编号 中文名称 英文名称 通信电缆和设备安Telecommunication cabling and BIP 0007-2004 装.要求和可靠性equipment installations - A Guide to 指南 requirements and responsibilities BS 1858-2002 电缆.附件.沥青基Electric cables - Accessories - 填充化合物 Bitumen-based filling compounds Specification for protected-type non-reversible plugs, socket-outlets cable-couplers and appliance-couplers with earthing contacts for single phase a.c. circuits up to 250 volts Specification for radio-frequency cables. General requirements and tests. British Government Services requirements 电压达250V单相交流电路用带接地线的保护式不可反BS 196-1961 转插头、插座电缆藕合器与设备藕合器规范 射频电缆规范.第1部分:一般要求BS 2316 Pts.1 与试验.第2部分:& 2-1968 英国政府公用设施要求 BS 2484-1985 BS 2562-1979 混凝土与粘土制直Specification for straight concrete 形电缆沟盖板规范 and clayware cable covers 变压器与电抗器用Specification for cable boxes for 电缆箱规范 transformers and reactors 飞行器用普兰式电BS 2E 21-1957 Pren type electric cables for aircraft 缆 BS 2G 180-1974 BS 2G 215-1-1985 飞行器用电缆固定Specification for permanent splicing 编接规范 of aircraft electrical cables 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第1部分:导线规范 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第2部分:终端规范 Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for conductors Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for terminations BS 2G 215-2-1989 BS 2G 221-1980 BS 2G 223-1989 BS 2G 232-1987 米尼氏电缆(米制)Specification for Minyvin type 规范 electric cables (metric units) 飞行器电缆用屏蔽Specification for screen terminating 端接装置规范 devices for aircraft electric cables Specification for electric cables for 普通飞机机体或设general airframe or equipment 备互连用(135℃)interconnect use (135 °C), wrapped 绕扎绝缘电缆规范 insulation Specification for electric cables for 普通机体或设备互general airframe or equipment 连用(260℃)镀镍interconnect use (260 °C), nickel 铜和铜合金导线绕plated copper and copper alloy 扎绝缘电缆规范 conductors, with wrapped insulation BS 2G 238-1996 煤矿用的1.9/3.3kV、300A螺栓连接防火电缆连接器和适配器规BS 3454-1995 范(包括380/660V和640/1100V,300A适配器)规范 Specification for 1.9/3.3 kV, 300 A bolted flameproof cable couplers and adaptors (including 380/660 V and 640/1100 V, 300 A adaptors) for use in coal mines Specification for binding and 电缆和电线用捆扎BS 3858-1992 identification sleeves for use on 和识别套管规范 electric cables and wires 煤矿用3.8/6.6 Specification for 3.8/6.6 kV, 300 A KV、300 A螺栓连BS 3905-1995 bolted flameproof cable couplers and 接防火电缆连接器adaptors, for use in coal mines 和适配器规范 电气用锻铝规范.Specification for wrought aluminium BS 3988-1970 绝缘电缆用实芯导for electrical purposes - Solid 线 conductors for insulated cables BS 3G 197-1982 BS 3G 198-2-1997 飞行器用电缆终端Specification for stud-type terminal 的螺柱式接线合规blocks for terminations on aircraft 范 electric cables 飞机电缆和设备电Sleeves for aircraft electric cables 线用套管.第2部and equipment wires - Specification for 分:套管识别标签slip-on sleeves for identification 规范 飞机电缆和设备电线套管.第4部分:粘结和绝缘用碳氟化合物热收缩套管规范 purposes Sleeves for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for fluoropolymer heat shrinkable sleeving for binding and insulation BS 3G 198-4-1996 BS 3G 210-1996 单芯和多芯镀银铜Specification for PTFE insulated 导体(190℃)或镀equipment wires and cables, single- and 镍铜导体(260℃)multi-core, with silver plated copper 聚四氟乙烯绝缘设conductors (190 °C) or nickel plated 备软线和电缆规范 copper conductors (260 °C) 通用航空电缆和航Specification for conductors for 空航天应用导电体general-purpose aircraft electrical 规范 cables and aerospace applications Specification for electric cables for 普通机体或设备互general airframe or equipment 连用(135℃)挤制interconnect use (135 °C), extruded 绝缘电缆规范 insulation BS 3G 231-1997 BS 3G 233-1990 600/1000V单相分Specification for 600/1000 V BS 芯同轴电缆规范.single-phase split concentric electric 4553-1-1998 第1部分:带聚氯cables - Cables having PVC insulation 乙烯绝缘层的电缆 600/1000V单相分BS 芯同轴电缆规范.4553-2-1998 第2部分:带热固绝缘层的电缆 600/1000V单相分芯同轴电缆规范.BS 第3部分:带热固4553-3-1998 绝缘层和遇火有低发散烟雾和腐蚀性气体的电缆 电缆和电线连接器机械和压合接头性BS 能规范.第2部分:4579-2-1973 镍、铁及镀铜导线压合接头 Specification for 600/1000 V single-phase split concentric electric cables - Cables having thermosetting insulation Specification for 600/1000 V single-phase split concentric electric cables - Cables having thermosetting insulation and low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire Specification for performance of mechanical and compression joints in electric cable and wire connectors - Compression joints in nickel, iron and plated copper conductors 电缆管道.第1部BS 分:钢制地表管道4678-1-1971 规范 电缆管道.第2部BS 分:钢制地板下管4678-2-1973 道规范 电缆管道.第4部BS 分:绝缘材料制电4678-4-1982 缆管道规范 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜BS 4727 Pt.2 色术语词汇.第2Group 08-1986 部分:电力工程专用术语.第08集:电缆术语 电工、电力、电信、电子学、照明和颜BS 4727-2 色术语.第2部分:Group 08-1994 电力工程专用术语.第08集:电缆术语 BS 4737-3.30-1986 擅入者报警系统.第3部分:元部件规范.第30节:接线用聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆规范 Cable trunking - Steel surface trunking Cable trunking - Steel underfloor (duct) trunking Cable trunking - Specification for cable trunking made of insulating material Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms. Terms particular to power engineering. Electric cable terminology Glossary of electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms - Terms particular to power engineering - Electric cables Intruder alarm systems - Specifications for components - Specification for PVC insulated cables for interconnecting wiring 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝BS 缘护套的低频电线4808-1-1972 及电缆规范.第1部分:一般要求和试验 Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - General requirements and tests 电信用带聚氯乙烯Specification for L.F. cables and wires 绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for BS 缘护套的低频电线telecommunication - Equipment wires 4808-2-1972 及电缆规范.第2with solid or stranded conductors, 部分:单股无屏蔽unscreened, single 实心或绞合设备线 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线BS 及电缆规范.第34808-3-1972 部分:单股屏蔽实心或绞合设备线和电缆 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线BS 及电缆规范.第44808-4-1974 部分:双股、三股、四股和五股无屏蔽实心 电信用带聚氯乙烯绝缘和聚氯乙烯绝缘护套的低频电线BS 及电缆规范.第54808-5-1973 部分:双股屏蔽护套实心或绞合线电缆 国际热耦基准表.BS 第30部分:延伸和4937-30-1993 补偿电缆.公差和标识制度 BS 4G 178-2-1986 飞机电缆电线压接头.第2部分:压接检验规范(包括用户检验试验) Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables and equipment wires, with solid or stranded conductors, screened, single Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Equipment wires with solid or stranded conductors, unscreened, in pairs, triples, quads and quintuples Specification for L.F. cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath for telecommunication - Cables with solid or stranded conductors, screened and sheathed, one pair International thermocouple reference tables - Extension and compensating cables - Tolerances and identification system Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires - Specification for control of crimping (including user control tests) BS 4G 198-1-1997 飞机电器电缆和设Sleeves for aircraft electric cables 备导线用套管.第and equipment wires - Specification for 1部分:连接和识elastomeric sleeves for binding and 别用橡胶套管规范 identification 飞行器电缆和设备导线的套管和模制元件.连接、绝缘和标识用的热收缩套管规范 Sleeves and moulded components for aircraft electric cables and equipment wires - Specification for heat-shrinkable sleeving for binding, insulation, and identification Electric cables - Voltage levels for BS 4G 198-3-1999 BS 5099-2004 电缆.火花试验电压级 仪器用电缆.第1BS 部分:聚乙烯绝缘5308-1-1986 电缆规范 仪器用电缆.第2BS 部分:聚氯乙烯绝5308-2-1986 缘电缆规范 spark testing Instrumentation cables - Specification for polyethylene insulated cables Instrumentation cables - Specification for PVC insulated cables 额定电压为Specification for dimensions of cable 600/1000V和terminations for multi-core extruded 1900/3700V的铜solid dielectric insulated BS 5372-1997 或铝导体多芯挤制distribution cables of rated voltages 固体电介质绝缘电600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V having 缆终端的尺寸规范 copper or aluminium conductors 矿井和采石场设备Specification for cable glands and BS 542-1973 用电缆密封装置和sealing boxes for association with 密封盒规范 apparatus for use at mines and quarries 飞机电缆和电线用压合连接器.第1部分::元件和工具设计要求(包括试验)规范 Crimped joints for aircraft electrical cables and wires - Specification for design requirements (including tests) for components and tools Electric cables - PVC insulated, non-armoured cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring Electric cables - Single core unsheathed heat resisting cables for voltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring Electric cables - Single core unsheathed heat resisting cables forvoltages up to and including 450/750 V, for internal wiring Mechanical cable glands - Armour glands BS 5G 178-1-1993 电缆.电力、照明和内部布线用电压不BS 6004-2000 超过450/750V(含450/750V)的PVC绝缘非铠装电缆 电缆.内部布线用电压不超过BS 6007-2000 450/750V(含450/750V)的单芯未包覆绝热电缆 电缆.内部布线用电压不超过BS 6007-2006 450/750V(含450/750V)的单芯非铠装耐热电缆 BS 机械电缆密封套.6121-1-2005 铠装密封套.要求和试验方法 机械电缆密封套.电缆密封套和铠装BS 密封套的选择、安6121-5-2005 装和检验的实施规范 额定电压不超过BS 750V的矿物绝缘6207-3-2001 电缆.使用指南 - Requirements and test methods Mechanical cable glands - Code of practice for selection, installation and inspection of cable glands and armour glands Mineral insulated cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V. Guide to use Specification for polyethylene 电缆的聚乙烯绝缘BS 6234-1987 insulation and sheath of electric 包覆层规范 cables 电弧焊电源、设备Arc welding power sources, equipment BS 638-4-1996 和附件.第4部分:and accessories - Specification for 焊接电缆规范 welding cables Specification for performance 在火灾情况下保持requirements for cables required to BS 6387-1994 电路完好的电缆性maintain circuit integrity under fire 能要求规范 conditions 变压器与电抗线圈Specification for unfilled enclosures 的高压电缆干燥端BS 6435-1984 for the dry termination of HV cables for 子用未充填护套规transformers and reactors 范 电缆箱或分电站连Specification for ground mounted BS 6436-1984 接用接地配电变压distribution transformers for cable 器规范 box or unit substation connection 电缆的绝缘和护套材料.第99部分:应用于英国但不规定在BS EN 60811标准和BS 6469标准其他部分的试验方法,.第 BS 6469-99.1-1992 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Test methods used in the United Kingdom but not specified in BS EN 60811: Non-electrical tests BS 6469-99.2-1992 电缆的绝缘和护套Insulating and sheathing materials of 材料.第99部分:electric cables - Test methods used in 用于英国的试验方the United Kingdom but not specified in 法,但不规定在BS BS EN 60811 or other Parts of BS 6469: EN 60811或BS Electrical tests 6469的其它部分中.第2节:电 额定电压在33KV及以下的铅与铅合BS 6480-1988 金护套浸渍纸绝缘的电缆规范 电缆.家庭,办公室和类似环境用的装置和设备使用的额BS 6500-2000 定电压在300/500V以下的柔性电缆 Specification for impregnated paper-insulated lead or lead alloy sheathed electric cables of rated voltages up to and including 33000 V Electric cables - Flexible cords rated up to 300/500 V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for domestic, office and similar environments 宽带电缆配电系BS Wideband cabled distribution systems - 统.第1部分:术语6513-1-1984 Glossary of terms 词汇 宽带电缆配电系BS Wideband cabled distribution systems - 统.第2部分:测量6513-2-1984 Methods of measurement 方法 宽带电缆配电系Wideband cabled distribution systems - BS 统.第4部分:逆向Specification for performance 6513-4-1984 电视机性能要求规requirements, for upstream television 范 宽带电缆的配电系Wideband cabled distribution systems - BS 统.第5部分:单向Recommendations for one-way and 6513-5-1987 和相互作用的数据interactive data services 使用推荐标准 额定电压范围为(3800~6600)V和(19000~33000)V,BS 6622-1999 有挤压交叉连接的聚乙烯或乙烯丙烯橡胶绝缘层的电缆规范 Specification for cables with extruded cross-linked polyethylene or ethylene propylene rubber insulation for rated voltages from 3.8/6.6 kV up to 19/33 kV 电信设备和电信电Telecommunications equipment and BS 6701-2004 缆敷设.安装、运行telecommunications cabling - 和维护规范 Specification for installation, operation and maintenance BS 6708-1998 矿井和露天矿用挠Flexible cables for use at mines and 性电缆 quarries Electric cables - Thermosetting insulated, armoured cables for voltages of 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire Elastomer insulated cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units - Requirements and test methods Guide for cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above 采用热固绝缘和受火情影响时散发出少量烟雾和腐蚀气BS 6724-1997 体的600/1000V和1900/3300V铠装电缆规范 船舶和活动式与固定式近海设备中固BS 6883-1999 定布线用的弹性绝缘电缆.要求和试验方法 额定电压等于或高于72.5kV的气体BS 6904-1987 绝缘金属封闭式开关装置用电缆连接件指南 电压范围为交流1000V 和直流BS 1500V 的冷浇注树6910-1-1988 脂复合物和热缩电缆接头.第1部分:材料规范 电压范围为交流1000V和直流1500Vd.c.的低温BS 浇注树脂复合物和6910-2-1989 热缩电缆接头.第2部分:现场安装实用规程 运土机械的操作和BS 维修.第6部分:电6913-6-1991 线和电缆的识别和标志规范 BS 6946-1988 Cold pour resin compound and heat-shrink cable joints in the voltage range up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Specification for materials Cold pour resin compound and heat-shrink cable joints in the voltage range up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. Code of practice for on-site installation Operation and maintenance of earth-moving machinery - Specification for identification and marking of electrical wires and cables 电气设备用金属管Specification for metal channel cable 道电缆支撑系统规support systems for electrical 范 电压可达或等于6.6KV的系统(主要用于矿山)采用BS 7019-1989 全屏蔽400A栓接式防火电缆连接器和转接器规范 installations Specification for fully screened 400 A bolted flameproof cable couplers and adaptors for use on systems up to and including 6.6 kV, primarily for use in mines Specification for performance of bonds 电力电缆终端连接for electric power cable terminations BS 7197-1990 和电压达36KV系and joints for system voltages up to 36 统连接性能规范 kV Electric cables - Thermosetting 受火情影响时排放insulated, non-armoured cables for 少量烟雾和腐蚀性voltages up to and including 450/750 V, BS 7211-1998 气体的电力和照明for electric power, lighting and 设备用热固绝缘internal wiring, and having low (非铠装)电缆规范 emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire 电压大于1KV和达Specification for separable insulated 36KV的分离式绝BS 7215-1990 cable connector systems above 1 kV and 缘电缆连接器系统up to 36 kV 规范 Components for smoke and heat control BS 烟和热控制系统部systems - Specifications for cable 7346-6-2005 件.电缆系统规范 systems 煤矿用电压不超过11KV的作为外壳BS 7383-1990 内连接电缆填充剂的冷浇树脂基化合物规范 BS 7450-1991 Specification for cold-pour resin-based compound for use as a filling medium in terminating cables in enclosures for voltages not exceeding 11 kV for use in coal mines 动力电缆尺寸最经Method for determination of economic 济值测定方法 optimization of power cable size Electric cables - Guide to use for cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V. Harmonized cable types from HD 21 and HD 22 电缆.额定电压不超过450/750V的BS 电缆使用指南.HD 7540-2-2005 21和HD 22的协调电缆类型 电缆.额定电压不超过450/750V的BS 电缆使用指南.不7540-3-2005 包括在HD 21和HD 22中的国家标准电缆 Electric cables - Guide to use for cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 450/750 V. National standard cables not included in HD 21 and HD 22 Code of practice for installation and 铜或铝导线动力电inspection of uninsulated compression 缆用非绝缘压缩和BS 7609-1992 and mechanical connectors for power 机械联接器的安装cables with copper or aluminium 和检验实用规程 conductors 具有低排放烟雾和腐蚀性气体的BS 300/500 V电缆受7629-1-1997 火情影响时的耐火规范.第1部分:多心电缆 具有低排放烟雾和腐蚀性气体的BS 300/500 V电缆受7629-2-1997 火情影响时的耐火规范.第2部分:多双股电缆 BS 7655-1.2-1997 Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - Multicore cables Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - Multipair cables Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - Part 材料规范.弹性绝1. Cross-linked elastomeric insulating 缘化合物.90℃时compounds - Section 1.2 General 90 °C 通用 application Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - 材料规范.弹性绝Elastomeric insulating compounds - 缘化合物.XLPE XLPE - Sec1.3 XLPE Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - 材料规范.弹性绝Elastomeric insulating compounds - Oil 缘化合物.耐油型 resisting types - Oil resisting types 电缆用绝缘和铠装Specification for insulating and 材料规范.弹性绝sheathing materials for cables - Part 缘化合物.耐火复1: Cross-linked elastomeric insulating BS 7655-1.3-2000 BS 7655-1.4-2000 BS 7655-1.5-2000 合物 compounds - Section 1.5: Flame retardant composites BS 7655-10.1-2000 Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - Part 材料规范.聚乙烯10: Polyethylene sheathing compounds - 铠装化合物.热塑Section 10.1: Thermoplastic medium 中等密度聚乙烯density polyethylene (MDPE) sheathing (MDPE)铠装化合物 compound Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - 材料规范.弹性铠Elastomeric sheathing compounds - 装化合物.一般用General application - General 途 application Specification for insulating and 电缆用绝缘和铠装sheathing materials for cables - Part 材料规范.弹性铠2: Cross-linked elastomeric sheathing 装化合物.焊接电compounds - Section 2.4: Welding cable 缆包敷物 covering 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.弹性铠装化合物.船只布线和近海设备用铠装化合物 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.PVC绝缘化合物.硬等级型 电缆用绝缘和铠装材料规范.PVC铠装化合物.一般用途 Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - Part 2: Cross-linked elastomeric sheathing compounds - Section 2.6: Sheathing compounds for ships' wiring and offshore applications Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - PVC insulating compounds - Hard grade types - Hard grade types Specification for insulating and sheathing materials for cables - PVC sheathing compounds - General application - General application Code of practice for installation and inspection of pre-insulated compression terminals and connectors for cables with copper conductors up to 6 mm2 Electric cables - Calculation of the BS 7655-2.3-2000 BS 7655-2.4-2000 BS 7655-2.6-2000 BS 7655-3.2-2000 BS 7655-4.2-2000 铜导体面积达6平方毫米(10AWG)电BS 7727-1994 缆的预绝缘压力终端和连接器的安装和检测实用规程 BS 电缆.电流额定值7769-1.1-1997 的计算.电流额定值方程式(100%载荷系数)和损失率的计算.总则 电缆.额定电流的计算.额定电流方程式(负荷率100%)和损失率的计算.平面结构双电路铅包涡流损失率的计算 current rating - Current rating equations (100% load factor) and calculation of losses - General BS 7769-1.2-1994 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Current rating equations (100% load factor) and calculation of losses - Sheath eddy current loss factors for two circuits in flat formation BS 7769-2-2.1-1997 BS 7769-2.1-1997 BS 7769-2.2-1997 Electric cables - Calculation of the 电缆.额定电流的current rating - Thermal resistance - 计算.热阻.热阻的Calculation of thermal resistance - 计算 Section 2.1: Calculation of thermal resistance 电缆.电流额定值Electric cables - Calculation of the 的计算.热电阻.热current rating - Thermal resistance - 电阻的计算 Calculation of thermal resistance 电缆. 额定电流的计算.热变电阻.室外避免太阳辐射的电缆组减缩系数的计算方法 电缆.电流额定值的计算.操作条件部分.基准操作条件和电缆型号的选择 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Thermal resistance - A method for calculating reduction factors for groups of cables in free air, protected from solar radiation Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Sections on operating conditions - Reference operating conditions and selection of cable type Determination of long-term radiation ageing in polymers - Procedures for in-service monitoring of low-voltage cable materials Three phase oil-immersed distribution transformers, 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Distribution transformers with cable boxes on the high voltage and/or low voltage side - BS 7769-3.1-1997 聚合物长期辐射老BS 化的测定.低压电7816-3-1998 缆材料使用的监控程序 最高电压不超过36KV的设备用的50Hz、50-2500KVA三相油浸式配电变压器.带有高压和/或低压端电缆接线BS 7821-2.1-1995 盒的配电 General requirements BS 7821-2.2-1998 Three phase oil-immersed distribution 50HZ,最高电压不transformers, 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA 超过36KW的由with highest voltage for equipment not 50-2500KVA的三exceeding 36 kV - Distribution 相油浸配电变压transformers with cable boxes on the 器.带高压和/或低high voltage and/or low voltage side - 压单侧电缆盒的配Cable boxes of type 1 for use on 电变压器.与BS distribution transformers meeting the requirements of BS 7821-2.1 Three phase oil-immersed distribution 小于36KV设备的transformers, 50 Hz, from 50 to 2500 kVA 最高电压值为with highest voltage for equipment not 50Hz、50-2500KVAexceeding 36 kV - Distribution 三相油浸式配电变transformers with cable boxes on the 压器.位于高压线high voltage and/or low voltage side - 和/或低压线边的Cable boxes type 2 for use on 电缆盒配电变 distribution transformers meeting the requirements of BS 7821-2.1 Specification for armoured cables with extruded cross-linked polyethylene or ethylene propylene rubber insulation for rated voltages from 3.8/6.6 kV up to 19/33 kV having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire Electric cables - 600/1000 V armoured fire-resistant cables having thermosetting insulation and low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire BS 7821-2.3-1998 受火情影响时有少量排放烟和腐蚀气体的额定电压从BS 7835-2000 3800/6600V至19000/33000V以下的交联聚乙烯或乙丙橡胶挤制 电缆.受火影响时排放少量烟和腐蚀BS 7846-2000 气体的600/1000 V 热固绝缘铠装耐火电缆 Strata reinforcement support system 煤矿用地层支撑系BS components used in coal mines - 统部件.鸟笼式电7861-2-1997 Specification for birdcaged 缆螺栓连接规范 cablebolting 矿用式防爆电缆终端箱规范.第1部BS 787-1-1969 分:(650V以下三相交流电路用)电Specification for mining type flameproof gate-end boxes - Gate-end boxes for direct-on-line motor starting (for use on 3-phase a.c. 动机 直接起动用电缆终端箱 矿用式防爆电缆终端箱规范.第2部分:(650V以下三BS 787-2-1968 相交流电路用)带空气断路器的电缆终端箱 circuits up to 650 V) Specification for mining type flameproof gate-end boxes - Gate-end boxes with air-break circuit-breakers (for use on 3-phase a.c. circuits up to 650 volts) 矿用式防爆电缆终Specification for mining type 端箱规范.第3部BS 787-3-1971 flameproof gate-end boxes - Gate-end 分:带照明变压器boxes with lighting transformers 的电缆终端箱 矿用式防爆电缆终端箱规范.第4部BS 787-4-1972 分:(650V以下三相交流电路用)钻机用电缆终端箱 Specification for mining type flameproof gate-end boxes - Gate-end boxes for drilling machines (for use on 3-phase a.c. circuits up to 650 V) 供电与发电装置用LV and MV polymeric insulated cables BS 低电压和常电压聚for use by distribution and generation 7870-1-1996 合绝缘电缆.综述 utilities - General 配电和发电设施用LV and MV polymeric insulated cables BS 低压和中等电压聚for use by distribution and generation 7870-2-1999 合物绝缘电缆.试utilities - Methods of test 验方法 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜线或铝导体的PVC隔绝的 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜线或铝导体的XLPE隔绝 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - PVC insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or BS 7870-3.10-2001 BS 7870-3.11-2001 aluminium conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - PVC insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Part 3: Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - Section 3050: XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform or helical concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors, having low BS 7870-3.12-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.当有火焰影响时烟和腐蚀性 BS 7870-3.20-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜或铝导体的PVC隔绝的分 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜或铝导体的XLPE隔绝的 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有固态铝导体的铜线波型同 配电和发电装置用低压和常压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.着火时轻微散发烟气和腐蚀性气 BS 7870-3.21-2001 BS 7870-3.40-2001 BS 7870-3.50-2005 emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire (Implementation of HD 603) 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合物绝缘电缆.额定电压为11kV和33kV的挤制绝缘配电电缆的规范.单 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合物绝缘电缆.额定电压为11kV和33kV的挤制绝缘配电电缆的规范.单 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为11kV和33kV的挤制绝缘配电电缆的规范.三芯 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages of 11 kV and 33 kV - Single-core 11 kV and 33 kV cables - Single core 11 kV and 33 kV cables LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages of 11 kV and 33 kV - Single-core 33 kV lead sheathed cables - Single core 33 kV lead sheathed cables LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated voltages of 11 kV and 33 kV - Three-core 11 kV cables - Three core 11 kV cables LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Polymeric insulated aerial bundled conductors (ABC) of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV for overhead distribution LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for 0.6/1 kV and 1.9/3.3 kV power cables with special fire performance for use in power stations - PVC insulated and PVC sheathed cables BS 7870-4.10-1999 BS 7870-4.11-1999 BS 7870-4.20-1999 用于配电和发电设备的低压和中压高聚合物绝缘电缆.BS 架空配电用额定电7870-5-1999 压0.6/1KV的聚合物绝缘束导体(ABC) 配电和发电设施用低电压和中等电压聚合物绝缘电缆.电站用具有特殊防火性能的0.6/1kV和1.9/3.3kV电力电缆的 BS 7870-6.1-1999 BS 7870-6.2-1999 配电和发电设施用低压和中等电压聚合物绝缘电缆.电站用具有特别防火性能的0.6/1KV和1.9/3.3KV电力电缆规范. 配电和发电设施用低压和中等电压聚合物绝缘电缆.电站用具有特别防火性能的0.6/1KV和1.9/3.3KV电力电缆规范. LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for 0.6/1 kV and 1.9/3.3 kV power cables with special fire performance for use in power stations - XLPE or HEPR insulated and PVC sheathed cables LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for 0.6/1 kV and 1.9/3.3 kV power cables with special fire performance for use in power stations - Cables with thermosetting insulation and non-halogenated sheath BS 7870-6.3-1999 BS 7870-7.1-2003 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables 配电和发电设施用for use by distribution and generation LV和MV聚合物绝utilities - Specification for power 缘电缆.电站用有cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 防火性能的额定电kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire 压为3.8/6.6KV和performance for use in power stations 6.35/11KV电力电- Single core and 3-core cables with 缆规范.卤 halogenated materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring 配电和发电设施用LV和MV聚合绝缘电缆.电站用具有特殊防火性能的额定电压为3.8/6.6KV和6.35/11KV电力电缆规 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上或地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.单丝铠装和PVC LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for power cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire performance for use in power stations - Single-core and 3-core cables with halogen-free materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors - Section 8.1 Single wire armoured and BS 7870-7.2-2003 BS 7870-8.1-2003 PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors - Section 8.2 Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance - Section 8.3 Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire or double steel tape armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance - Section 8.4 Single wire or double steel tape armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance BS 7870-8.2-2003 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上和地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.单丝铠装和PVC BS 7870-8.3-2003 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上和地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.具有降低火焰传 BS 7870-8.4-2003 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上和地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.具有降低火焰传 BS 7870-8.5-200配电和发电设施用LV and MV polymeric insulated cables 低压(LV)和中等电for use by distribution and generation 3 压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上和地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.单丝铠装和非铠 utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire armoured and unarmoured multicore cables with copper conductors and non-halogenated sheath - Section 8.5 Single wire armoured and unarmoured multicore cables with copper conductors and non-halogenated sheath LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground - Single wire or double steel tape armoured and non-halogenated sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors - Section 8.6 Single wire or double steel tape armoured and non-halogenated sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2)kV up to 20,8/36(42)kV - Part 1: Cables with extruded insulation Test requirements on accessories for use on power cables of rated voltage from 3,6/6(7,2) kV up to 20,8/36(42)kV - Part 2: Cables with impregnated paper insulation BS 7870-8.6-2003 配电和发电设施用低压(LV)和中等电压(MV)聚合绝缘电缆.地上和地下安装用多芯和多对电缆规范.单丝或双钢带铠 BS 7888-4.1-2006 用于额定电压从3,6/6(7,2)kV到20,8/36(42)kV的电力电缆的附件的试验要求.带挤压绝缘层电缆 用于额定电压从3,6/6(7,2) kV到20,8/36(42)kV的电力电缆的附件的试验要求.带浸渍纸绝缘层电缆 BS 7888-4.2-2006 600/1000V单芯非Electric cables - Thermosetting BS 7889-1997 铠装热固性绝缘电insulated, unarmoured cables for a 缆规范 voltage of 600/1000 V 额定电压3.8/6.6 MV impregnated paper insulated BS 7894-2003 kV至19/33 kV的distribution cables of rated voltages MV浸渍纸绝缘的of 3.8/6.6 kV to 19/33 kV 配线电缆 额定电压66KV66 kV (UDOWNm=72.5 kV)至132KV(UDOWNm=145BS 7912-2001 kV)带XLPE绝缘和金属护套的电力电缆及其配件.要求和 船上和移动式或固定式近海设备上的固定布线用的弹性BS 7917-1999 绝缘耐火电缆(固定线路集成度).要求和试验方法 电缆.工业和类似环境用的设备和装BS 7919-2001 置用的额定电压不超过450/750V的柔性电缆 电缆.交流电压为400 kV及以下(Um=420kV)的充液BS 7922-2004 的纸和PPL绝缘的金属护套电缆和配件.要求和试验方法 电缆.交流电压为275 kV及以下BS 7923-2004 (Um=300kV)的内气压电缆和附件.要求和试验方法 电缆.附件.材料特BS 性.在加工处理状7933-1-1998 态和处理前的树脂化合物 电缆.额定电压BS 7970-2005 66kV(Um=72.5kV)至Power cables with XLPE insulation and metallic sheath, and their accessories, for rated voltages from 66 kV (Um=72.5 kV) to 132kV (Um=145kV) - Requirements and test methods Elastomer insulated fire resistant (limited circuit integrity) cables for fixed wiring in ships and on mobile and fixed offshore units - Requirements and test methods Electric cables - Flexible cables rated up to 450/750V, for use with appliances and equipment intended for industrial and similar environments Electric cables - Fluid-filled, paper- and PPL-insulated, metal-sheathed cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to and including 400 kV (Um = 420 kV) - Requirements and test methods Electric cables - Internal gas-pressure cables and accessories for alternating voltages up to and including 275 kV (Um = 300 kV) - Requirements and test methods Electric cables - Accessories - Material characterization - Resinous compounds before cure and in the cured state Electric cables - Metallic wire and foil sheath constructions of power cables having XLPE insulation for rated 132kV(Um=145kV)voltages from 66kV (Um = 72.5 kV) to 带XLPE绝缘的电132kV (Um = 145 kV) 力电缆用金属线和箔护套 电缆着火完整性评定的试验方法.应急电路中使用的无BS 防护型小型电缆的8434-2-2003 试验.BS EN 50200外加930鳦火焰和喷水器 电缆.墙、隔墙和建筑物空间中使用的着火时有低排烟量BS 8436-2004 和腐蚀气体释放的300/500V屏蔽电缆.多芯电缆 BS 91-1998 BS AU 16a-1989 电缆焊接插座.规范 电缆连接器(最大连续额定电流17.5A)规范 道路车辆非屏蔽低压电缆.厚壁绝缘电缆的导线大小和尺寸规范 道路车辆非屏蔽低压电缆.薄壁绝缘电榄的导线大小及尺寸规范 Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables - Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits - BS EN 50200 with 930 deg flame and with water spray Electric cables - 300/500 V screened electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire, for use in walls, partitions and building voids - Multicore cables Electric cable soldering sockets - Specification Specification for electrical cable connectors (17.5 A maximum continuous rating) Road vehicle unscreened low tension cables - Specification for conductor sizes and dimensions for thick walled insulated cables Road vehicle unscreened low tension cables - Specification for conductor sizes and dimensions for thin walled insulated cables BS AU 255-1-1994 BS AU 255-2-1994 BS AU 267-1998 断开式电缆和二次Code of practice for breakaway cables 耦合的实用规程 and secondary couplings 道路车辆电缆的颜Specification for colour code for road BS AU 7a-1983 色标志规范 vehicle electrical cables BS AU 88a-1985 汽车用轻型电缆额Recommendations for ratings for light 定容量推荐标准 duty cables for automobile use BS AU 91-1965 起动蓄电池圆锥形Specification for dimensions of 接线端子的电缆接头尺寸(用正极接地部件的汽车和轻便商用汽车)规范 electrical cable connectors for starter battery taper terminal posts (cars and light commercial vehicles using positive earth system) 光缆.地下电缆.安Optical fibre cables - Sewer cables - BS DD CLC/TS 装在雨水道和卫生Family specification for cables to be 50429-2005 间下水道的光缆的installed in storm and sanitary sewers 系列规范 光缆.燃气管道电Optical fibre cables - Gas pipe cables BS DD CLC/TS 缆.高压燃气管道- Family specifications for cables to 50430-2005 电缆的系列规范 be installed in high pressure gas pipes Optical fibre cables - Drinking water 光缆.饮用水管道BS DD CLC/TS pipe cables - Family specification for 电缆.饮用水管道50431-2005 cables to be installed in drinking 电缆的系列规范 water pipes 公共运输.道路车Public transport - Road vehicle BS DD ENV 辆调度表和控制系scheduling and control systems - 13149-2-2000 统.WORLDFIP电缆WORLDFIP cabling specifications 线路规范 屏蔽对称电缆.用Screened balanced cables - Coupling BS DD IEC/PAS 三维法测量连接衰attenuation measurement, triaxial 62338-2003 减 method 道路车辆.数据电BS DD ISO/TS 缆.试验方法和要16553-2006 求 电力电缆或通信电BS EN 缆铠装用镀锌或锌10257-1-1998 合金非合金钢丝.地面电缆 电力电缆或通信电BS EN 缆铠装用锌或锌合10257-2-1998 金涂覆非合金钢丝.海底电缆 BS EN 12548-1999 BS EN Road vehicles - Data cables - Test methods and requirements Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables or telecommunication cables - Land cables Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables or telecommunication cables - Submarine cables 铅和合金.电缆铠Lead and alloys - Lead alloy ingots for 和护套用铅合金铸electric cable sheathing and for 锭 sleeves 具有视觉特征的地Plastic warning devices for 12613-2001 下电缆和管道用塑underground cables and pipelines with 料警告装置 visual characteristics Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - CANopen cabling specifications 公共运输.道路车BS EN 辆调度和控制系13149-5-2004 统.CANopen电缆敷设规范 BS EN 铝和铝合金.废料.Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap 13920-3-2003 废金属丝和电缆 - Wire and cable scrap Harmonized system of quality 电子元器件质量评assessment for electronic components - 定协调体系.分规BS EN Sectional specification:cable outlet 范:包括合格鉴定175500-1997 accessories for connectors, including 和能力批准的连接qualification approval and capability 器用辅助输出电缆 approval OCCA-BU型光纤织BS EN Connector sets for optical fibres and 物和电缆用连接器186150-1997 cables - Type OCCA-BU 组件 OCCA-PC型光纤织BS EN Connector sets for optical fibres and 物和电缆用连接器186160-1997 cables - Type OCCA-PC 组件 Harmonized system of quality 电子元器件质量评assessment for electronic components - BS EN 定协调体系.分规Sectional specification:connector 186170-1998 范.光纤和电缆连sets for optical fibres and cables - 接装置.RCC型 Type RCC Harmonized system of quality 电子元器件质量评assessment for electronic components - BS EN 定协调体系.分规Sectional specification: connector 186260-1998 范:光纤和电缆连sets for optical fibres and cables - 接器组件.SC型 Type SC Harmonized system of quality 电子元器件质量评assessment for electronic components - BS EN 定协调体系.分规Sectional specification: connector 186270-1998 范:光纤和电缆连sets for optical fibres and cables - 接件.LSH型 Type LSH BS EN 电子元器件质量评Harmonized system of quality 186290-1998 定协调体系.光纤assessment for electronic components - 和电缆连接件.MPOConnector sets for optical fibres and 型 cables - Type MPO Harmonized system of quality 电子器元件质量评assessment for electronic components - BS EN 定协调体系.分规Sectional specification: connector 186300-1999 范:MSC型光纤和sets for optical fibres and cables type 电缆连接装置 MSC Harmonized system of quality 电子元器件质量评assessment for electronic components - BS EN 定协调体系.分规Sectional specification: connector 186310-1999 范:光纤和电缆连sets for optical fibres and cables - 接装置.MF型 Type MF BS EN 单膜光纤电缆(管Single mode optical cable (duct/direct 187105-2002 道/直接掩埋设备) buried installation) BS EN 2083-2001 航空航天系列.电Aerospace series - Copper and copper 缆用铜及铜合金导alloy conductors for electrical cables 体.产品标准 - Product standard 航空航天系列.单芯、通用、带铜或铜合金导体的电缆.技术规范 航空航天系列.通用电缆.操作温度为-55 °C 到 200 °C.喷墨可印刷.产品标准 航空航天系列.通用电缆.操作温度为-55 °C 到 200 °C .紫外激光可印刷.产品标准 航空航天系列.通用电缆.操作温度为-55 °C 到 200 °C .紫外激光可印刷多芯装套电缆.产品标准 Cables, electric, single-core, general purpose, with conductors in copper or copper alloy — Technical specification Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 200 °C — Part 003: Ink jet printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between??-55 ℃ and 200 ℃ — Part 005: UV laser printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between –55 ℃ and 200 ℃ — Part 007: UV laser printable multicore jacketed cable — Product standard BS EN 2084-2005 BS EN 2266-003-2005 BS EN 2266-005-2005 BS EN 2266-007-2005 BS EN 2267-002-2005 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55 °C和260 °C之间的操作温度.总则 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55 °C和260 °C之间的操作温度.喷墨可打印.产品标准 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55°C和260°C之间的操作温度.DMA族、单个可打印紫外激光和多芯附件.产品标 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55°C和260°C之间的操作温度.DM族、单个可打印紫外激光和多芯附件.产品标 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55℃和260℃之间的操作温度.DRA族、单个可打印UV激光和多芯附件.产品标准 航空系列.一般用途的电缆,电器.-55℃和260℃之间的操作温度.DM族、单个可打印UV激光.产品Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 260 °C — Part 002: General BS EN 2267-003-2005 Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 260 °C— Part 003: Inkjet printable — Product standard BS EN 2267-007-2005 Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 260 °C — Part 007: DMA family, single ink-jet printable and multicore assembly — Product standard BS EN 2267-008-2005 Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 260 °C — Part 008: DM family, single UV laser printable and multicore assembly — Product standard BS EN 2267-009-2005 Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 009: DRA family, single and multicore assembly — Product standard BS EN 2267-010-2005 Cables, electrical, for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 010: DR family, single UV laser printable — Product standard 标准 航空航天系列.电和光学连接元件.试验方法.光学元件.电缆附件有效性.电缆循环可挠性 电气和光学连接元件.试验方法.光学元件.电缆连接的效果.电缆拉拔试验 电气和光学连接元件.试验方法.光学元件.电缆连接的效果.电缆扭力 电气和光学连接元件.试验方法.光学元件.电缆附着的效果.电缆轴向压缩 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和200 °C之间.屏蔽式(螺旋式)和有护套的可印 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和200 °C之间.屏蔽式(螺旋式)和有护套的可印 航空航天系列.通用单芯和多芯电缆.-55度和260度之间操作.屏蔽和Elements of electrical and optical connection — Test methods — Part 609: Optical elements — Effectiveness of cable attachment — Cable cyclic flexing Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Optical elements - Effectiveness of cable attachment - Cable pulling Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Optical elements - Effectiveness of cable attachment - Cable torsion Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Optical elements - Effectiveness of cable attachment - Cable axial compression Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose - Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 200 °C - Screened (spiral) and jacketed, ink jet printable - Product standard Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose - Operating temperatures between -55 °C and 200 °C - Screened (spiral) and jacketed, UV laser printable - Product standard Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 002: Screened and BS EN 2591-609-2005 BS EN 2591-610-2001 BS EN 2591-611-2001 BS EN 2591-612-2001 BS EN 2713-003-2005 BS EN 2713-007-2005 BS EN 2714-002-2005 护套电缆.总则 航空航天系列.通用单芯和多芯电缆.-55度and 260度之间操作.屏蔽(螺旋)和橡套电缆.产品标准 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和260 °C之间.屏蔽式(螺旋式)和有护套的可印 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和260 °C之间.DM族、屏蔽式(螺旋式)和有护套 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和260 °C之间.DM族、屏蔽式(麻花型)和有护套 航空航天系列.单芯和多芯电缆的一般用途.操作温度在-55 °C 和260 °C之间.DM族、屏蔽式(螺旋式)和有护套 jacketed — General Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 003: Screened (spiral) and jacketed, ink jet printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 007: Screened (spiral) and jacketed, UV laser printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 011: DM family, screened (spiral) and jacketed, UV laser printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 012: DM family, screened (braided) and jacketed, UV laser printable — Product standard Cables, electrical, single and multicore for general purpose — Operating temperatures between -55 ℃ and 260 ℃ — Part 013: DR family, screened (spiral) and jacketed, UV laser printable — Product standard BS EN 2714-003-2005 BS EN 2714-007-2005 BS EN 2714-011-2005 BS EN 2714-012-2005 BS EN 2714-013-2005 BS EN 2853-2005 BS EN 3475-100-200导体EN 2083的电Current ratings for electrical cables 缆的额定电流 with conductor EN 2083 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - General 2 BS EN 3475-201-2002 BS EN 3475-202-2002 BS EN 3475-301-2002 BS EN 3475-303-2002 BS EN 3475-304-2002 BS EN 3475-305-2002 BS EN 3475-306-2005 BS EN 3475-307-2005 BS EN 3475-401-2002 BS EN 3475-402-2002 BS EN 方法.总则 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.目视检查 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.质量 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.单位长度的欧姆电阻 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.绝缘电阻 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.表面电阻 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.过载电阻 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Visual examination Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Mass Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Ohmic resistance per unit length Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Insulation resistance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Surface resistance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Overload resistance 航空航天系列.飞Cables, electrical, aircraft use — 行器用电缆.试验Test methods — Part 306: Continuity of 方法.导线连贯性 conductors 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.电晕熄灭电压 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.加速老化试验 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.收缩性和脱层 航空航天系列.飞Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 307: Corona extinction voltage Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Accelerated ageing Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Shrinkage and delamination Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, 3475-403-2002 BS EN 3475-404-2002 BS EN 3475-405-2002 BS EN 3475-406-2002 BS EN 3475-407-2005 BS EN 3475-408-2005 BS EN 3475-409-2002 BS EN 3475-410-2002 BS EN 3475-411-2005 BS EN 3475-412-2002 BS EN 3475-413-2002 BS EN 行器用电缆.试验aircraft use - Test methods - 方法.脱层和阻塞 Delamination and blocking 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.热冲击 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.环境温度下的弯曲 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Thermal shock Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Bending at ambient temperature 航空航天系列.飞Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, 行器用电缆.试验aircraft use - Test methods - Cold bend 方法.冷弯曲试验 test 航空航天系列.飞机用电缆.试验方法.可燃性 航空航天系列.飞机用电缆.试验方法.耐燃性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.真空老化试验 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐热性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐液体 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐湿度 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.反复缠绕试验 航空航天系列.飞Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 407: Flammability Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 408: Fire resistance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Air-excluded ageing Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Thermal endurance Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 411: Resistance to fluids Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Humidity resistance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Wrap back test Cables, electrical, aircraft use — 3475-414-2005 行器用电缆.试验Test methods — Part 414: Differential 方法.差示扫描量scanning calorimeter (DSC test) 热仪(DSC 试验) 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.温度快速改变 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.热稳定性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.动态切口 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.切口延伸 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.擦伤腐蚀 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.扭力 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.导线和绞线的抗拉试验 Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 415: Rapid change of temperature Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 416: Thermal stability Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Dynamic cut-through Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Notch propagation Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Scrape abrasion Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Torsion Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Tensile tests on conductors and strands BS EN 3475-415-2005 BS EN 3475-416-2005 BS EN 3475-501-2002 BS EN 3475-502-2002 BS EN 3475-503-2002 BS EN 3475-504-2002 BS EN 3475-505-2002 BS EN 3475-506-2002 BS EN 3475-507-2002 BS EN 3475-508-2002 航空航天系列.飞Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, 行器用电缆.试验aircraft use - Test methods - Plating 方法.电镀连续性 continuity 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.电镀的附着力 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.镀层厚度 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Adherence of plating Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Plating thickness BS EN 3475-509-2002 BS EN 3475-510-2002 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.可焊接性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.挤压绝缘护套和套管材料的抗拉强度和延伸率 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.电缆对电缆的磨耗 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐弯度 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐变形(用塑料电缆扎带安装) 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐湿弧光痕迹性能 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.耐干弧光的传播性能 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.湿气短路试验 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.绝缘材料与导体的脱层和附着力 航空航天系列.飞Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Solderability Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Tensile strength and elongation of extruded insulation, sheath and jacket material Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Cable-to-cable abrasion Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Flexure endurance Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 513: Deformation resistance (Installation with plastic cable ties) Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Resistance to wet arc tracking Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Resistance to dry arc propagation Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Wet short circuit test Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Strippability and adherence of insulation to the conductor Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, BS EN 3475-511-2002 BS EN 3475-512-2002 BS EN 3475-513-2005 BS EN 3475-603-2002 BS EN 3475-604-2002 BS EN 3475-605-2002 BS EN 3475-701-2002 BS EN 3475-702-2002 行器用电缆.试验方法.屏蔽后推移能力 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.制造商标记的耐久性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.挠性 航空系航天列.飞机用电缆.试验方法.对比度测量 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.激光可标记性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.单位长度导体的电容量 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.不平衡导体的电容量 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.导体的电容量的变化 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.传播速度 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.特性阻抗 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验aircraft use - Test methods - Screen pushback capability BS EN 3475-703-2002 BS EN 3475-704-2002 BS EN 3475-705-2005 BS EN 3475-706-2005 BS EN 3475-801-2002 BS EN 3475-802-2002 BS EN 3475-803-2002 BS EN 3475-804-2002 BS EN 3475-805-2002 BS EN 3475-806-200Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Permanence of manufacturer's marking Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Flexibility Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 705: Contrast measurement Cables, electrical, aircraft use — Test methods — Part 706: Laser markability Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Capacitance per unit length Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Capacitance unbalance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Capacitance variation Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Velocity of propagation Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Characteristic impedance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - 2 BS EN 3475-807-2002 BS EN 3475-808-2002 BS EN 3719-2005 BS EN 3745-511-2002 方法.衰减性 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.转移阻抗 航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.交叉谈话 Attenuation Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Transfer impedance Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Cross-talk 航空航天系列.电Aluminium or aluminium alloy 缆的铝或铝合金导conductors for electrical cables — 体.产品标准 Product standard 航空航天系列.飞Aerospace series - Fibres and cables, 行器用光纤和光optical, aircraft use - Test methods - 缆.试验方法.电缆Cable to cable abrasion 间的磨蚀 航空航天系列.热电偶膨胀电缆.操Thermocouple extension cable — 作温度在-65 °C Operating temperatures between -65 °C 和260 °C之间.and 260 °C — Part 002: General 总则 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.外观检查 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.质量和尺寸的检查 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.盐雾试验 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.防液 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.染色牢度 航空航天系列.导Cable ties for harnesses — Test methods — Part 201: Visual examination Cable ties for harnesses — Test methods — Part 202: Examination of mass and dimensions Cable ties for harnesses — Test methods — Part 301: Salt mist test Cable ties for harnesses — Test methods — Part 303: Resistance to fluids Cable ties for harnesses -- Test methods -- Part 305: Coulor fastness?? Cable ties for harnesses — Test BS EN 4049-002-2005 BS EN 4057-201-2005 BS EN 4057-202-2005 BS EN 4057-301-2005 BS EN 4057-303-2005 BS EN 4057-305-2005 BS EN 4057-405-2005 线电缆扎匝.试验方法.罗盘安全距离 航空航天系列.导线电缆扎匝.试验方法.使用工具调整校验 航空航天系列.矩形模块电连接器.连续操作温度175 °C.系列2和系列3的连接器的模块2和4的电缆夹.产品标准 methods — Part 405: Compass safe distance BS EN 4057-407-2005 Cable ties for harnesses — Test methods — Part 407: Verification of application tool settings BS EN 4165-013-2005 Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular — Operating temperature 175 ℃ continuous??— Part 013: Cable clamp 2 and 4 modules for connectors, series 2 and series 3 — Product standard BS EN 4434-2005 BS EN 45510-2-8-2004 BS EN 50083-10-2002 航空航天系列.电Copper or copper alloy lightweight 缆的铜和铜合金轻conductors for electrical cables — 型导体.产品质量Product standard (Normal and tight (正常和紧公差) tolerances) 发电站设备采购指Guide for procurement of power station 南.电气设备.电力equipment - Electrical equipment - 电缆 Power cables 电视和声音信号的Cabled distribution systems for 电缆分配系统.回television and sound signals - System 程线路的系统性能 performance for return paths Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals - Active wideband equipment for coaxial cable networks Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals - Passive wideband equipment for coaxial cable networks 电视和声信号用电BS EN 缆分布系统.有源50083-3-2002 同轴电缆网络的活动宽带设备 电视和伴音信号的BS EN 电缆配电系统.同50083-4-1999 轴电缆网络无源宽带设备 电视和声音信号电Cabled distribution systems for BS EN 缆分配系统.输入television and sound signals - Headend 50083-5-2002 设备 equipment BS EN 电视和声信号用电Cabled distribution systems for 50083-7-1997 缆分布系统.第7television and sound signals - System 部分:系统性能 电视和音频信号的BS EN 电缆分配系统.安50083-8-2002 全性要求.网络的电磁兼容性 performance Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals - Electromagnetic compatibility for networks 电视和声信号用电Cabled distribution systems for 缆分布系统.第9television and sound signals - BS EN 部分:CATV/SMATV Interfaces for CATV/SMATV headends and 50083-9-2003 输入端接口和similar professional equipment for DVB/MPEG-2输送DVB/MPEG-2 transport streams 流用类似专业设备 电气装置用电缆导管和电缆管道系统.配电箱内安装的线槽电缆主干系统专门要求.第3节:配电箱内开槽 家用和建筑物用电子系统.安装要求.1类HBES双扭线用通用电缆 Cable trunking and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Particular requirements for slotted cable trunking systems intended for installation in cabinets - Section 3: Slotted in cabinets Home and building electronic systems (HBES) - Installation requirements - Generic cabling for HBES class 1 twisted pair BS EN 50085-2-3-2001 BS EN 50090-9-1-2005 信息技术用户室内Customer premises cabling for BS EN 电缆的敷设.ISDNinformation technology - ISDN basic 50098-1-1999 基础访问 access 信息技术用用户房屋电缆线BS EN 路.2048kbit/s 50098-2-1996 ISDN基本存取和租用专用通信网接口 手工压接工具.低频和射频用电缆和BS EN 电线终端压接工50109-1-1996 具.一般要求和试验 BS EN 50109-2-1-1996 Customer premises cabling for information technology - 2048 kbit/s ISDN primary access and leased line network interface Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio frequency applications - General requirements and tests 手工压接工具.低Hand crimping tools - Tools for the 频和射频用电缆和crimp termination of electric cables 电线终端压接工and wires for low frequency and radio 具.特殊要求.射频连接器和同轴接触点.有固定模开式工具,规 frequency applications - Particular requirements - Radio frequency connectors and concentric contacts - Open throat tools with fixed dies, sizes A to E, V and W BS EN 50109-2-2-1996 Hand crimping tools - Tools for the 手工压接工具.低crimp termination of electric cables 频和射频用电缆和and wires for low frequency and radio 电线终端压接工frequency applications - Particular 具.特殊要求.射频requirements - Radio frequency 连接器和同轴接触connectors and concentric contacts - 点的手工压接工Open throat tools with removable and 具.有可拆 interchangeable dies, sizes A to G, Q to T, V and W 手动压接工具.低频和高频电线和电缆压接连接工具.第2-3部分:电器插接件触点专门要求 Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio frequency applications - Particular requirements - Contacts of electrical connectors BS EN 50109-2-3-1996 BS EN 50109-2-4-1996 手动压接工具.低Hand crimping tools - Tools for the 频和高频电线和电crimp termination of electric cables 缆压接连接工具.and wires for low frequency and radio 专门要求.SMZ系frequency applications - Particular 列高频插接连接的requirements - Centre contacts of RF 中间接点专门要求 connectors, series SMZ 手动压接工具.低频和高频用电线和电缆压接连接用工具.专门要求.数据总线用带2个内芯的电缆连接专门要求 Hand crimping tools - Tools for the crimp termination of electric cables and wires for low frequency and radio frequency applications - Particular requirements - Termination of twin-ax cable for databus applications BS EN 50109-2-5-1996 BS EN Coaxial cables - Part 1: Generic 同轴电缆.总规范 50117-1-2002 specification BS EN 50117-2-1-2005 同轴电缆.电缆配电网络用电缆分规范.在 5MHz - 1000 MHz 工作的系统用Coaxial cables - Part 2-1: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Indoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz 室内安装电缆 同轴电缆.电缆配电网络用电缆的分规范.在5 MHz - 1000 MHz上运行的系统用室外引入电缆 同轴电缆.电缆配电网络用电缆的分规范.在5 MHz - 1000 MHz上运行的系统用配电电缆和中继电缆 同轴电缆.电缆配电网络用电缆的分规范.在5 MHz - 3000 MHz上运行的系统用室内引入电缆 同轴电缆.电缆配电网络用电缆的分规范.在5 MHz - 3000 MHz上运行的系统用室外引入电缆 - 1000 MHz Coaxial cables - Part 2-2: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Outdoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 1000 MHz Coaxial cables - Part 2-3: Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Distribution and trunk cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 1000 MHz Coaxial cables - Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Indoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3000 MHz Coaxial cables - Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks - Outdoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz - 3000 MHz BS EN 50117-2-2-2004 BS EN 50117-2-3-2004 BS EN 50117-2-4-2004 BS EN 50117-2-5-2004 BS EN 50117-3-1-2002 Coaxial cables - Sectional 同轴电缆.电信用specifications for cables used in 电缆分规范.数字telecom applications - Miniaturized 电信系统用微型化cables used in digital communication 的电缆 systems Coaxial cables used in cabled 电缆分布网络中用BS EN distribution networks - Part 3: 的同轴电缆.室外50117-3-1996 Sectional specification for outdoor 接地电缆的分规范 drop cables 电缆配电设备用同BS EN 轴电缆.第4部分:50117-4-1996 配电器和线路电缆用分规范 Coaxial cables used in cabled distribution networks - Part 4: Sectional specification for distribution and trunk cables 电缆配电网络用同轴电缆.用在频率BS EN 在5MHz-2150MHz50117-5-1997 之间电网操作室内分接电缆分规范 电缆配电网络用同轴电缆.用于频率BS EN 在5MHz-2150MHz50117-6-1997 之间电网操作室外分接电缆分规范 Coaxial cables used in cabled distribution networks - Sectional specification for indoor drop cables for use in networks operating at frequencies between 5 MHz and 2150 MHz Coaxial cables used in cabled distribution networks - Sectional specification for outdoor drop cables for use in networks operating at frequencies between 5 MHz and 2150 MHz BS EN 50143-1999 Cables for signs and 空载运行电压1kluminous-discharge-tube installations 以上但不超过10koperating from a no-load rated output 的发光管装置和发voltage exceeding 1 kV but not 光管设备用电缆 exceeding 10 kV 电力设备用电缆连Cable ties for electrical 接线 installations BS EN 50146-2000 信息技术.通用的Information technology - Generic BS EN 电缆敷设系统.一cabling systems - General requirements 50173-1-2003 般要求和办公区 and office areas 信息技术.电缆装BS EN 配.规范和质量保50174-1-2001 证 信息技术.电缆装BS EN 配.建筑物内安装50174-2-2001 规划和惯例 Information technology - Cabling installation - Specification and quality assurance Information technology - Cabling installation - Installation planning and practices inside buildings 信息技术.电缆敷Installation technology - Cabling BS EN 设装置.安装计划installation - Installation planning 50174-3-2004 和和建筑物外部的and practices outside buildings 实施 BS EN 50200-2006 BS EN 50214-1998 BS EN 50249-2003 紧急线路用非保护Method of test for resistance to fire 型小电缆的耐火性of unprotected small cables for use in 试验方法 emergency circuits 升降机用挠性电缆 Flexible cables for lifts 地下管道和电缆用Electromagnetic locators for buried 电磁波监测器.性pipes and cables - Performance and 能和安全 BS EN 50262-1999 safety 电气设备用米制电Cable glands for electrical 缆密封装置 installations Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Standard wall - General requirements Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Standard wall - Single core cables Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Standard wall - Multicore cables Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Apparatus 铁路设施.有特殊BS EN 防火性能的铁路机50264-1-2002 车车辆电缆.标准壁厚.一般要求 铁路设施.有特殊BS EN 防火性能的铁路机50264-2-2002 车车辆电缆.标准壁厚.单芯电缆 铁路设施.有特殊BS EN 防火性能的铁路机50264-3-2002 车车辆电缆.标准壁厚.多芯电缆 着火条件下电缆通用试验方法.垂直BS EN 固定的电线束或电50266-1-2001 缆的垂直火焰扩散试验.装置 着火条件下电缆的通用试验方法.垂直固定的垂直束状电线和电缆的垂直火焰扩散的试验.试验程序.类别A,F/R 着火条件下电缆通用试验方法.垂直固定的电线束和或电缆的垂直火焰扩散试验.过程.类别A BS EN 50266-2-1-2001 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Procedures - Category A F/R BS EN 50266-2-2-2001 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Procedures - Category A BS EN 50266-2-3-2001 着火条件下电缆通Common test methods for cables under 用试验方法.垂直fire conditions - Test for vertical 固定的电线束或电flame spread of vertically-mounted 缆的垂直火焰扩散bunched wires or cables - Procedures - 试验.过程.类别B Category B BS EN 50266-2-4-2001 着火条件下电缆通Common test methods for cables under 用试验方法.垂直fire conditions - Test for vertical 固定的电线束或电flame spread of vertically-mounted 缆的垂直火焰扩散bunched wires or cables - Procedures - 试验.过程.类别C Category C 着火条件下电缆通用试验方法.垂直固定的电线束或电缆的垂直火焰扩散试验.过程.小电缆.类别D Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables - Procedures - Small cables - Category D Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Apparatus Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Procedures - Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas - Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring pH and conductivity - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring pH and conductivity Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of pH and conductivity - Determination of degree BS EN 50266-2-5-2001 失火情况下电缆的一般检验方法.电BS EN 缆材料燃烧时产生50267-1-1999 的气体的检验.仪器 燃烧情况下电缆的一般检验方法.电缆材料燃烧时产生的气体的试验.程序.卤氢酸气体含量的测定 BS EN 50267-2-1-1999 BS EN 50267-2-2-1999 燃烧情况下电缆的通用试验方法.电缆材料燃烧时产生的气体的试验.程序.通过测量Ph值和传导性测定材料燃烧产 BS EN 50267-2-3-1999 燃烧情况下电缆的一般检验方法.电缆材料燃烧时产生的气体的试验.程序.通过测量Ph值和传导率的加权平均值测 of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of pH and conductivity 模拟和数字通讯及Multi-element metallic cables used in BS EN 控制中使用的多元analogue and digital communication and 50288-1-2004 件金属电缆.通用control - Generic specification 规范 BS EN 50288-2-1-2004 Multi-element metallic cables used in 模拟和数字通信及analogue and digital communication and 控制中使用的多元control - Horizontal and building 件金属电缆.水平backbone cables - Horizontal and 和建筑物的主电缆 building backbone cables 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元Multi-element metallic cables used in 件金属电analogue and digital communication and 缆.100MHz及以下control - Sectional specification for 的铠装电缆分规screened cables characterized up to 100 范.工作区域和临MHz - Work area and patch cord cables 时线路的软线电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.100MHz及以下的非铠装电缆分规范.水平和建筑物的主电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.非屏蔽电缆分规范.工作区域和临时线路的软线电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.600MHz及以下的铠装电缆分规范.水平和建筑物的主电缆 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterized up to 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for unscreened cables - Work area and patch cord cables Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 600 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables BS EN 50288-2-2-2004 BS EN 50288-3-1-2004 BS EN 50288-3-2-2004 BS EN 50288-4-1-2004 BS EN 50288-4-2-2004 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元Multi-element metallic cables used in 件金属电analogue and digital communication and 缆.600MHz及以下control - Sectional specification for 的屏蔽电缆分规screened cables characterized up to 600 范.工作区域和临MHz - Work area and patch cord cables 时线路的软线电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.不足250MHz的铠装电缆分规范.水平和建筑物主干电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.250MHz及以下的铠装电缆分规范.工作区域和中继电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.250MHz及以下的非铠装电缆分规范.水平和建筑物主电缆 模拟和数字通信及控制中使用的多元件金属电缆.250MHz及以下的非铠装电缆分规范.工作区域和中继电缆 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.一般要求 通信电缆.试验方Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables BS EN 50288-5-1-2004 BS EN 50288-5-2-2004 BS EN 50288-6-1-2004 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 250 MHz - Work area and patch cord cables Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - General requirements - General requirements Communication cables - Specifications BS EN 50288-6-2-2004 BS EN 50289-1-1-2001 BS EN 50289-1-10-2002 BS EN 50289-1-11-2002 BS EN 50289-1-12-2005 法规范.电气试验方法.串音 for test methods - Electrical test methods - Crosstalk 通信电缆.试验方Communication cables - Specifications 法规范.电气试验for test methods - Electrical test 方法.特性阻抗、输methods - Characteristic impedance, 入阻抗、回路损耗 input impedance, return loss 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.电感 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.接插线/同轴电缆配件/预连接电缆的耦合衰减或屏蔽衰减 Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Inductance Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Coupling attenuation or screening attenuation of patch cords/coaxial cable assemblies/pre-connectorised cables BS EN 50289-1-13-2004 BS EN 50289-1-14-2004 Communication cables - Specifications 通信电缆.试验方for test methods - Electrical test 法规范.连接硬件methods - Coupling attenuation or 的耦合衰减或屏蔽screening attenuation of connecting 衰减 hardware Communication cables - Specifications 通信电缆.试验方for test methods - Electromagnetic 法规范.电磁性能.performance - Coupling attenuation of 链路和信道的耦合links and channels (laboratory 衰减(实验室条件) conditions) 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.直流电阻 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.介电强度 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.耐绝缘性 通信电缆.试验方Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - DC resistance - d.c.resistance Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Dielectric strength - Dielectric strength Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Insulation resistance Communication cables - Specifications BS EN 50289-1-15-2004 BS EN 50289-1-2-2001 BS EN 50289-1-3-2001 BS EN 50289-1-4-2001 BS EN 50289-1-5-2001 BS EN 50289-1-6-2002 BS EN 50289-1-7-2001 BS EN 50289-1-8-2001 法规范.电气试验方法.电容.第5节:电容 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.电磁性能 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.传播速度.第7节:传播速度 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.衰减.第8节:衰减 通信电缆.试验方法规范.电气试验方法.不平衡衰减(轴向转换损耗,轴向转换传送损耗) 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.一般要求 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.扭转 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆抗切通性 for test methods - Electrical test methods - Capacitance - SEC5 : Capacitance Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Electromagnetic performance Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Velocity of propagation - sec7 : Velocity of propagation Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Attentuation - Sec8 : attentuation Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Electrical test methods - Unbalance attenuation (longitudinal conversion loss, longitudinal conversion transfer loss) Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - General requirements - General requirements Communication cables - Specifications for tests methods - Mechanical test methods - Torsion and twisting Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Cable cut-through resistance BS EN 50289-1-9-2002 BS EN 50289-3-1-2001 BS EN 50289-3-10-2005 BS EN 50289-3-11-2001 BS EN 50289-3-12-2001 BS EN 50289-3-13-2003 BS EN 通信电缆.试验方Communication cables - Specifications 法规范.机械试验for test methods - Mechanical test 方法.强迫性损伤 methods - Shot gun damage 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.风成振动 通信电缆.试验方Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Aeolian vibration Communication cables - Specifications 50289-3-15-2003 法规范.机械试验方法.海底电缆耐静水压力 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆抗拉性能 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电介质和护套的粘合性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.导体抗拉强度和弹性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.绝缘护套抗拉强度、弹性和收缩性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆抗破碎性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆抗冲击性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆护套耐磨性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.机械试验方法.电缆护套标记耐磨性 通信电缆.试验方for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Underwater cable resistance to hydrostatic pressure Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Cable tensile performance Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Adhesion of dielectric and sheath Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Tensile strength and elongation for conductor Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Tensile strength, elongation and shrinkage of insulation and sheath Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Crush resistance of the cable Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Impact resistance of the cable Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Abrasion resistance of the cable sheath Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Abrasion resistance of cable sheath markings Communication cables - Specifications BS EN 50289-3-16-2001 BS EN 50289-3-17-2002 BS EN 50289-3-2-2001 BS EN 50289-3-4-2001 BS EN 50289-3-5-2001 BS EN 50289-3-6-2001 BS EN 50289-3-7-2001 BS EN 50289-3-8-2001 BS EN 50289-3-9-2001 BS EN 50289-4-1-2001 BS EN 50289-4-11-2002 法规范.机械试验方法.弯曲试验 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.一般要求 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.横向组合燃烧试验方法 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.小型束状通信电缆上的垂直火焰扩散试验 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.闪电 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.水渗透性 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.温度循环 通信电缆.试验方法规范.环境试验方法.耐气动性 通信电缆.总则 for test methods - Mechanical test methods - Bending tests Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - General requirements Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - A horizontal integrated fire test method Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - Vertical flame spread test on bunched small communication cables Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - Lightning Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - Water penetration Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - Temperature cycling Communication cables - Specifications for test methods - Environmental test methods - Pneumatic resistance Communication cables - General BS EN 50289-4-12-2004 BS EN 50289-4-14-2003 BS EN 50289-4-2-2001 BS EN 50289-4-6-2001 BS EN 50289-4-9-2001 BS EN 50290-1-1-2001 BS EN 50290-1-2-2004 BS EN 50290-2-1-2005 BS EN 通信电缆.定义 Communication cables - Definitions 通信电缆.通用设计原则和结构 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design rules and construction Communication cables - Common design 50290-2-20-2001 BS EN 50290-2-21-2002 BS EN 50290-2-22-2002 BS EN 50290-2-23-2002 BS EN 50290-2-24-2002 BS EN 50290-2-25-2002 BS EN 50290-2-26-2002 BS EN 50290-2-27-2002 BS EN 50290-2-28-2002 BS EN 50290-2-29-2002 BS EN 50290-2-30-2002 计规则和制造.总则 rules and construction - General 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Part 2-21: 计规则和制造.PVCCommon design rules and construction - 绝缘化合物 PVC insulation compounds 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Part 2-22: 计规则和制造.PVCCommon design rules and construction - 铠装化合物 PVC sheathing compounds 通信电缆.通用设计规则和制造.PE绝缘材料 Communication cables - Part 2-23: Common design rules and construction - PE insulation 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design 计规则和制造.聚rules and construction - PE sheathing 乙烯铠装化合物 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design 计规则和制造.聚rules and construction - Polypropylene 丙烯绝缘化合物 insulation compounds 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design 计规则和制造.无rules and construction - Halogen free 卤素的阻燃绝缘化flame retardant insulation compounds 合物 通信电缆.一般设计规则和制造.无卤素的阻燃热塑性铠装化合物 Communication cables - Common design rules and construction - Halogen free flame retardant thermoplastic sheathing compounds 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design 计规则和制造.填rules and construction - Filling 充电缆用填充化合compounds for filled cables 物 通信电缆.通用设Communication cables - Common design 计规则和制造.交rules and construction - Cross-linked 联聚乙烯绝缘化合PE insulation compounds 物 通信电缆.通用设计规则和制造.聚四氟乙烯 - 聚六氟丙烯(FEP)绝缘Communication cables - Common design rules and construction - Poly(tetrafluoroethylene-hexafluoropropylene) (FEP) insulation and 和铠装化合物 BS EN 50290-4-1-2002 通信电缆.电缆使用的全面考虑.环境条件和安全 UDOWNm设备的最高电压从72.5 kV - 550 kV的变压器和电抗器用浸油式电缆连接组件 低压开关装置和控制装置组件.低压变电所电缆分线板的一般要求 sheathing Communication cables - General considerations for the use of cables - Environmental conditions and safety aspects Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for transformers and reactors having highest voltage for equipment Um from 72,5 kV to 550 kV Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - General requirements for low-voltage substation cable distribution boards Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - General requirements Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Single core cables Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Single core and multicore cables (pairs, triples and quads) screened and thin wall sheathed Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall - Multicore and multipair cables standard wall sheathed BS EN 50299-2002 BS EN 50300-2004 铁路设施.有专门BS EN 防火性能的铁路机50306-1-2002 车车辆电缆.薄壁.一般要求 铁路设施.有专门BS EN 防火性能的铁路机50306-2-2002 车车辆电缆.薄壁.单芯电缆 铁路设施.有专门防火性能的铁路机车车辆电缆.薄壁.BS EN 单芯和多芯电缆50306-3-2002 (双芯、三芯和四芯)的屏障及薄壁护套 铁路设施.有专门防火性能的铁路机BS EN 车车辆电缆.薄壁.50306-4-2002 标准壁护套的多芯和多对电缆 BS EN 50307-2003 铅和铅合金.电缆Lead and lead alloys - Lead and lead 的铅和铅合金护套alloy sheaths and sleeves of electric 和套管 cables BS EN 50334-2001 BS EN 50336-2002 Marking by inscription for the 电缆芯线识别用符identification of cores of electric 号标记 cables 不超过36kV的变Bushings for transformers and reactor 压器和电抗器电缆cable boxes not exceeding 36 kV 盒用套管 电缆切割液压装置.用于公称电压在交流30KV以下电气设施的电缆切割装置 铁路设施.铁路车辆.电缆敷设的安装规则 信息技术.电缆安装.已安装的电缆的检验 铁路设施.有特殊防火效能的铁路机车电缆.薄壁和标准壁.使用指南 Hydraulic cable cutting devices - Devices to be used on electrical installations with nominal voltage up to AC 30 kV Railway applications - Rolling stock - Rules for installation of cabling Information technology - Cabling installation - Testing of installed cabling Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance - Thin wall and standard wall - Guide to use BS EN 50340-2002 BS EN 50343-2003 BS EN 50346-2003 BS EN 50355-2003 BS EN 50356-2002 BS EN 50362-2003 电缆的火花试验方Method for spark testing of cables 法 应急电路中使用的Method of test for resistance to fire 大型无防护电力电of larger unprotected power and control 电源和控制电缆的cables for use in emergency circuits 耐火性的试验方法 低压电缆用绝缘、Insulating, sheathing and covering BS EN 铠装和包覆材料.materials for low voltage energy cables 50363-0-2005 一般介绍 - General introduction Insulating, sheathing and covering 低压电缆用绝缘、BS EN materials for low voltage energy cables 铠装和包覆材料.50363-1-2005 — Part 1: Cross-linked elastomeric 交联绝缘复合物 insulating compounds BS EN 50363-2-1-2005 低压电缆用绝缘、Insulating, sheathing and covering 铠装和包覆材料.materials for low voltage energy cables 交联弹性铠装复合— Part 2-1: Cross-linked elastomeric 物 BS EN 50363-2-2-2005 低压电缆用绝缘、铠装和包覆材料.交联弹性包覆复合物 sheathing compounds Insulating, sheathing and covering materials for low voltage energy cables — Part 2-2: Cross-linked elastomeric covering compounds 低压电缆用绝缘、Insulating, sheathing and covering BS EN 铠装和包覆材materials for low voltage energy cables 50363-3-2005 料.PVC绝缘复合- Part 3: PVC insulating compounds 物 BS EN 50363-4-1-2005 BS EN 50363-4-2-2005 BS EN 50368-2003 BS EN 50369-2005 低压电缆用绝缘、Insulating, sheathing and covering 铠装和包覆材料. materials for low voltage energy cables PVC铠装复合物 — Part 4-1: PVC sheathing compounds 低压电缆用绝缘、Insulating, sheathing and covering 铠装和包覆材materials for low voltage energy cables 料.PVC包覆复合— Part 4-2: PVC covering compounds 物 电气装置用电缆夹Cable cleats for electrical 具 installations 电缆管理用防水铠Liquid tight sheathing systems for 装系统 cable management 高比特率电信网络End user multi-pair cables used in high BS EN 用端用户多组电bit rate telecommunication networks - 50406-1-2004 缆.架空电缆 Aerial cables 高比特率电信网络End user multi-pair cables used in high BS EN 用端用户多组电bit rate telecommunication networks - 50406-2-2004 缆.管道和地下电Duct and buried cables 缆 高比特率数字存取Multi-pair cables used in high bit rate BS EN 电信网络用多组电digital access telecommunication 50407-1-2004 缆.室外电缆 networks - Outdoor cables 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套光电纤维电缆铅分析的试验方法.方法A:用火焰激发原子吸收光谱测定法测定法含铅总量测定. Test methods for analysis of lead in PVC taken from insulation and sheath of electric and optical fibre cables - Method A: Total lead content determination with flame excitation atomic absorption spectrometry - Method B: Qualitative analysis of lead BS EN 50414-2006 by lead sulphide staining BS EN 60169-24-1994 射频连接器.带螺旋耦合器的射频同轴连接器(主要用于75ΩF型电缆分配系统) 射频连接器.同带有内孔的外导体内径为13.56mm(0.534in)TWHN型双内导体屏蔽对称电缆一起使用的双柱螺旋(<3/4 绝缘电缆导线 Radio-frequency connectors - Radio-frequency coaxial connectors with screw coupling, typically for use in 75 ohm cable distribution systems (Type F) Radio-frequency connectors - Two-pole screw (3/4-20 UNEF) coupled connectors for use with shielded balanced cables having twin inner conductors with inner diameter of outer conductor 13,56 mm (0,534 in) (Type TWHN) BS EN 60169-25-1994 BS EN 60228-2005 BS EN 60230-2002 BS EN 60332-1-1-2005 Conductors of insulated cables 电缆及其附件的脉Impulse tests on cables and their 冲试验 accessories 着火条件下电缆和光缆的试验.单根绝缘电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延的试验.装置 着火条件下电缆和光缆的试验.单股绝缘电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延的试验.1kW预混合火焰规程 着火条件下电缆和光缆的试验.单股绝缘电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延的试验.燃烧的微滴/颗粒的测定程序 Tests on electrical and optical cables under fire conditions - Test for a vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - Apparatus Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Test for vertfical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - Procedure for 1 kW pre-mixed flame Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Test for vertical flame propagation for a single vertical insulated wire or cable - Procedure for determination of flaming droplets/particles BS EN 60332-1-2-2004 BS EN 60332-1-3-2004 BS EN 60332-2-1-2005 着火条件下电缆和Tests on electric and optical fibre 光缆的试验.单根cables under fire conditions - Test for 小型绝缘电线或电vertical flame propagation for a single 缆的垂直火焰蔓延small insulated wire or cable - 的试验.装置 Apparatus BS EN 60332-2-2-2004 着火条件下电缆和光缆的试验.单股绝缘电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延的试验.扩散火焰法 云母基绝缘材料规范.第3部分:单项材料规范.第8活页:耐燃烧安全电缆用云母纸带 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Tests for vertical flame propagation for a single small insulated wire or cable - Procedure for diffusion flame Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Specifications for individual materials - Mica paper tapes for flame-resistant security cables Specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Particular requirements for assemblies intended to be installed outdoors in public places - Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for power distribution in networks BS EN 60371-3-8-1996 低压开关设备和控制设备组件.第5BS EN 部分:室外公共场60439-5-1996 所安装用组件专门要求.网络电力分配电缆交接箱 BS EN 60465-1992 BS EN 60526-2005 电缆用带油导管的Specification for unused insulating 未使用过的绝缘矿mineral oils for cables with oil ducts 物油规范 医用X射线设备高High-voltage cable plug and socket 压电缆插头和插座connections for medical X-ray 的连接 equipment 印制板用频率低于Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz 3MHz的连接for use with printed boards - Two-part BS EN 器.2.54mm(0.1in)connectors for printed boards, 60603-9-1998 基本网格印制电路backpanels and cable connectors, basic 板、底板和电缆连grid of 2,54 mm (0,1 in) 接器用两件连接器 额定电压不超过BS EN 750V的矿物绝缘60702-1-2002 电缆及其终端.电缆 额定电压不超过BS EN 750V的矿物绝缘60702-2-2002 电缆及其终端.终Mineral insulated cables and their terminations with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V. Cables Mineral insulated cables and their terminations with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V. Terminations 端 额定电压达450/750V(含)圆铜导线电缆平均外部尺寸上限和下限的计算 Calculation for the lower and upper limits for the average outer dimensions of cables with circular copper conductors and of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V BS EN 60719-1993 电视和声音信号及Cable networks for television signals, BS EN 交互服务用电缆网sound signals and interactive services 60728-6-2003 络.光学设备 - Optical equipment 电视信号、声音信号和交互信号设备用电缆网络.混合光纤同轴电缆外部设备状况监测.物理层(PHY)规范 电视信号、声音信号和交互设备用电缆网络.混合光纤同轴电缆外部设备状况监测.媒体访问控制层(MAC)规范 电视信号、声音信号和交互设备用电缆网络.混合光纤同轴电缆外部设备状况监测.电力转发器接口总线(PSTIB).规 光纤电缆.一般规范.总则 光学纤维电缆.总规范.基础光缆试验规程 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Hybrid fibre coax outside plant status monitoring - Physical (PHY) layer specification BS EN 60728-7-1-2005 BS EN 60728-7-2-2005 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Hybrid fibre coax outside plant status monitoring - Media access control (MAC) layer specification BS EN 60728-7-3-2005 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Hybrid fibre coax outside plant status monitoring - Power supply to transponder interface bus (PSTIB) - Specification Optical fibre cables - Generic specification - General Optical fibre cables - Generic specification - Basic optical cable test procedures BS EN 60794-1-1-2002 BS EN 60794-1-2-2003 BS EN 60794-2-11-2005 光纤电缆.室内电Optical fibre cables — Part 2-11: 缆.规整化布线系Indoor cables — Detailed 用单双电缆的详细specification for simplex and duplex 规范 BS EN 60794-2-21-2006 BS EN 60794-2-31-2006 BS EN 60794-3-10-2002 BS EN 60794-3-20-2003 光缆.室内光缆.房屋布线用多纤维光学配电电缆的详细规范 cables for use in premises cabling Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical distribution Cables for use in premises cabling Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: 光缆.室内光缆.房Indoor cables - Detailed specification 屋布线用光纤带状for optical fibre ribbon cables for use 电缆的详细规范 in premises cabling 光纤电缆.户外电缆.导管和直接掩埋的光通信电缆的系列规范 Optical fibre cables - Outdoor cables - Family specification for duct and directly buried optical telecommunication cables Optical fibre cables - Outdoor cables 光缆.户外电缆.自- Family specification for optical 立式架空通信光缆self-supporting aerial 的系列规范 telecommunication cables BS EN 光缆.分规范.户外Optical fibre cables - Sectional 60794-3-2002 电缆 specification - Outdoor cables Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods 电缆绝缘和护套材- General application - Measurement of 料.通用试验方法.thickness and overall dimensions - 一般应用.厚度和Tests for determining the mechanical 总尺寸测量.机械properties - Section 1: Measurement of 性能测定试验 thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法.第1部分:一般应用.第2节:热老化方法 电缆绝缘和护套材料.通用试验方法.一般应用.密度测定方法.吸水试验.收缩试验 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - General application - Thermal ageing methods Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - General application - Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test - BS EN 60811-1-1-1995 BS EN 60811-1-2-1995 BS EN 60811-1-3-1995 Section 3: Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinking test BS EN 60811-1-4-1995 电缆绝缘和护套材料.通用试验方法.第1部分:一般应用方法.第4节:低温试验 电缆绝缘和护套材料.通用试验方法.弹性化合物专用试验方法.耐臭氧性、热固化及矿物油浸渍试验 电缆的绝缘和护套材料.通用试验方法.聚氯乙烯专用方法.高温下压力试验.耐裂性试验 电缆绝缘和护套材料.通用试验方法.聚氯乙烯(PVC)化合物专用方法.质量损失试验.热稳定性试验 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - General application - Tests at low temperature Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Methods specific to PVC compounds - Pressure test at high temperature - Tests for resistance to cracking Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods - Methods specific to PVC compounds - Loss of mass test - Thermal stability test BS EN 60811-2-1-1998 BS EN 60811-3-1-1995 BS EN 60811-3-2-1995 BS EN 60811-4-1-2004 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Methods specific to 电缆和光缆的绝缘polypropylene and polypropylene 和护套材料.通用compounds - Resistance to 试验方法.聚丙烯environmental stress cracking - 和聚丙烯化合物专Measurement of the melt flow index - 用方法.抗环境应Carbon black and/or mineral filter 力致裂.熔化流动content measurement in PE by direct 指数测量 combustion - Measurement of carbon black content by TGA - Assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope BS EN 60811-4-2-2004 Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods - Methods specific to 电缆和光缆的绝缘polyethylene and polypropylene 和护套材料.通用compounds - Tensile strength and 试验方法.聚乙烯elongation at break after conditioning 和聚丙烯化合物专at elevated temperature - Wrapping test 用方法.高温处理after conditioning at elevated 后抗拉强度和断裂temperature - Wrapping test after 伸长度. thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long-term stability test - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation Insulating and sheathing materials of 电缆的绝缘和护套electric and optical fibre cables - 材料.通用试验方Common test methods - Methods specific 法.填充复合物的to filling compounds - Drop point - 专用方法.滴点.油Separation of oil - Lower temperature 分离.低温脆性.总brittleness - Total acid number - 酸值.无腐蚀性成Absence of corrosive components - 分.23℃ Permittivity at 23 °C - D.C. resistivity at 23 °C and 100 °C 光纤和电缆的连接器.纤维光学连接器的部分规范.F-05型(磨擦锁定) Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Sectional specification for fibre optic connector - Type F-05 (friction lock) BS EN 60811-5-1-2000 BS EN 60874-17-1997 BS EN 电缆的电气试验方Electrical test methods for electric 60885-2-2003 法.局部放电试验 cables - Partial discharge tests 电缆的电气试验方BS EN 法.测量挤压电力60885-3-2003 电缆段局部放电的试验方法 Electrical test methods for electric cables - Test methods for partial discharge measurements on lengths of extruded power cables 射频与同轴电缆组Radio frequency and coaxial cable BS EN 件.通用规范.一般assemblies - Generic specification - 60966-1-1999 要求和试验方法 General requirements and test methods BS EN 60966-2-1-2003 射频同轴电缆组件.柔软同轴电缆组件分规范 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Sectional specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies BS EN 60966-2-2-2003 BS EN 60966-2-3-2003 Radio frequency and coaxial cable 射频同轴电缆组assemblies - Blank detail 件.柔软同轴电缆specification for flexible coaxial 组件空白详细规范 cable assemblies 射频同轴电缆组件.柔软同轴电缆组件详细规范 射频和同轴电缆组件.无线电和电视接收机用0-3000MHz、使用IEC 61169-2连接器的电缆组件的详细规范 射频和同轴电缆组件.无线电和电视接收机用0-1000MHz、使用IEC 61169-2连接器的电缆组件详细规范 射频和同轴电缆组件.无线电和电视接收机用0-3000MHz、使用IEC61169-24连接器的电缆组件详细规范 射频同轴电缆组件.半柔软同轴电缆组件空白详细规范 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Detail specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers Frequency range 0 to 3000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors BS EN 60966-2-4-2003 BS EN 60966-2-5-2003 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers - Frequency range 0 to 1000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors BS EN 60966-2-6-2003 Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers - Frequency range 0 to 3000 MHz, IEC 61169-24 connectors BS EN 60966-3-1-2003 BS EN 60966-3-2-2003 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Blank detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable assemblies 射频同轴电缆组Radio frequency and coaxial cable 件.GSM(0.8GHz-1Gassemblies - Detail specification for Hz)用半柔软同轴semi-flexible coaxial cable assemblies 电缆组件详细规范 for GSM use (0,8 GHz - 1 GHz) Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Sectional specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable 射频同轴电缆组BS EN 件.半柔软同轴电60966-3-2003 缆组件分规范 assemblies BS EN 60966-4-1-2003 Radio frequency and coaxial cable 射频同轴电缆组assemblies - Blank detail 件.半硬同轴电缆specification for semi-rigid coaxial 组件空白详细规范 cable assemblies Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies - Sectional specification for semi-rigid coaxial cable assemblies 射频同轴电缆组BS EN 件.半硬性同轴电60966-4-2003 缆组件分规范 在规定条件下燃烧Measurement of smoke density of cables BS EN 的电缆烟雾密度测burning under defined conditions - Part 61034-2-2005 量.试验程序和要2: Test procedure and requirements 求 有质量评定的直流低频模拟及数字高速数据应用系统用连接器.矩形连接器.高速串行数据(HSSDC)用带1.25mm间距 Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and in digital high speed data applications - Rectangular connectors - Detail specification for single row connectors with non-removable ribbon cable contacts on 1,25 mm pitch used for high speed serial data (HSSDC) BS EN 61076-3-103-2004 BS EN 61076-4-103-1999 Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and 经过质量评定的直in digital high speed data applications 流低频模拟及数字- Printed board connectors - Detail 高速数据系统用连specification for two-part connectors 接器.印制电路板with shielding and a basic grid of 2,5 连接器.带屏蔽和mm - Cable to board connectors, 2.5mm基栅的两件shielded against EMC ,grid 2,5 mm,for 式连接 high speed data rates,for use with printed boards 电子设备连接器.经质量评定的印制板连接器.符合IEC 60917-1的基本网格为2.5mm、有25mm模数间距和集成屏蔽功 Connectors for electronic equipment - Printed board connectors with assessed quality - Detail specification for cable-to-board connectors, with a modular pitch of 25 mm and integrated shielding function, applicable for transverse packing density of 15 mm, having a basic grid of 2,5 mm in BS EN 61076-4-108-2003 accordance with IEC 60917-1 直流低频模拟和数字高速数据设备用经质量评定的连接器.印制板连接器.2.0mm基本栅级的并具有完全屏蔽和锁定 电子设备连接器.电缆引出端附件.空白详细规范 Connectors with assessed quality, for use in d.c., low-frequency analogue and in digital high speed data applications - Printed board connectors - Detail specification for latched cable connector system having a basic grid of 2,0 mm including full shielding and latching function Connectors for electronic equipment - Cable outlet accessories - Blank detail specification BS EN 61076-4-110-2002 BS EN 61076-7-001-2004 BS EN 61138-1998 便携式接地设备和Cables for portable earthing and 短路电流设备用电short-circuiting equipment 缆 射频连接器.分规范.通常用于75欧姆电缆配电系统带螺纹连接的射频同轴连接器(F型) Radio-frequency connectors - Sectional specification - Radio frequency coaxial connectors with screw coupling, typically for use in 75 ohm cable distribution systems (type F) BS EN 61169-24-2002 Radio-frequency cables - 射频电缆.规范.聚Specifications - Sectional BS EN 四氟乙烯(PTFE)绝specification for semi-rigid 61196-2-2003 缘半硬射频同轴电radio-frequency and coaxial cables 缆分规范 with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) insulation Radio-frequency cables - 射频电缆.规范.局BS EN Specifications - Sectional 域网用同轴电缆分61196-3-1999 specification for coaxial cables for 规范 local area networks 射频电缆.规范.水平地面布线数字通信用同轴电缆.工作半径为185m,每秒通过字节最高达10Mb的局域网用带固体电 Radio-frequency cables - Specifications - Coaxial cables for digital communication in horizontal floor wiring - Detail specification for coaxial cables with solid dielectric for local area networks of 185 m reach and up to 10 Mb/s BS EN 61196-3-2-1998 BS EN 射频电缆.规范.水Radio-frequency cables - 61196-3-3-1998 平地面布线数字通信用同轴电缆.工作半径为185m,每秒通过字节达10Mb的局域网用带泡沫电介质 Specifications - Coaxial cables for digital communication in horizontal floor wiring - Detail specification for coaxial cables with foamed dielectric for local area networks of 185 m reach and up to 10 Mb/s Coaxial communication cables - Sectional specification for radiating cables Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages up to 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) - Test methods and requirements BS EN 同轴通信电缆.辐61196-4-2004 射电缆分规范 额定电压为36KV(Um=42 kV)及BS EN 以下的电力电缆用61238-1-2003 压接和机械连接器.试验方法和要求 BS EN 61242-1998 BS EN 61280-1-1-1998 电气附件.家用和Electrical accessories - Cable reels 类似用途电缆卷轴 for household and similar purposes 光纤放大器.基本光谱分析仪.单模光纤电缆用发射机光输出功率测量 光纤通信分系统基本试验程序.光纤电缆性能指标.单模光纤电缆性能指标的衰减 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量程序.第2部分第35节:试验.电缆下垂 光纤互联装置和无源部件.基本试验和测量程序.第37节:试验.闭路用电缆弯曲 Optical fibre amplifiers.Basic spectrum analyzers - Transmitter output optical power measurement for single-mode optical fibre cable Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures - Fibre optic cable plant - Single-mode fibre optic cable plant attenuation Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Tests - Cable nutation Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Tests - Cable bending for closures BS EN 61280-4-2-2000 BS EN 61300-2-35-1997 BS EN 61300-2-37-1997 BS EN 61300-2-4-19光纤互联装置和无Fibre optic interconnecting devices 源部件.基本试验and passive components - Basic test and 97 和测量程序.试验.measurement procedures - Tests - 纤维/电缆牢固性 Fibre/cable retention 光纤无源部件和电Fibre optic passive components and BS EN 缆组件.第1部分:cable assemblies - Capability approval 61313-1-1997 能力鉴定.通用规- Generic specification 范 BS EN 61316-2000 工业电缆卷轴 Industrial cable reels BS EN 电缆管理的导管系Conduit systems for cable management - 61386-1-2004 统.通用要求 General requirements BS EN 61386-21-2004 BS EN 61386-22-2004 BS EN 61386-23-2004 BS EN 61442-2005 BS EN 61515-1996 BS EN 61537-2002 电缆管理用导管系Conduit systems for cable management - 统.特殊要求.刚性Particular requirements - Rigid 导管系统 conduit systems 电缆管理用导管系Conduit systems for cable management - 统.特殊要求.可弯Particular requirements - Pliable 曲的导管系统 conduit systems 电缆管理用导管系Conduit systems for cable management - 统.特殊要求.挠性Particular requirements - Flexible 导管系统 conduit systems 额定电压Test methods for accessories for power 6-36kV(Um=7.2-42cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (Um kV)的电力电缆附= 7,2 kV) up to 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) 件的试验方法 矿物绝缘热电偶电Mineral insulated thermocouple cables 缆和热电偶 and thermocouples 电缆管理用电缆槽Cable tray systems and cable ladder 系统和电缆梯架系systems for cable management 统 电缆组件、电缆、连接器和无源微波元件.用混响室法测量滤屏衰减 Cable assemblies, cables, connectors and passive microwave components - Screening attenuation measurement by the reverberation chamber method Testing of balanced communication cabling in accordance with standards series EN 50173 — Part 1: Installed cabling BS EN 61726-2000 根据EN 50173标准BS EN 系列:已安装电缆61935-1-2005 的规定对对称通信布线进行检验 根据EN 50173标准系列:接线电缆和BS EN 工作区电缆规定对61935-2-2005 对称通信布线进行检验 Testing of balanced communication cabling in accordance with standards series EN 50173 — Part 2: Patch cords and work area cords Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad 在条件恶劣环境中BS EN cables for digital communications to be 数字通信用两芯/62012-1-2002 used in harsh environments - Generic 四芯电缆.总规范 specification BS EN 62037-2000 射频连接器.连接RF connectors, connector cable 器电缆组件和电assemblies and cables - 缆.互调电平测量 Intermodulation level measurement 金属通信电缆试验方法.电气.用离散傅里叶逆变换测量频域中的脉冲/分步回程损失 金属通信电缆试验方法.电磁兼容性(EMC).屏蔽和耦合衰减.注入夹紧法 管道工程.在爆燃性大气中电缆保护用皱纹软金属管组件 电阻焊设备.连接水冷接头的二次接线电缆.尺寸和特性 石油液体和气体.动态测量的精确性可靠性.电脉冲数据和/或电子脉冲数据的电缆传输 Metallic communication cables test methods - Electrical - Measurement of the pulse/step return loss in the frequency domain using the inverse discrete fourier transformation(IDFT) Metallic communication cable test methods - Electromagnetic compatibility - Screening and coupling attenuation - Injection clamp method Pipework - Corrugated flexible metallic hose assemblies for the protection of electrical cables in explosive atmosphere Resistance welding equipment - Secondary connecting cables with terminals connected to water-cooled lugs - Dimensions and characteristics Petroleum liquids and gases - Fidelity and security of dynamic measurement - Cabled transmission of electric and/or electronic pulsed data Water-cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding - Dimensions and requirements for double-conductor connection cables BS EN 62153-1-1-2004 BS EN 62153-4-2-2004 BS EN ISO 10807-1997 BS EN ISO 5828-2001 BS EN ISO 6551-1983 电阻焊用水冷辅助BS EN ISO 连接电缆.双芯连8205-1-2002 接电缆的尺寸和要求 电阻焊用水冷辅助BS EN ISO 连接电缆.单芯连8205-2-2002 接电缆的尺寸和要求 Water-cooled secondary connection cables for resistance welding - Dimensions and requirements for single-conductor connection cables 电阻焊接水冷次级Water-cooled secondary connection BS EN ISO 线圈连接电缆.试cables for resistance welding - Test 8205-3-1997 验要求 requirements 飞行器用Nyvin BS G 177-1961 型电缆规范 航空用六角形压合BS G 184 to G 铝制电缆的铝接线188-1964 板端头和嵌入式连接器规范 航空用Tersil型BS G 189-1964 电缆规范 航空用铜导线BS G 192-1965 Efglas型电缆规范 Specification for Nyvin type electrical cables for aircraft Specification for aluminium terminal ends and in-line connectors for hexagonal crimping to aircraft aluminium electrical cables Specification for Tersil type electrical cables for aircraft Specification for Efglas type electric cables with copper conductors for aircraft 航空用Minyvin型Specification for Minyvin type BS G 195-1966 电缆规范 electric cables for aircraft BS G 198-5-1997 航空用电缆和设备Sleeves for aircraft electric cables 电线套筒.热收缩and equipment wires - Specification for 模型规范 heat shrinkable moulded shapes 航空用电缆的一般Specification for general requirements BS G 212-1971 要求规范 for aircraft electrical cables Efglas型电缆规BS G 222-1976 范(公制单位) Tersil型电缆规BS G 227-1979 范(公制单位) Specification for Efglas type electric cables (metric units) Specification for Tersil type electric cables (metric units) Specification for electric cables for 一般机体或设备连general airframe or equipment 接用镀银导体的BS G 235-1987 interconnect use (150 °C), wrapped 150℃捆扎绝缘电insulation with silver plated 缆规范 conductors BS G 236-1987 一般机体或设备连Specification for electric cables for 接用镀镍导体的200℃捆扎绝缘电缆规范 general airframe or equipment interconnect use (200 °C), wrapped insulation with nickel plated conductors Specification for electric cables for 一般机体或设备连general airframe or equipment 接用镀镍导体的BS G 237-1987 interconnect use (200 °C), extruded 200℃挤制绝缘电insulation with nickel plated 缆规范 conductors Specification for fire proof electric 发动机防火区和机BS G 241-1988 cables for engine fire zone and 体用耐火电缆规范 airframe use 发动机用点火电缆Specification for igniter cables for BS G 243-1990 规范(4kV直流) engine use (4 kV d.c.) 航空用张力控制下Specification for cable ties for BS G 246-1991 电缆连接电缆配线installation under controlled tension 规范 on aircraft electric cable harnesses 电缆的识别标记规Specification for identification BS G 250-1994 范 marking of electric cables 电缆和电缆线术语Glossary of terms for electrical cables BS G 258-1995 词汇 and cable harnesses 电缆.电流定额的计算.电流定额公式(100%负载因数)和损耗的计算.并联单芯电缆间的电流分配和环流损耗的计算 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating - Current rating equations (100 % load factor) and calculation of losses - Current sharing between parallel single-core cables and calculation of circulating current losses BS IEC 60287-1-3-2003 BS IEC 60313-2002 核实验室仪器用的Coaxial connectors used in nuclear 同轴电缆连接器 laboratory instrumentation Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables - Cyclic rating factor for cables of all voltages, with partial drying of the soil Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Detail specification for fibre 电缆周期性和事故电流定额计算.不BS IEC 完全干燥土壤的一60853-3-2002 切电压电缆用周期定额因数 BS IEC 60874-14-1-1光纤和电缆连接器.连接A1a,A1b998 型多模式纤维的optic connector type SC-PC standard SC-PC型标准光纤terminated to multimode fibre type A1a, 连接器的详细规范 A1b 电磁兼容性.安装和缓解指南.接地和电缆敷设 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Installation and mitigation guidelines - Earthing and cabling Textile machinery and accessories - Yarn feeders and yarn control for knitting machines - Dimensions for connecting and interconnection cables Road vehicles - Unscreened high-voltage ignition cables - General specifications, test methods and requirements BS IEC 61000-5-2-1998 纺织机械与附件.BS ISO 针织机用输纱器和13990-3-2006 纱控制器.连接尺寸和互连电缆 BS ISO 3808-2003 道路车辆.无屏蔽高电压点火电缆.总规范、试验方法和要求 道路车辆.多芯连Road vehicles - Multi-core connecting BS ISO 接电缆.基本性能cables - Test methods and requirements 4141-1-2006 铠装电缆的试验方for basic performance sheathed cables 法和要求 BS ISO 6856-2005 道路车辆.非屏蔽高压点火电缆组件.试验方法和一般要求 Road vehicles - Unscreened high-voltage ignition cable assemblies - Test methods and general requirements BS ISO/IEC 11458-1994 信息技术.微处理Information technology. 器系统.VIC母线.Microprocessor systems. VICbus. 内插件电缆母线 Inter-crate cable bus 信息技术.顾客房屋电缆应用布局.Information technology - Configuration BS ISO/IEC 综合服务数字网络of customer premises cabling (CPC) for 14709-1-1997 ( ISDN )基本通applications - ISDN basic access 路 射频连接器.外导体的内径为3mm(0.12in),搭锁BS QC 固定的特性阻抗为221300-1997 50Ω的射频同轴电缆连接器(SMB型) Radio-frequency connectors - RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 3 mm (0,12 in) with snap-on coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Type SMB) 公共运输.道路车Public transport. Road vehicle DD ENV 辆调度安排和控制scheduling and control systems. 13149-2-2000 系统.WORLDFIP敷WORLDFIP cabling specifications 设电缆规范 高比特率数字接入Multi-pair cables used in high bit rate DD IEC PAS 电信网络用多对电digital access telecommunication 62255-1-2001 缆.户外电缆 networks. Outdoor Cables 数字视频广播.MPEG-2系统的FD Z 使用执行指南.卫86-154-1997 星和电缆广播用的视频和音频 KIT 79-2001 信息技术.电缆敷设装置 DIGITAL VIDEO BROADCASTING (DVB). IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF MPEG-2 SYSTEMS. VIDEO AND AUDIO IN SATELLITE AND CABLE BROADCASTING APPLICATIONS. Information technology - Cabling systems pack Home and building electronic systems.Technical report 1. Guidelines for the professional installation of Twisted Pair cables class 1 英文名称 住房和建筑物的电PD 气系统.技术报告6580-2-1995 1.1类双芯电缆专用设备指南 编号 中文名称