


  Ladies and gentlemen

  Hello everyone! Welcome to Chinese Taiwan for sightseeing. It's a great pleasure tovisit Sun Moon Lake with you. It's a great honor to have a good time with you. Iwish you all a good time!

  Sun Moon Lake, located in Nantou County in Western Chinese Taiwan, is the largestnatural lake in Chinese Taiwan Province. It lies on the top of the mountain betweenYushan and Alishan. The lake has a circumference of 35 kilometers, an area of7.7 square kilometers and a water depth of 20-30 meters, more than 10 times thatof the West Lake. There are few natural lakes in Chinese Taiwan. The largest and mostfamous one is Sun Moon Lake. Its water area is 9 square kilometers, and itswater depth is more than 30 meters. There is an island in the Sun Moon Lake,which looks like a bead floating on the water from a distance. Therefore, thisisland is called "Pearl Island", and now it is also called Guanghua island andLalu island. Taking this island as the boundary, the northern part of the lakeis round like the sun, and the southern part of the lake is curved like thecrescent moon. This is the origin of the name of Sun Moon Lake.

  There is also a beautiful legend about the name of Sun Moon Lake. Once upona time, there lived two dragons in this big pool. One day, the sun passedthrough the sky, and the Dragon leaped up and devoured the sun. At night, whenthe moon passed through the sky, the mother dragon leaped up and swallowed themoon. The two dragons swam about in the pool, spitting and swallowing the sunand moon, and hitting each other. They only want to have fun, but they didn'texpect that there would be no sun and moon in the world. A local young man andwoman, smart and brave Dajian brother and Shuihua sister, are determined to findthe sun and moon for the world.

  They trekked through mountains and rivers, went through all kinds ofdifficulties and dangers, and finally came to the foot of Ali Mountain and foundthe golden axe and golden scissors that the dragons were afraid of. Then theywent back to the pool and had a fierce fight with the dragon. The two dragonsfinally died, but the sun and the moon still sank in the pool. Brother Dajiantakes off the eyes of the male dragon and swallows it; sister Shuihua takes offthe eyes of the female dragon and swallows it.

  They became giants and stood in the pool like two mountains. Big brotherJian threw the sun hard, and sister Shuihua pulled up the palm trees beside thepool to hold the sun up and put the sun in the sky. Then sister Shuihua threwthe moon into the sky, and brother Dajian also put the moon into the sky withpalm trees. The sun and the moon hang high in the sky, shining on the earth,everything revives, people cheering. Big brother Jian and sister Shuihua havebecome two majestic mountains standing by the pool forever. Later, people calledthis big lake Sun Moon Lake and the two big mountains dajianshan andshuihuashan.

  Well, the visit to Sun Moon Lake is over. Thank you very much for yoursupport and cooperation. I hope this trip to Chinese Taiwan will leave you goodmemories. If you don't visit, please give us your valuable opinions. At the sametime, welcome to Sun Moon Lake again. Goodbye!
