2012级中文三班 王雨朦
做事方式in a proper/appropriate/suitable/right way 遇到困难come across/meet/face difficulties
克服困难 overcome/conquer/defeat/get over difficulties/hardships 开阔视野 enlarge one’s sight=broaden one’s horizon
=expand one’s outlook=keep one’s eyes open
考虑 consider sth=take sth. into consideration
忽视 ignore=neglect=overlook=take no notice of , take sth. for granted 得到 achieve=gain=harvest=obtain; get access to sth.
坚持 stick to=insist on=persist on=keep on=do sth with perseverance 关注 focus on=pay attention to=concentrate on=be mindful to
身边的 just in hand=around the corner=attainable and accomplishable 遥不可及的out of one’s reach=beyond reach= beyond one’s grasp 被困住be stuck in = be trapped into=be locked in /up=be caught in 无济于事 all the efforts are in vain, gain nothing, It is impossible to do 抓住机遇 grasp the chance=seize the opportunity 逃避flee from =ran away=escape from
一个不惜一切代价应该追求的目标:a goal pursued at all costs
许多,大量 a huge amount of, a large quantity of , a great many, a host of , a multitude of , endless amounts of , considerable
因为,由于 because of , owing to, due to, in views of , as a result of, in that, on account of , account for
努力投入 make every effort to do sth., spare no effort to do sth., struggle to do, devote oneself to doing, be committed to doing , sb. engage in doing/sth., get involved in doing sth, try one’s best to do, work hard at sth., pour into ,
重要的be of great significance ,important , vital, crucial, critical (significance=importance, insignificance=unimportant) 但是significant 多为“显著的”如:显著的变化
决定 decide to do, make up one’s mind to do , resolve to do , set up one’s mind to do, set one’s mind on
优秀的,极好的 marvelous, excellent, outstanding ,remarkable, singular
brilliant, perfect, wonderful, phenomenal, extraordinary,striking, superb, magnificent,tremendous, immense
壮观的 grand, splendid , spectacular,(近义: fascinating, attractive, charming, magnetic )
苛刻的 particular, fastidious, be hard at, be strict with 易受骗的 credulous, (=easily cheated/deceived/taken in)
偶遇 come upon, meet unexpectedly, come across, run into, bump into, encounter
参加 take part in , participate in , be involved in 期待 expect, anticipate, look forward to, wait for
(名词:expectation, anticipation)
足够的 enough, adequate,(充足的sufficient) 包括 conclude, contain, embody, embrace,involve,comprise,encompass 能力ability, capability, faculty, competence 方式,方法 means,way ,method, device, 一定 definitely, certainly, absolutely 明显的 obvious, apparent, clearly 通常 generally, normally, usually
壮观的 dramatic, extraordinary, spectacular, splendid, glorious, grand, magnificent, majestic
竞赛 contest, competition, rivalry 障碍 barrier, barricade, obstacle 看法 idea, opinion, perception, 调查 probe , investigate, look into
处理 deal with, cope with, reckon with, tackle ,take care of 合适的 proper, suitable, appropriate 珍贵的 valuable , precious, worthy 愤怒,厌恶 dislike, hate, resent, 注意 see, notice, observe
跟着 follow, go with, accompany
传统,习俗 custom, convention, tradition, 任务 assignment, task, mission 疲倦的 tired, fatigue, exhausted, 额外的 added, extra, additional
计划,安排 arrange, plan, organize, 缺乏 lack sth. , be lack of, be short of, 导致 lead to , cause, result in
严重的 severe, serious, grave, massive 大约 about, approximately, roughly, nearly 忍受 tolerate, stand, bear, put up with 可怜的 poor, pitiful, pathetic
促进消费 the promotion of consumption 最终 finally, eventually, ultimately
歧视 look down upon, unfair, despise, discriminate (名词:unfairness, discrimination, bias) 不自在 uneasy, uncomfortable, nervous, ill at ease 利用 make use of, take advantage of , exploit,
除此之外 moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, what’s more 沮丧, 伤心 distressed, depressed, upset, sad 经历 experience, go through, undergo 而不是 rather than do, instead of doing 经常 often, constantly, frequently 定于…时做… be scheduled to do
一点也不… not at all, not …in the least 在… 之内 within …(一般加时间) 只有… only, nothing but, nothing except 结果是 turn out to be+ n./adj. 结果… turn out +n.
话语 words, comments, remarks 一堆 a stack of, a pile of 在…方面 in terms of 小机率 slim/light chance
对…作出解释 make some explanation 对…(没)有兴趣 have (no) interest in 关注 pay attention to , take notice of 出现 show up, turn up, show
拒绝 reject, refuse ,turn down,decline 帮助 help, aid, assistance
炫耀 boast of, show off, 取消 cancel , call off 推迟 put off, postpone 咒骂 swear at, curse ,rail 呼吁 call for, appeal to 鼓励 encourage, inspire, 设计 design, devise 挫折 frustration, setback, 强迫 force, compel,constrain
现在 at present, presently, for the time being 缓解 relieve, alleviate 降幅 fall, reduction 珍惜 value, cherish, 命运 fate, destiny,
概念 concept,notion
明智的 wisely, sensibly, sound
合理的 reasonable, rational, sound, sensible 应该 be suppose to
往往 tend to do , be likely to do 起源于 derive from , stem from
匆忙 be in a rush, be in a hurry, hasty, 说服 persuade,rope in ,(n. conviction , persuasion ) 有关的 pertinent,relevant
微小的 slim, slight (形容chance) 控制 control,harness,restrain 缺点 weakness, shortcoming, defect 清除 disposal, elimination, removal 认为 think , suppose, regard , reckon, 估计 estimate, evaluate, reckon
几乎 almost, practically, virtually, all but, 聚集 gather, bunch, gang, mass 大规模的 large scale, mass 让步 give in, surrender to 放弃 give up , surrender
刺激 spur , stimulate 激励 spur,motivate, 证据 evidence, proof
乏味的,沉闷的,枯燥的 tame, tedious, boring 赞同,支持 sympathetic to, in favor to , consent to
恢复 recover, refresh, regain, rally ,recuperate ,heal, convalesce, 意识到 Be mindful of =be conscious of
控告 accuse sb. of doing sth , confront sb. about/ with sth. 让XX意识到…的重要性 make sb. see sb’s importance 对…不在意 be indifferent to …
提高 enhance, improve, make sth stronger,strengthen 巩固 strengthen, consolidate, cement 困惑的 confusing , bewildering,
对XXX施加压力 pressure sb. , put the screw on … 总能,没有什么不能 always do…=never fails to do sth.
错过选拔 miss the cut for…, fail to be selected to do, eliminate 对…很敏感 have a strong feeling of, have a rather acute sense of , 对… 严肃对待 take …seriously, take …personally
把A当成B take A as B, treat A as B , consider A as B, regard A as B 把A投入到B上 pour A into B , invest A in B, spend A on B 值得… deserve+n., be worthy of+n. , be worth doing. 貌似… seem to be, appear to be (貌似的 seemingly) 对…熟悉 be familiar with, be acquainted with 对…现象做出解释 account for the fact that… 在…方面的增长 the increase in sth… 在…方面的提高 the improvement in… 与…不一致 disagree with, clash with, 做…的方式 way of doing…n
喜爱… be fond of ,be fascinate with, be crazy about, be passionate about 当XX在场时 in one’s presence=in the presence of sb.
对…予以足够重视 attach great importance to, give adequate attention 坚持… persist in doing, persist with sth, insist on doing ,
控告… accuse sb of doing, blame sb. for doing , criticize sb. for doing sth 涉嫌做… under the suspicion of doing
为…打好基础 set the stage for , make a good preparation for, lay a wonderful foundation for,
论证,指出,证明 demonstrate, clarify, illustrate, show, indicate 对…达成共识 reach a compromise with, reach an agreement with 抵制…的诱惑 resist the temptation of…
对…持有怀疑 harbor reservations about, have doubts about 有迹象表明 There is indication that…
XX 一做A事,就做B事 On doing sth.A , sb. did sth.B 据说 It is said that sb. have/has done,
Sb./sth. is said to have done (高端句)
XX能/会…多久了/自从… Sb. have/has been able to do…for+段时间
XX对…的看法是什么? How did sb. react to…? What is sb’s reaction to …?
在A与B之间发生冲突并不少见 It is not particularly uncommon for
clashes to occur between A and B.
倍数公式:数字+名词+倍数 as +a./ad.原级+动词+其他 将…的重点从A转移到B shift the focus of …from A to B 不管…Adj.+ otherwise= no matter whether sb./sth. is
这是XX 第几次 做… This /It is(was)the +序数词+time that sb.
have/has (had) done
没过多久,XX做… It was not long before sb. did sth.(过去的事情) 过不了多久,XX做… It won’t be long before sb. do/does(将来的事情) 我认为…是不可能的 I think it’s impossible to do… I don’t think it’s possible to do … I find it impossible to do… XX 的工作是… It is one’s job to do … 不幸的是… It is unfortunate that…
做A是期待… do sth. in the expectation that do sth. in the expecting/hoping that XX正要… 的时候,某事发生了
Sb./sth. was/were about to do…, when…+一般过去时的完整句 到了XX…的时候了(虚拟语气) It is time (that) sb. did sth
XX做了A一会儿,然后做了B(有明显先后关系) Having done sth. A, sb. did sth. B.