专利名称:Process for the production of decorative
coatings on metals
发明人:Krysmann, Waldemar, Dr. rer. nat.,Kurze,
Peter, Dr. sc. nat.,Berger, Maria, Chem,-Ing.,Rabending, Klaus,
Dr.rer.nat.,Schreckenbach, Joachim, Dipl.-Chem.,Schwarz, Thomas, Dipl.-Ing.,Hartmann,Karl-Heinz, Dipl.-Ing.
摘要:the process for manufacturing the decorative ueberzuege on metals is mainlyused in the jewelry industry, the crafts and geraetebau. the inventive solution is matkonturentreue decorative layers with a homogeneous thickness of 3 microns to 30microns by an electrochemical reaction and plasmachemischen in pulsed in waessrigenelectrolytes in peaks of 250 v to 750 v, impulszeiten 20 microns s to 2 ms,impulsfrequenzen of 35 hz to 300 hz, impulsstroemen from 20 to 120
a,elektrolyttemperaturen between 318 k and 360 k and medium current densities of 0.1 acm to 1 a cm off.
申请人:AHC-Oberflächentechnik Friebe & Reininghaus GmbH
地址:Boelckestrasse 33-57 D-50171 Kerpen DE
代理机构:Kohlmann, Karl Friedrich, Dipl.-Ing.