


考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分


第一部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. A

Electric Shocks Can Be Fatal

Government statistics recently showed that in the UK, more than 3,000 people a year experience electric shocks in their home. A smaller number of people are killed after contact with power lines outside the home. Electric shocks can cause a person’s heart or breathing to stop, can also cause burns and are potentially fatal. It is essential for people to learn basic first aid techniques to deal with such emergencies. What to do?

●If you are the first person to reach someone who has had an electric shock, don’t touch them! ●If they are still holding the appliance (家用电器) that has given them shock (e.g. a hair dryer), unplug it or turnoff the power at its source. Under no circumstances will you try to move the appliance with your hand!

●If you can’t turn off the power,use a piece of wood, like a broom handle or a chair, to separate the victim from the appliance or the power source. You may even be able to do this with a folded newspaper.

●The victim must remain lying down. If they are unconscious, victims should be placed on their side. But they should not be moved if there is a possibility of neck or spine injuries unless it is absolutely necessary.

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●It is essential to maintain the victim’s body heat, so make sure you cover him or her with a blanket before you do anything else. If the victim is not breathing, apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation(恢复呼吸). Keep the victim’s head low until professional help arrives.

●If the electric shock has been caused by an external power line, the dangers to the victim and to anybody providing first aid are much greater.

1.What kind of passage is it?

A. An advertisement. B. A horror story.

C. A news report. D.First aid emergency advice.

2.The underlined sentence, “Under no circumstances will you try to move the appliance with your hand!” implies that _____.

A. you should move the appliance that caused it

B. you should pick up the appliance and turn off the electricity C. it is very dangerous to touch the appliance with your hands D. it is unnecessary to unplug the appliance with your hands 3.When a person has got an electric shock, you should . A. separate the victim from the appliance and let them sit up B. keep the victim warm and help them breathe again

C. move the victim onto their side if they have got neck injuries D. keep the victim’s head high until professional help arrives


使翘起) his head back and press his chin (下巴) upwards. This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesn't work, start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils (鼻孔) together with your fingers. Open your mouth and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest rises, then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing until help arrives. To bring a child back to life, keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen. If, in spite of your efforts, he starts turning a blue-grey color, and you can feel no pulse (脉搏) , then pressing is the last chance of saving his life. With arms straight, rock forwards, pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone. Don't be too hard or you may break a rib(肋骨). Check how effective you are seeing if his color improves or hrescue arrives.

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4. This passage is mainly about ______ . A. how to save people out of the water

B. how to give first aid to people who are drowning C. how to do mouth-to-mouth breathing D. how to save a child from a river

5. Once you get a drowning man out of the water, if he isn't breathing, you must first ________ A. get him breathing again

B. take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible C. find someone to help you D. call the First Aid Centre

6. In the last paragraph, the underlined word \"rescue\" means _______ A. breath B. help

C. doctor D. pulse

7. If the drowning boy has no pulse, ________

A. pressing his chin upwards is enough to get him breathing B. blowing air into his mouth is sure to save his life C. pressing his nostrils together with your fingers can work D. pressing is the last chance of saving his life c

Robotic surgery is one thing, but sending a robot inside the body to carry out an operation quite another. It has long been a goal of some researchers to produce tiny robotic devices which are capable of travelling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer.

However, unlike the plot of one film---which featured a microscopic crew and submarine traveling through a scientist’s bloodstream---this device couldn’t be inserted into blood vessels(管) because it is too big. While other types of miniature swallowable robots have been developed in the past, their role has mostly been limited to capturing images inside the body. In a presentation this week to the International Conference, Daniela Rus and Shuhei Miyashita of the Massachusetta Institute of Technology described a robot they have developed that can be swallowed and used to collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in.

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To test their latest version, Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita designed a robot as a battery hunter, which might seem to be an odd task, but more than 3,500 people in America alone, most of them children, accidentally swallow the tiny button cells used in small electronic devices every year. To start with, the researchers created an artificial oesophagus(食道) and stomach made out of silicone(硅胶). It was closely modeled on that found in a pig and filled with medical liquid; the robot itself is made from several layers of different materials, including pig intestine(肠), and contains a little magnet.This is folded up and encased in a 10mm x 27mm capsule of ice. Once this reaches the stomach the ice melts and the robot unfolds which is moved and guided with the use of a magnetic field outside the body.In their tests, the robot was able to touch a button battery and draw it with its own magnet and during dragging it along, the robot could then be directed towards the intestines where it would eventually be gotten rid through the anus(肛门). After it, the researchers sent in another robot loaded with medication to deliver it to the site of the battery burn to speed up healing. The artificial stomach being transparent on one side, the researchers were able to see the batteries and visually guide the robots. If not,that will require help with guidance from imaging

systems ,which will be a bit more of a challenge, but Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita are determined to succeed.

8.According to the passage, the robot operation will probably be able to___ A.

travel through a scientist’s bloodstream

B. photograph the body to convey to the doctor C. enter the body to deliver drugs or make repairs D.

9.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that_____

A. The researchers did the experiment on a chosen animal B. The robot took necessary drugs besides a little magnet C. Digesting the swallowed batteries is difficult for children D. The actual size of the robot may be larger than the capsule of ice 10.What may be experiment mean to the medical world? A. B. C. D. A.

The surgeries will cost patients much money Patients will suffer less for some surgeries Fewer children will swallow the button cells A robot will be invented travelling blood vessel An Experience on Robot

11.Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?

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B. C. D.

Tiny Robot, Significant Role The fantastic Robotic Voyage The exploration of Robot Technology


Europeans have been using the wheelbarrow for about eight hundred years. But the Chinese

invented it at least ten centuries before that. Ancient Chinese gave the wheelbarrow nice names -Wooden Ox and Gliding Horse. \"In the time taken by a man (with a similar burden) to go six feet, the Wooden Ox could get twenty feet,\" wrote an admiring historian in AD 430. \"It could carry the food supply (of one man) for a whole year, and yet after twenty miles the porter would not feel tired.\"

A famous general called Chuke Liang developed wheelbarrows two hundred years before this historian was writing, to help carry supplies for his army. But, very recently, pictures have been discovered on ancient tombs, and bricks, of even earlier wheelbarrows. So perhaps they were invented in the first century AD.

No one knows how people in Europe found out about the wheelbarrow - or, for that matter, about many other Chinese inventions. Perhaps the idea came overland across the steppes, with nomadic (游牧的) tribes. Or perhaps traders using the famous silk-route to the great city of Constantinople, on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, talked about things seen in far-off China. Probably someone who heard the talk worked out his own version, because the wheelbarrow used in Europe is a different design from the Chinese. It has the wheel out in front, so that the load is supported both by the wheel and the man pushing it. The wheelbarrow in China has the wheel in the middle, right under the load, and the pusher only has to steer and balance it. At all events, some time in the twelfth or thirteenth century, workmen building the great castles and cathedrals of Europe had, to their great relief, a new simple device to help them. One man with a wheelbarrow could carry the same load as two men and much more easily and quickly. The wheel took the place of a man.

12. The historian admired the wheelbarrow because it could move faster and ________. A.carry the food supply of one man B.carry the food supply for a whole year C.carry a heavy load for twenty miles

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D.carry a much heavier load and save energy

13. The Chinese invention of the wheelbarrow might have reached Europe with the help of any of the following except ________.

A. nomadic tribes

B. traders using the silk-route C. Mediterranean D. ancient Greeks

14. The European design of the wheelbarrow ________. A. has the wheel in the middle under the load B. is similar to that of the Chinese C.needs less pushing force

D. is less scientific than the Chinese one 15. The final paragraph discusses ________. A. the European wheelbarrow

B. the difference between the European wheelbarrow and the Chinese wheelbarrow C.how the idea of the wheelbarrow came to Europe D.the invention of the wheelbarrow

第二部分 英语知识运用


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Someone recently asked me when I became more confident about my abilities as an entrepreneur. I thought it was a funny question, __16__ I’ not very confident at all, and constantly filled with ___17__ about every decision I make.

It doesn’t exactly hold me back in my work; it’s just that I am very __18__ of what I do, and I’m always __19__ on the way I work, think and talk. I have also

learned over the years that making a decision is often more important than making the_20_decision. Preferably your decisions are the right ones, but inaction or indecisive-ness is more __21__ than making the wrong decisions every now and then.

There is one thing I have learned over the years that I wish I had learned earlier in my career. And that is the _22_ that I am not stupid.

It sounds logical, but I often sat in on meetings and heard people explain things and then__23_to myself, “ I don’t understand that. Maybe I’m stupid?” or I would hear about a startup and I wouldn’t _24_ their business model and think I’m stupid.

Or I would hear an entrepreneur speak and think, “ That all like _25___ bullshit, but I must be stupid, because other people seem to love it.”

A couple of years ago, I came to the ___26___ that I was not stupid at all. When people in meetings say things I don’t’ understand I ____27___ up and tell them so.

Usually, I hear a sigh of __28___ in the room and find out nobody understood what was being talked about.

When I don’t understand a business model it __29_ means there is not one, or it sucks. Turns out I’m not stupid and __30__ I don’t understand it, most people won’t understand it at all.__31___ doubting my own abilities I’ve learned to __32___ my “ bullshit radar” a bit more and not understanding something is a clear sign that some -thing is ___33__.

My advice to young entrepreneurs is this: you are not stupid! If something does not make __34__, if it sounds stupid, if you don’t understand it, something is wrong! Trust your gut( 本能的) __35___. Feel free not to know and be honest when you don’t’ understand something! 16.A. if B. unless C. because D. when 17.A. disappointment B. doubt C. terror D. curiosity

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18.A. conscious B. tired C. ashamed D. fond 19.A. insisting B. working C. relying D. reflecting 20.A. right B. tough C. firm D. final 21.A. boring B. costly C. disgusting D. significant 22.A. truth B. concept C. realization D. reputation 23.A. thought B. referred C. smiled D. came 24.A. mind B. know C. love D. understand 25.A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. looks 26.A. conclusion C. point D. agreement 27.A. speak B. look C. hang D. cheer 28.A. despair B. pleasure C. relief D. impatience 29.A. usually B. rarely C. seldom D. gradually 30.A. since B. if C. as D. while

31.A. Instead of B. Apart from C. As well as D. Regardless of 32.A. operate B. differentiate C. trust D. inspect 33.A. in B. up C. on D. off 34.A. progress B. history C. money D. sense 35.A. feeling B. level C. happiness 第II卷


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)


. The future will be “less cash,” rather than cashless. Cash is unique among payment instruments in that anyone can transact(交易ransactions there are always concerns about hacking and fraud(诈骗).

So, no matter where we are in the world, let us celebrate the ATM’ill stop you in the street, asking for directions __45___ the nearest ATM. 第四部分: 书面表达(满分25分)

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1. 一个乞丐在路边讨钱,李先生匆忙赶路上班,没有注意到那个乞丐. 2. 乞丐很生气,伸出拐杖,差点把李先生绊倒(trip overt) 3. 李先生意识到他是个残疾人,便在口袋里找钱给他. 4. 李先生拿出一张百元钞票,突然一阵风把钞票吹到了空中. 5. 乞丐迅速跳起来去追那张钞票,李先生站在那里,惊的合不拢嘴.

A beggar



阅读1-3dcb 4-7babd 8-11cdbc 12-15ddda 完型: 16-20CBADA 21-25BCADB 26-30BACAB 31-35ACDDA 语法填空:

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One day, when Mr. Li hurried on his way to work, a beggar on the roadside was asking for money, but Mr. Li paid no attention to him.

② As a result, the beggar got angry and stuck out his walking stick, which almost tripped Mr. Li over.

③Realizing the beggar was a disabled person, Mr. Li began to search for some money in his pocket to give him,and then took out a 100-yuan note, which was suddenly blown into the air by the wind. ④Seeing this, the beggar jumped quickly to run after the note, which made Mr. Li so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open.

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