



基于个人经验的教学设计(第一次基于同伴互助的教学设计(第二次备课) 备课) Module 1 Warm-up. 1. Sing a song. 唱一首双语歌《粉刷匠》。 1. Greeting. Step1 Warm up 2. Watch a video “It’s not fair.” and answer the question. “What’s the humor of the video?” Module 2 Main task. Task 1 在动画 视频创设的情景中,学习新单词。 Step 1 Watch the video again and answer the question. “What chores does Mrs. Brown have to do?” Cook, do the laundry, wash the dishes and clean up this living room. Guess the meaning of the phrases according to the pictures. Learn the word “chores, laundry”. Time: Clean-up Day. 2. Task. 布置本课要完成的任务,并划分小组,用小组之间PK的形式,对学生进行激励性评价。 Tasks: 1.Do a survey about the work you can do at school. 2. Group leader tells others what to do. Step2 Make a survey. What chores do you like to do? Step2 Activity 1 The housework in my family. What chores do you dislike to do? 1. Watch a video. 2. Look at the picture and say out what housework I do at home. 列举很多家务劳动的图片及相应的动词短语,让学生选出自己喜欢干的和不喜欢干的家务。 Step 3 Mrs. Brown is visiting her friend. There are many chores for Mr. Brown to do. Mrs. Brown has written them down. But some words is missing, can you help to find the missing words? Task 2 在peter和妈妈家中对话的 语境中进行听说, 进一步理解、运用新学词汇和句型。 1. Look at the picture, and answer these questions. 1. This room is very dirty. What chores do they need (需要) to do? Sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the dishes. PPT展示视频中出现的干家务的照片,学生一边看照片,一边回顾短语,在复习已学知识的同时,掌握本课的新内容。 2. Peter’s mother wants some help. What should she say? 3. New sentence pattern. Sweep the floor, Peter! Can you sweep the floor, Peter? 3. Which is the most polite(礼貌)? 答案应该选择C。 A. Sweep the floor, Peter! 扫地! B. Can you sweep the floor, Peter? 你能扫扫地吗? C. Could you please sweep the floor? 请你扫扫地好吗? 2. Learn the new sentence pattern. Could you please…? 请你……好吗? could 是can的过去式,在此句型中表达的含义是用来委婉地提出请求. —Could you please sweep the floor? —Yes, I can. /Yes, sure. /All right. /No problem.(肯定回答) 学生同桌两人根据老师提供的对话模式进行多组对话练习。练习的语境由学生根据老师干家务活的图片生成。 PPT展示老师在扫地的一张照片,请求学生的帮助, 引出礼貌请求的问句及肯定回答。 A: Can you sweep the floor? —Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a A: Could you please…? test. (否定回答) B: Yes, I can./Yes, sure./All right. 3. Pair work. 根据图片猜想Peter和Mom的对话。运用句型: —Could you please…? —Yes, I can. /Yes, sure. /All right. /No problem. —Sorry, I can’t. I have to.... Step2 While-listening PPT展示老师在叠衣服的一张照片,请求学生的帮助, 引出礼貌请求的问句及否定回答。 1. Listen to 1b and answer the question “Who cleans the living room, Mom or Peter?” 学生同桌两人再次根据老师提供的对话模式进行多组对话练习。练习的语境仍然由学生根据老师干家务活的图片生成。 教师让学生观察之前出现过的四个句子,里面分别含有can和could,学生小组讨论can和could的区别,总结规律。 Can you sweep the floor? Could you please sweep the floor with me? Can you fold the clothes? Could you please fold the clothes with me? 学生总结完规律以后,教师点拨。 1、can 表示能,会,could 是can的过去式。 2、在表示请求许可时,在语气上could 更加委婉客气。 Step 3 Activity 2 The housework in peter’s family. 1. Guess the relashionship between Peter and the other person. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Mom: Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming over at_______. Peter: Okay, but I need to do my ___________first. 2. Listen to the record and answer the questions. Mom: Yes, that’s right. After you finish your homework, let’s clean the kitchen. (2) What are they talking about? I can do the dishes and sweep They are talking about the housework. the floor. Could you take out the_______? (1) Who are talking in the conversation? Peter and his mom. Peter: Yes, sure. Mom: Good. And could you make your bed and fold your________? Peter: All right. 3. Listen again and check what kind of housework Peter and his mother do. Mom: And let’s see… I can clean 学生到讲台上,将Peter和Mom干的家务活图片分别贴到他们的头像下。再让另外的学生将相应的短语贴在图片的旁边。 the__________ Step3 Post-listening 1. Listen and repeat the conversation. 2. Read the conversation and do the role play. 4. Group work. 学生根据所听到的信息和已经学习的短语、句型,小组讨论编出Peter和Mom的对话,并到讲台前表演对话。 5. 呈现听力原文,让学生说出自己编的对话和听力原文的差别。 6. Listen and repeat. 听力原文: Mom: Peter, we need to clean the house. Your grandma is coming over at 7:00. Peter: Okay, but I need to do my homework first. Mom: Yes, that’s right. After you finish your homework, let’s clean the kitchen. I can do the dishes and sweep the floor. Could you take out the trashModule 3 Consolidation and Extension Peter: Yes, sure. Mom: Good. And could you make your bed and fold your clothes? Task 3彼特父母Peter: All right. 要去北京,他们想让彼特为他们做Mom: And let’s see… I can clean the living room. 一些事情,模拟当时的语境进行角Step 4 Activity 3 Clean-up Day at school. 色扮演, 巩固拓展本节课所学的单词,短语和句型。 do. The group leader keeps record. Step 1 Role play 1. Do a survey. Today is our Clean-up Day. Each group needs to finish a survey about the assignment in class. Group member asks each other what they would like t1. Make groups of four. Student A is Mom. B is Dad. C is Peter. D is the director(导演). 2. First write down the conversation, and then show the performance. 2. Presentation. Step 5 Summary. 1. 学生谈通过本课学习,收获到了什么。 2. 再唱一遍热身时唱的那首歌,体会劳动的快乐。 Step 6 Homework Finish a duty report about the assignment in your group and report it to class tomorrow. Step2 Homework 1.Help your parents do some chores at home. 2. Write a conversation between you and your parents about doing chores at home.
