XX大学研究生 在学证明
兹证明,张三,男(或女),学号××××,身份证号码:×××× 1979年2月29日出生。自2001年9月起至今在XX大学研究生院XX专业全日制(或非全日制)攻读文学硕士学位。正常学制为三年(或两年)。
特此证明。 XX大学研究生院 年月日
This is to certify that Mr.(or Miss)Zhang San(Matriculation No.××××,ID Number ××××),born on February 29, 1979, has been studying full-time(or non-full-time)in the graduate program for Master’s Degree on English Language and Literature at Graduate School, Sichuan International Studies University from September 2001 till now.The standard studying period is three years(or two years).Signature:
Han Xuemin Graduate School
Sichuan International Studies University Chongqing, P.R.China, 400031 Date: April 24, 2002Serial No: 第二篇:在读证明 中英文(定稿)
XX is a postgraduate majoring in structure engineering in class XX grade one of XX school.He will travel to XX in XX with his parents.According to the schedule, they will stay there for about
XX days.All the expense including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be covered by his parents.Yours sincerely.Tel:
School Name: 证明
学校电话: 学校地址: 学校名称: 第三篇:中英文在读证明
在 读 证 明
学生 某某,性别 某,学号 12345678 , 某年某月某日出生。于 某 年 某月至今在我校 某某某 学院 某某 专业就读。学制 四 年,是该校全日制在校学生。
某某学院 某某某大学教务处 年 月 日 年 月 日 Studying Certificate
This is to certify that 某某,female,the student ID is 12345678,born on Aug8th,2012.She came to our school in September 2012 and majors in 某某.The length of schooling is four years Bachelor Degree course.She is the school full-time student.College Of Economy
Academic Affairs Office Of某某University 第四篇:在读证明(中英文)
学校名称(公章): 领导签字: 联系电话: 地址: 日期:
Visa Section of *** Consulate General:
This is to certify that ***, male, born on ***, ***,ID No.***, Passport No.***.He has been studying full-time at our school.He is in Grade * , Class 1 , and performs well all the time.The student has been studying in our school for half a year and there will be 3 semesters in the future.He will visit ***for* days during winter holiday from 22ndJan 2018 to 4th February 2018.All the expenses during the travel will be borne by his parents.He will still study in our school after he comes back.School: Signature: Telephone: Address: Date: 第五篇:在读证明中英文
广西医科大学 在 读 证 明
王丽(女,1986年6月22日出生),于2010年1月被广西医科大学继续教育学院录取,主修护理学,函授本科,学制三年,该生学号为2010500428,身份证号码是…, 预计于2012年12月毕业。
特此证明。 广西医科大学
Guangxi Medical University Studying Certificate
This is to certify that Wang Li, female, born on June 22,1986, was admitted into the Continuing Education School, Guangxi Medical University in January, 2010.She majors in nursing.It is a part-time, three-year study.Her student number is 2010500428 and her ID number is ….(填身份证号).She is expected to graduate in December, 2012.It is hereby to certify.Guangzhou Medical College
Date of Issue: May 7, 2011 注意红色部分数据的确认