

IDEA 2011 Timeline & Fees 美国国际设计优秀奖期限及费用

The IDEA® (International Design Excellence Awards) program is the premier international competition honoring design excellence in products, ecodesign, interaction design, packaging, strategy, research and concepts. Entries are invited from designers, students and companies worldwide.


Winning entries receive coverage in hundreds of print and broadcast media networks around the world. IDSA has been honoring design excellence via the IDEA Awards since 1980. IDEA was formerly known as the Industrial Design Excellence Awards. The name changed in 2007 to emphasize the international reach and influence of the competition.



December 1, 2010 2010年12月1日

Jan 28, 2011, 11:59 PM PT

美国西部时间2011年1月28日23点59分 Feb 04, 2011, 11:59 PM PT

美国西部时间2011年2月4日23点59分 Week of March 07, 2011 2011年3月7日当周 TBD尚未决定

week of April 20, 2011 2011年4月20日当周 June 2011 2011年6月 September 17, 2011 2011年9月17日

Contest opens for entries 开始接受作品

Regular application deadline 常规申请期限 Late application deadline 晚申请期限* Finalist notification 进入决赛者通知 Final judging event 末轮评审活动 Winners notified 通知获奖者 Winners announced 公布获奖者

IDEA ceremony at the IDSA International Conference in New Orleans, LA



IDSA Member美国工业设计师协会会员 - $250美金/ per entry每递交之一款产品 Non-member非会员 - $350美金/ per entry每递交之一款产品

Student with ID持学生证件之学生 - $100美金/ per entry每递交之一款产品 Late fee迟交费用 - $150美金/per entry每迟交之一款产品

FINALISTS ONLY仅对进入决赛者: Hanging Fee for 2nd round of judging第二轮评审悬挂费: $250美金/ per entry每一款产品/ 学生$75美金 for Students

*Any edits to your entry between January 28, 2011 at 12:00 AM PT and February 04, 2011 at 11:59 PM PT will constitute a late entry and the extended deadline fee of $150 USD per entry must be paid by February 04, 2011 at 11:59 PM PT, or the entry will not be judged. Entries cannot

be submitted after February 04, 2011, 11:59 PM PT and will not be judged, returned or refunded. (Foreign late payments must be made with American Express, Visa or MasterCard or with a check or money order in US funds drawn on a US bank.) In the event of a dispute over timing of submission, the time used will be that time which is stamped on the digital submission in the

online entry software. Entry fees and late fees that are not paid for in full by the final deadline will be subject to immediate disqualification. ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

