2、Which is credited as the world's first home video game console? A、Arari VCS
B、Coleco Telstar
C、Fairchild Channel F D、Magnavox Odyssey Answer:D
3、Who won Wimbledon Men’s Singles Championship in 1977? A、John McEnroe B、Arthur Ashe C、Boris Becker D、Bjorn Borg Answer:D
4、The American video game crash occurred in which year? A、1977 B、1983 C、1985 D、1990 Answer:B
5、In C++, which is a proper identifier? A、_a_g_e_ B、double C、24age D、name#1 Answer:A
6、What is the most widely eaten fish in the world? A、Herring B、Catfish C、Trout D、Salmon Answer:A
7、How many points is a orange worth in the original Pac-Man game? A、100 B、500 C、1,000 D、5,000 Answer:B
8、Vitamin A is good for A、bone development. B、muscle development. C、vision. D、hearing. Answer:C
9、In the NES game Bucky O'Hare, where do you first rescue Jenny? A、Blue Planet
B、Green Planet C、Red Planet D、Yellow Planet Answer:A
10、Which NFL team was credited with being the first to put a team logo on their helmets in the 1940s? A、Eagles B、Rams C、Saints D、Patriots Answer:B
11、Which rock band's drummer lost an arm from a car accident? A、Def Leopard B、Foreigner C、Van Halen D、Winger Answer:A
12、During World War II, which country was not part of the Axis Powers? A、Germany B、Japan C、Poland D、Italy Answer:C
13、Which programming language is used to write operating systems? A、Java B、COBOL C、Assembly D、C
14、The Simpsons first appeared on The Tracey Ullman Show in what year? A、1987 B、1989 C、1990 D、1992 Answer:A
15、Crater Lake is located in which US state? A、California B、Oregon C、Washington D、Idaho Answer:B
16、How many games did Nintendo limit for third-party publishers to produce on the NES(Famicon) per year? A、3 B、5 C、25 D、100
17、In the Bible who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh? A、Joseph
B、Daniel C、David D、Samuel Answer:A
18、Which is the longest running show on Nickelodeon? A、Blue's Clues B、Doug C、Rugrats
D、Spongebob Squarepants Answer:D
19、What is the 5th planet from the sun? A、Uranus B、Saturn C、Mars D、Jupiter Answer:D
20、What color are the g's in the Google logo? A、Blue B、Green C、Red D、Yellow Answer:A
21、Who was the first country music artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album? A、Garth Brooks B、Kenny Chesney C、George Strait D、Randy Travis Answer:A
22、According to Boyle's Law, the pressure of a gas A、decreases as its volume decreases. B、increases as its volume increases. C、decreases as its volume increases. D、is independent of its volume. Answer:C
23、What was the 45th video to air on MTV? A、Heart of Glass B、Is It You
C、One Step Ahead D、Tusk Answer:B
24、Which period of pregnancy does lactation begin? A、Birth
B、1st trimester C、2nd trimester D、3rd trimester Answer:C
25、Who is the youngest man to win a heavyweight title belt? A、Mike Tyson
B、Evander Holyfield C、Floyd Patterson
D、Michael Spinks Answer:A
26、Who is known as the Father of Computer Science? A、Bill Gates
B、Bjarne Stroustrup C、Alan Turing D、Albert Einstein Answer:C
27、The Dangrek Range is found in the sourthern part of which country? A、Myanmar B、Vietnam C、Cambodia D、Thailand Answer:D
28、The relaxation of any heart chamber is called A、ventricular ejection. B、stroke volume. C、systole. D、diastole. Answer:D
29、Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is on the coast of which ocean? A、Atlantic B、Indian C、Pacific
D、Does not have a coast. Answer:C
30、What does the p stand for in 1080p? A、Progressive B、Polarized C、Projected D、Protected Answer:A
科目一考试网 http://www.kmyks.com/c1/ 科目一模拟考试C1 31、What is the highest number on a standard roulette wheel? A、21 B、24 C、36 D、44
32、Which city does the show Sex and the City take place in? A、Chicago B、Los Angeles C、Miami D、New York Answer:D
33、Which ocean is the smallest? A、Artic Ocean B、Atlantic Ocean
C、Indian Ocean D、Pacific Ocean Answer:A
34、Opera, Chrome, and Safari are all A、text editors.
B、operating systems.
C、virus protection utilities. D、web browsers. Answer:D
35、Which was the first sports film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture? A、Hoosiers B、Raging Bull C、Rocky D、Rudy Answer:C
36、What color does litmus paper turn when dipped into acid? A、Blue B、Yellow C、Brown D、Red
37、What was the last game made for the NES? A、Kirby's Adventure B、Maniac Mansion C、Wario's Woods D、Yoshi! Answer:C
38、Which video game series takes place in Racoon City? A、D
B、Parasite Eve C、Resident Evil D、Silent Hill Answer:C
39、How many milliliters are in a 12 ounce can of soda? A、265 B、355 C、500 D、705
40、Who was Val Kilmer's character in the 1986 film Top Gun? A、Iceman B、Maverick C、Slider D、Viper Answer:A
41、Which is not a primary color? A、Blue B、Green C、Red
D、Yellow Answer:D
42、Who was the first winner of American Idol? A、Cher
B、Paula Abdul C、Kelly Clarkson D、Carrie Underwood Answer:C
43、Connecting two 6V batteries in parallel will result in A、3V. B、6V. C、12V. D、36V. Answer:B
44、The popular Dolls of the World series was produced from 1980 to 2000. What was the first one issued?
A、French Barbie B、Italian Barbie C、Swiss Barbie D、Chinese Barbie Answer:B
45、Which band did a cover of Michael Jackson's song, Smooth Criminal, in 2001? A、Alient Ant Farm B、Blink 182 C、P.O.D.
D、Three Doors Down Answer:A
46、Which pop singer began her career as a Christian artist? A、Christina Aguilera B、Madonna C、Katy Perry D、Britney Spears Answer:C
47、What tool did Charles Moncke invent? A、The hammer
B、The monkey wrench C、The screwdriver D、Pliers Answer:B
48、Which type of fish does not have a stomach? A、Catfish B、Goldfish C、Piranha D、Stingray Answer:B
49、What was the first animal to be cloned? A、Mouse B、Sheep C、Cat
D、Bird Answer:B
50、Continuing the pattern AaBbCcDd...Zz, what would be the 13th character? A、G B、h C、i D、M
51、What desert surrounds Las Vegas? A、The Chihuahuan Desert B、The Great Basin Desert C、The Mojave Desert D、The Sonoran Desert Answer:C
52、Which boyband has had the most number one singles in the American charts? A、Backstreet Boys B、Boyz II Men C、N Sync
D、The Jacksons Answer:B
53、A standard King bed size in North America is A、39in x 75in. B、54in x 75in. C、66in x 80in. D、76in x 80in. Answer:D
54、What was the name of Barbie's 1986 rock band? A、The Rockers
B、Barbie's All Star Rockers C、Blue Rhapsody D、Night Music Answer:A
55、Gymnophobia is the fear of A、sports. B、knvies. C、music. D、nudity. Answer:D
56、Which NFL quarterback holds the record for the most passing yards in a Super Bowl game? A、Kurt Warner B、Joe Montana C、Terry Bradshaw D、Tom Brady Answer:A
57、Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson formed which group? A、Confederate RR B、The Highwaymen C、CountryBoys D、Alabama Answer:B
58、In what stadium was the first Super Bowl played? A、Orange Bowl B、Tulane Stadium C、Rose Bowl
D、Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Answer:D
59、Which two player game featured one player as a helicopter and the other as a jeep? A、Conta
B、Double Dragon C、Salamander D、Silkworm Answer:D
60、Which show was a spin-off of the Andy Griffith Show? A、Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. B、Green Acres C、My Three Sons D、Happy Days Answer:A
61、Which was the first microprocessor A、Intel 4004 B、Intel 8008 C、TMS 1000 D、MC68000 Answer:A
62、What city and surroundings is the basis for a standad U.S. Monopoly board? A、New York
B、Atlantic City C、Seattle D、Memphis Answer:B
63、Ricketts is a disease of the A、bones. B、tissue. C、muscles. D、blood. Answer:A
64、How many of the nine planets have moons? A、One B、Three C、Six D、Seven Answer:D
65、What temperature in Fahrenheit is the sun’s core? A、10,000 degrees B、165,000 degrees C、27,000,000 degrees D、100,000,000 degrees Answer:C
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66、What title would you hold in Germany if townsfolk adressed you as Burgermeister? A、Governor B、Mayor C、Cook D、Pope Answer:B
67、In The Lord of the Rings, the only way to destroy the Ring of Power is to throw it into the fires of A、Mount Doom. B、Mount Mordor. C、Mount Moria. D、Mount Zion. Answer:A
68、What year did women receive the right to vote in the United States? A、1840 B、1880 C、1900 D、1920 Answer:D
69、What sport played by Harvard teams starting in 1871 was commonly referred to as the Boston game? A、Football B、Baseball C、Soccer D、Tennis Answer:A
70、Who recorded hits with Sonny Bono from 1965-1973? A、Nancy Sinatra B、Cher
C、Marie Osmond D、Jeannie C. Riley Answer:B
71、What was Steve Job's last word as he passed away? A、Apple B、No C、Bye D、Wow
72、Which best describes the radius of a circle? A、The distance around a circle.
B、A line segment from the center to its perimeter. C、A line that crosses through the center. D、The area of a circle. Answer:B
73、What is the capital of Lithuania? A、Riga B、Taurage C、Valmiera D、Vilnius Answer:D
74、Iran is slightly larger than what U.S. state? A、Alaska B、Montana
C、Rhode Island D、Texas Answer:A
75、How many Emmys did the Mary Tyler Moore show win? A、29 B、20 C、14 D、3
76、The character Gonzalo is from which play? A、Macbeth B、The Tempest
C、The Taming of the Shrew D、Hamlet Answer:B
77、What was the first sport televised in the U.S.? A、Baseball B、Gold C、Rugby D、Tennis Answer:A
78、What was Charlie Brown's father? A、A barber. B、A teacher. C、A mail man. D、A lawyer. Answer:A
79、Approximately, when is Stonehenge thought to have been started? A、5000 B.C. B、3100 B.C. C、1550 B.C. D、1000 B.C. Answer:B
80、The concertmaster of an orchestra plays which instrument? A、Clarinet B、Oboe C、Timpani D、Violin Answer:D
81、What do you two lines in a plane that will never touch or intersect? A、Adjacent B、Congruent C、Parallel
D、Perpendicular Answer:C
82、Who was the voice of Shrek in Dreamwork's Shrek? A、Eddie Murphy
B、Antonio Banderas C、Brad Pitt D、Mike Myers Answer:D
83、Which version of Windows does not have a System Restore component? A、Windows Me B、Windows 2000 C、Windows XP D、Windows Vista Answer:B
84、What was the #35 car in the arcade version of Ridge Racer? A、Cyber Sled B、Rally-X C、Mappy D、Ryukyu Answer:D
85、How many feet of wire does it take to make a Slinky? A、20 B、40 C、60 D、80
86、Which NFL quarterback was charged with dog fighting and sentenced to 24 months in federal prison? A、Michael Vick B、Tony Romo C、Troy Aikman D、Warren Moon Answer:A
87、At what degrees is Celsius and Fahrenheit the same? A、-40 B、-22 C、0 D、32
88、In the Disney animated film Cinderella, what is the cat's name? A、Tiger B、Lucifer C、Whiskers D、Jack Answer:B
89、Who won the BCS National Championship in 2010? A、Alabama B、Oregon C、Auburn D、Memphis Answer:C
90、What does the Italian musical term adagio mean? A、Slow B、Loud
C、Soft D、Fast Answer:A
91、Germany is divided into how many states? A、8 B、16 C、24 D、32
92、What do you call a person that studies plants? A、Biologist B、Botanist C、Pedologist D、Zoologist Answer:B
93、In what period of the periodic table are the noble gases found? A、18 B、16 C、10 D、2
94、In the Disney animated film The Little Mermaid, what does Ursula take from Ariel? A、her fins B、her grotto C、her voice D、her life Answer:C
95、What horror movie featues a serial killer wearing a mask inspired by an Edvard Munch painting? A、Halloween
B、The Man in the Black Suit C、Scream
D、Friday the 13th Answer:C
96、What country makes up more than half of the western coastline of South America? A、Bolivia B、Chile C、Ecuador D、Peru Answer:B
97、The Lord of the Rings movies are based on a novel by what author? A、J.K. Rowling B、J.R.R. Tolkien C、J.M Barrie D、H.G. Wells Answer:B
98、Mt. Fuji is the highest point in what Asian country? A、Bangladesh B、Burma C、China
D、Japan Answer:D
99、What is the highest inhabited country in Europe? A、Andorra B、Croatia
C、Liechtenstein D、Switzerland Answer:A
100、How many Academy Awards did The Lord of the Rings trilogy win? A、4 B、7 C、11 D、17