专利名称:License server and user processor发明人:Eckleder, Andreas申请号:EP05014691.9申请日:20050706公开号:EP1752918A1公开日:20070214
摘要:A license server for granting licenses in response to a user request receives (10)a content identifier from a user identifying a content having associated therewith a userkey necessary for decrypting an encrypted version of the content. Furthermore, a licenseterms provider (12) for providing license terms in response to the content identifier is
present. The license terms are independent of an identification of the user and restrictthe use of the content. An output interface (13) provides the license terms and theencrypted version of the content key to the user.
申请人:Nero AG
地址:Im Stoeckmaedle 18 76307 Karlsbad DE
代理机构:Zinkler, Franz