

2024-06-06 来源:独旅网


1. What is your sexual distinction? A : Female B : Male

2. Are you fond of doing exercise? A : Very much B : No

3. How often do you do the exercise (a week)? A: More than 7 times B:3-7 times

C:1-3 times D: No

4. Have you get hurt when you did exercise? A : The injury that you get

is____________________________________________ B : No

5. Why did you get hurt? A: You are young and with immature bone development. B :

You are lack in the strong physique and skills. C: You are in the poor physical condition. D: You are in the poor psychological quality. E: With the impact of natural environment.. F: With the artificial environmental impact.

6. Do you do some preparation before you do exercise? A : Always B : Sometimes

C: Seldom

7. What do you think of the preparation of the PE lesson? A: Excellent B: Just-so-so

C: Bad

8. What measures do you take to keep away from the sports accidents? A: Wearing the suitable

sport shoes and sportswear. B: Choosing the exercise which is safe for you. C: Avoiding excessive movement in the sport for a long time. D: Avoiding doing exercise in the poor spaces. E: Wearing the protective gear. F: Doing nothing,

9. Do you familiar with how to protect your body immediately after you get hurt? A: Very

B: Just-so-so C: No

10. What do you think about the influence about sports accidents? A: So serious B: As

serious C: Not very serious
