专利名称:Device for unlocking tubular-type door lock
in conjunction with indoor handle
发明人:Eui Shik Kang申请号:US09366074申请日:19990802公开号:US06216500B1公开日:20010417
摘要:A device for unlocking a tubular-type door lock in conjunction with the indoorhandle is disclosed. A hollow shaft is fitted into the outdoor plate, while a hollow sleeveis axially received in the hollow shaft to be movable in opposite directions. The sleeve is
normally and rotatably positioned in the opening of the outdoor plate to be unlocked,but selectively engages with the locking slot of the outdoor plate to be locked. A ratchetunit, consisting of locking and unlocking ratchets, is received in the sleeve, thus beingoperable in conjunction with the indoor handle to selectively move the sleeve. The tworatchets, individually having a ratchet face, engage with each other at their ratchet facesto be relatively slidable on their slope surfaces in conjunction with the indoor handle,thus selectively and axially moving the sleeve from the locked to the unlocked position.
代理机构:Jacobson, Price, Holman & Stern, PLLC