Elizabeth was a year younger than I, and I truly loved her as my sister, even though we called her my cousin. We spent many happy hours together as we grew up. Elizabeth loved the wonderful sights of nature, while I was more interested in investigating why things in nature happened... When I started school, I formed a lifelong friendship with Henry Clerval. He enjoyed writing adventure stories of heroic knights, then getting me to act them out with him.
What a happy childhood I had! Kind parents, a loving sister, two happy brothers and a fun-loving friend. All this... before my life was ruined... before my wild ambition drove me to unlocking the secrets of nature that had been hidden from man since life on Earth began.
At the age of thirteen, my only interest in science was to discover a way to cure disease, to stop people from dying. My boyhood dreams for studying science continued at the university. My aim was still to find ways to cure disease and prolong3 human life.
I was encouraged to study both modern and ancient scientists by Professor Waldman, my favorite teacher. “By combining knowledge from both,” he told me, “you’ll have unlimited powers. You’ll be able to discover the secrets of the earth, along with the secrets of man’s body and how it works.”
“But, sir,” I protested, “I want to discover more than just the secrets of how
the human body works.” And it was that moment that I knew I had to discover the secrets of how the human body was created!
I set up a laboratory on the top floor of my apartment house and worked most night straight through until dawn. For the next months, I spent days and nights in charnel4 houses, the church buildings where corpses5 were kept until they were buried. I learned what happened to people’s bodies right after death, but I needed to know more—I needed to know how death changed the human body as weeks, months, and even years passed. To learn this, I secretly visited cemeteries on dark nights and dug up bodies to study them.
Months of studying and experimenting led to one memorable night when a wondrous light turned on in my brain. In that one astonishing moment, I suddenly understood not only how life turned into death... but how death could be turned back into life!
The realization made me so dizzy, all I could do was ask myself, “Why didn’t the great scientists who came before me discover this secret? Why have I been blessed with unlocking the mysteries of creation?” What followed next were weeks and months of incredible work and fatigue. Not only had I discovered the origin of life, but I continued experimenting until I was actually able to create life from lifeless matter!
The joy I felt made me forget the painful weeks and months I had spent on my work. All I knew was that I had discovered something that men of science had
been trying to discover since the world began!
Why do I say that I’ve been destroyed? I say it because the knowledge and power that the secret gave me was more than I, or any man for that matter, could handle.
At first, I spent a great deal of time wondering how to use that knowledge. I knew how to create life, but what should I put that life into? I would need some sort of form in which to put muscles, bones, organs, arteries6, veins, and other body parts. Yes, I would give life to a creature as complex and as wonderful as a human being!
Because of all the intricate7 parts that make up a human body, I decided that the creature would have to be gigantic, about eight feet tall, for me to be able to attach all the body parts, inside and outside.
I spent the next several months collecting all the materials I would need: bones from bodies in charnel houses, animal parts from slaughter8 houses where meat was prepared for market, live animals I trapped or bought, body parts and instruments from the dissecting room9 at the university, and, yes, whole bodies which I dug up from graveyards!