobbery
密告者[美俚] [America slang] squealer
强迫离职 forced withdrawal; [slang] get the boot
接收 take over an office
挂名的;挂名者 titular
推荐书 recommendation letter
排挤后取而代之 supplantation
教育程度 degree of education
现有人员 assigned personnel
移交 relegation
移交典礼 taking-over ceremony
终身俸 remuneration for life
终身养老金 life annuity
终身职 life employment; life position
贪污 graft; corruption
逗留国外 linger abroad
连升三级 advance three ranks
部属 subordinate
最高当局 higher authorities
喝咖啡休息时间 coffee break; coffee time
单一薪给制 unified salary system
单调的工作 treadmill
就任辞;就任演说 inaugural address
就职典礼 inauguration ceremony
提拔 be elevated
散工 odd job
普通职员 clerk
发薪日 payday
盗用公款 embezzle
肃清贪污 purge of corruption
着令免职 resignation under instruction
裁员 discharge
裁撤 abolish
阶级 rank
集体交涉 collective bargaining
传令嘉奖 citation
意见箱 suggestion box
新来人员 newcomer
溜出 sneak out
当局 authorities
当班 be on duty
聘书 agreement of employment
装病 malinger; fake illness
解散 dismiss
解雇 fire
试用 be on probation
试用人员 probational staff
资格证明书placement certificate of qualification
资深 senior
资历 seniority
贿赂 bribe; bribery
跨台 deprive of office; [slang] go down
过渡时期 transition
幕僚 staff
撤职查办 be dismissed then tried by court action
撤职留用be dismissed from position temporarily
福利 benefit; welfare
管理 management
罚薪 salary deduction
舞弊 fraud
遣散 release; release; discharge; discharge
遣散费 release pay; discharge pay
银弹攻势 money power
履历书 curriculum vitae
履职 resumption
摩擦 friction; clash
捞钱工作 [slang] lubrication job
抚恤金 consolation money
欧洲自由上下班制 flexible working time
奖金 bonus
奖品 trophy; prize
糊口 make a living
编并 consolidation
编制 organization
编制人员 organize personnel
编余人员 surplus personnel
罢工 go on strike
褒奖 commendation
请假中 be on leave
调动 transfer
卖官缺 barratry; sell an office
轮班;换班 shift; work shift
轮调 rotation
养老金 annuity
办公时间 office hours
选拔进级;选拔年资进级 promotion by seniority
迟到 be late
迟到者 latecomer
迟到簿 late book
录用;雇用 hire
应征 apply
检举 impeachment
检举贪污 report corruption
滥用职权 misuse one's powers; abuse one's authority
缩减 retrenchment
临时雇员;冗员 temporary personnel
临时养老金 contingent annuity
薪水袋 pay envelope
薪金 salary
薪金的追加 supplement
薪金视经历而定 salary commensurate with experience
丑闻 scandal
扩增 augmentation
摆架子 snobbery
渎职 misconduct
简历 resume
职位分类 position classification
职权 official power
离去 quit
双薪 double pay
旷职 be absent from the office
签到 sign in
签到簿 attendance book
签退 sign out
辞职 resignation
继任人员 successor
续假 extension of leave