专利名称:Visual Prosthesis
发明人:Robert J. Greenberg,Mark S. Humayun,Kelly
H. McClure,Matthew J. McMahon
摘要:A method to provide visual current feedback of a retinal stimulation system.The method comprising: providing a retinal stimulation system configured to stimulateneural tissue in a subject's eye, the retinal stimulation system comprising: an electronics
package; and at least a first and a second electrode, each associated with the electronicspackage and configured to apply current to a subject's retina; wherein current to beapplied by the first electrode and the second electrode is configured to be higher for thefirst electrode when the first electrode has an impedance lower than a second
electrode's impedance; and providing a visual interface configured to show impedance ofat least one of the electrodes.
申请人:Robert J. Greenberg,Mark S. Humayun,Kelly H. McClure,Matthew J. McMahon
地址:Los Angeles CA US,Glendale CA US,Simi Valley CA US,Los Angeles CA US