
上饶市英语导游词 篇4

2024-07-17 来源:独旅网

  Hello, everyone. Next we will see Sanqing mountain, one of the worldheritage sites. Huangshan is famous all over the world for its unique pines,strange things, sea of clouds and hot springs, while Sanqing mountain is famousall over the world for its unique features.

  She is a wonderful flower in the land of China, which gathers the power ofMount Tai, the wonder of Mount Huangshan, the precipitousness of Mount Huashan,the clouds of Mount Hengshan, and the quietness of the green mountains. Nowlet's take action to explore the beauty of Sanqing mountain.

  Now, let's walk into one of the wonders of Sanqing mountain - strangestones. Ladies and gentlemen, please look in the direction of my finger: thepeak is more than 80 meters high and looks like a girl. She has a high nose,cherry mouth and beautiful hair. She sits side by side in front. He is one ofthe famous landscapes of Sanqing mountain - Goddess Peak. But behind her, thereis a story. It is said that she was originally an immortal in the sky. Sheoverheard that the Jade Emperor was planning to use the stones of Sanqingmountain to build a palace, and reduced Sanqing mountain to the sea, so that thepeople could act as mermaids. She was shocked. In order to save the villagers,she ignored her personal safety and let them know how to take refuge To avoid adisaster. But she was driven into the world and turned into a stone.

  In addition to Goddess Peak, there are also many stones with differentshapes, such as the imposing Python coming out of the mountain, the lifelikedragon playing pine, and the lifelike Monkey King offering treasure

  Sanqing mountain is not only a paradise for strange stones, but also a seaof valleys. Let's go up the trail and feel the charm of the valley. The name ofthe valley you see now is Feixian valley. Feixian Valley is actually the mostmajestic and precipitous Grand Canyon on the west coast. Its cliffs soar in theair and cut down nearly 1000 meters vertically. The valleys crisscross and thestreams twists and turns. It is very spectacular.

  Tourists, after visiting for such a long time, we all have the samefeeling: Sanqing mountain is a miracle!
