
Thin-film electronic circuit unit

2023-04-16 来源:独旅网

专利名称:Thin-film electronic circuit unit发明人:Klaus Kuttner申请号:US06/335165申请日:19811228公开号:US04424409A公开日:19840103

摘要:A tantalum layer (2) is formed on an insulating substrate and etched to producetwo connecting patterns, a first defining a resistance network and the second definingconnection paths and contact areas. The second pattern is provided with metallization,either in a single nickel layer or in a nickel layer provided between thin copper layers, themetallization being of the order of a few tenths of a micron. Instead of providing a softsolder layer directly on the metallization, however, a copper layer at least to 2 micronsthick is first put on to provide reinforcement and high conductivity. When the contactareas are provided with a soft solder top coating, it is possible to connect additionalcomponents to the unit by dipping into flowing solder without impairing the conductivityof the connection paths. Wire bonding to the contact areas can be accomplished if thecontact areas are provided with an outer layer of gold.


代理机构:Frishauf, Holtz, Goodman & Woodward

