专利名称:POWER SUPPLY REGULATION CIRCUIT发明人:ROBERT FREDERICK GAERTNER申请号:AU4883579申请日:19790711公开号:AU4883579A公开日:19800131
摘要:A regulation circuit for providing timing gate signals to the dc power section ofa power supply, the regulation circuit utilizing phase angle conduction of aprogrammable unijunction transistor. The conduction angle is determined by the
occurrence of the cycles of the ac source voltage unless earlier conduction is determinedby the sensed dc voltage. Early conduction occurs when the control voltage to the PUT isallowed to build up beyond a predetermined level when the sensed dc voltage is low.When the sensed dc voltage is high, an electronic switch closes to discharge a storageelement to prevent control voltage build up and, hence, early conduction. When there isan ac source voltage outage, a diode connected to the control voltage output conductsto keep the control voltage to zero and hence closing of the electronic switch to preventundue regulation of the power section output at such times and to permit storagecapacitors therein to maintain a dc output until source voltage is reestablished. Soft startelements in the form of long time constant components ensure against the application ofpeaked voltages during initial start up and in the presence of power surges.