专利名称:Circuit arrangement for driving a high-pressure discharge lamp
发明人:Walter Bätz申请号:US10874214申请日:20040624公开号:US07019466B2公开日:20060328
摘要:A circuit arrangement has a first input terminal for a first voltage potential; asecond input terminal for a second voltage potential; a third input terminal for feeding astarting voltage; a first electrical connection, which provides at its first end a first output
terminal for a high-pressure discharge lamp, and which is coupled at its second end tothe first input terminal for the first voltage potential; a second electrical connection,which provides at its first end a second output terminal for a high-pressure dischargelamp, and which is coupled at its second end to the second input terminal for the secondvoltage potential; a first inductor arranged in the second electrical connection; and astarting device coupled on the input side at least to the third input terminal for feeding astarting voltage, and on the output side to one of the output terminals, and a secondinductor together with a first inductor.
申请人:Walter Bätz
地址:Sindelsdorf DE
代理人:Carlo S. Bessone