
IEEE电缆标准(IEEE cable standards)

2022-12-21 来源:独旅网
IEEE电缆标准(IEEE cable standards)

编号 中文名称 英文名称 (Medical device 医疗装置通信.传communications - IEEE 输层.连接IrDA基Transport profile - 1073.3.2-2000 电缆 IrDA based cable connected) 医疗装置通信.物IEEE 理层接口.电缆连1073.4.1-2000 结 (Medical device communications - Physical layer interface - Cable connected) (Guide to the factors to be considered in the planning, design, and installation of submarine power and communications cables) (Guide on shielding practice for low voltage cables) (Guide for installation methods for generating station cables) (Flame testing of cables for use in cable tray in industrial and commercial occupancies) (Determining compatibility of IEEE 1120-1990 规划,设计和安装海底电力电缆和通讯电缆时考虑因素指南 IEEE 1143-1994 低压电缆屏蔽指南 IEEE 1185-1994 发电站电缆敷设方法指南 IEEE 1202-1991 工业区和商业区电缆沟中电缆的火焰试验 IEEE 1210-1996 用金属线和电缆测定电缆拉伸润滑剂的适应性 cable pulling lubricants with wire and cable) (Guide for the properties of identifiable jackets for underground power cables and ducts) (Guide for specifying and selecting power, control, and special-purpose cable for petroleum and chemical plants) (Guide for cable connections for gas-insulated substations) (Guide for installation of cable using the guided boring method) (Guide to the use of gas-in-fluid analysis for electric power cable systems) (Trial-use guide for accelerated aging tests for medium-voltage extruded electric power cables using water-filled tanks) (Type test of class 1E electric cables; IEEE 1235-2000 地下电力电缆和管道用可识别护套的性能指南 IEEE 1242-1999 石油和化学工厂的动力,控制,特殊用途电缆的特殊处理和选择指南 IEEE 1300-1996 气体绝缘变电所电缆连接指南 IEEE 1333-1994 用导向打孔安装电缆的导则 IEEE 1406-1998 电力电缆系统用液体中气体分析的使用指南 IEEE 1407-1998 使用充水罐进行中压挤制电力电缆加速老化试验的试验指南 1E级电缆型式试IEEE 383-1974 验;核电站的现场拼接和联接 field splices and connections for nuclear power generating stations) (Guide for field testing and evaluation of the insulation of shielded power cable systems) (Extruded and laminated dielectric shielded cable joints rated 2500 V to 500000 V) 铠装电力电缆系IEEE 400-2001 统绝缘的现场试验和评定指南 额定电压2500V-500000V的IEEE 404-2000 挤压和层压介质铠装电缆接头 (Test procedures and requirements for 2.5KV-765KV高压alternating-current IEEE 48-1996 交流电缆终端的cable terminations 试验程序和要求 2.5 kV through 765 kV) (Guide for the design and 变电站电缆系统IEEE 525-1992 installation of 设计和安装指南 cable systems in substations) 电缆护套的选择IEEE 532-1993 和试验指南 (Guide for selecting and testing jackets for underground cables) (Recommended practice for 石化工业用绝缘installation, 电力电缆的安装、termination, and IEEE 576-2000 端接和试验推荐testing of insulated 规程 power cable as used in industrial and commercial applications) (Exposed semiconducting shields on high-voltage cable joints and separable insulated connectors) 高压电缆接头和可分离绝缘连接IEEE 592-1990 器的外露半导体护套 (Criteria for the design, installation, and 核电站1E级电路qualification of 的电缆管道系统IEEE 628-2001 raceway systems for 的设计、安装和鉴class 1E circuits 定标准 for nuclear power generating stations) 电力电缆铝护套IEEE 635-1989 的选择和设计指南 (Guide for selection and design of aluminium sheaths for power cables) (Guide for laboratory measurement of the power dissipation characteristics of aeolian vibration dampers for single conductors) (Power cable ampacity tables) 单芯电缆风振阻振器电力分散特IEEE 664-1993 性实验室测量指南 电力电缆的载流IEEE 835-1994 量表 (Procedure for the 防火电缆安载流determination of the IEEE 848-1996 容量降低额定值ampacity derating of 测定用工艺程序 fire-protected cables) 绝缘保护铠装电IEEE C 力电缆电涌放电62.22.1-1996 器的连接指南 (Guide for the connection of surge arresters to protect insulated, shielded electric power cable systems) 编号 中文名称 英文名称
