


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Invigorating spleen and restoring virility can improve above changes remarkably.(健脾、补肾中药对上述变化有明显改善作用。)

2、To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate.(使无男子气使丧失精力或精神;)

3、He remembered reading somewhere, though, that baldness shows virility..(不过他记得在什么地方读过说秃顶代表阳刚气概。)

4、Objective: to Study the influence of invigorating spleen and restoring virility to the AVP level in brain and gene expression.(目的:比较健脾与补肾对脑内精氨酸加压素水平和基因表达的影响。)

5、Nor is he deterred by the fact that he doesn't smoke. Tonight, he is flushed with heat and booze and the virility and extreme hilarity of his comrades.(事实上,他并不抽烟,但今晚,热浪、酒精再加上同伴们的豪迈和狂喜之情让他变得兴奋异常。)

6、But is unable to endure the concubine child to be difficult to own virility capital.(但无法忍受妾子对自己性能力的资难。)

7、The fifty shades of gray hovering above China's cities could be sapping the country's men of their virility.(盘旋在中国城市上空的“五十度灰”有可能伤及该国男性的“男子气概”。)

8、For men, the moko showed their rank, their status and their ferocity, or virility.(对男性来说,文身显示着他们的阶层、地位和凶猛或男子的气概。)

9、His literature theory's distinguishing feature was virility.(其文学理论,“阳刚”之论独具特色。)

10、Sometimes they were viewed as a blessing, or even as a sign of their father's superior virility.(有时,他们被视为祝福,或作为他们父亲拥有更好的性能力的一个标志。)

11、In much of Europe, affairs can be a badge of virility. That is the insinuation of an interview given by none other than Mr Strauss-Kahn's wife, Anne Sinclair.(卡恩的妻子安妮·辛克莱再一次采访中影射,在欧洲大多数国家,桃色新闻是男子体力的象征。)

12、He felt that each building should "be a monument to the virility of our society".(他觉得每幢大楼都应该成为体现我们社会强大气息的的纪念碑。)

13、A brave boy showed his virility and manhood by winning the heart of his beloved lady.(一个勇敢的男孩通过赢得钟情女孩的心来展示他的男子气概。)

14、They are also closely linked to physiological ones, like virility and a sturdy immune system.(而这些同样与生育能力以及强健的免疫系统等生理特点有着密切的联系。)

15、The resultant sound is somehow both cutting-edge futuristic and primitive in its visceral virility.(合成的声音在某种程度上包含了未来新派的尖端和内心深处的纯朴。)

16、Anti-American bravado was always a sure way to excite a crowd and strike a pose of national virility.(反美呼声一直是一种激发群众和显示民族气概的可靠方法。)

17、Never mind that beer actually reduces a guy's virility and ability to succeed in sports.(别介意啤酒实际上会减少男人的生殖力和强烈运动的能力。)

18、Cobra hearts are believed to enhance male virility in Vietnam, gastroenterologist Harry Teicher says.(在越南,人门相信眼镜蛇心脏能够提升男子性功能,肠胃病学教授哈利-泰歇如是说。)

19、But it may be harder going for those who see exports as a sign of national virility.(但要争取那些视出口为国家活力象征的势力的支持却更加困难。)

20、but first it needs to regain its virility.(但它首先需要恢复它的元气。)

21、In such an environment even the native Indians lacked virility.(在这样的环境里,连土著印第安人也缺乏生殖力。)

22、Children are also considered proof of a man's virility.(儿女也被视为男子生殖力的证明。)

23、The severe winter, body and soul in adversity though, is after all a tendency of hiding virility ready to develop.(寒冬,身心处于逆境,却是阳刚之气潜藏与滋发的动向。)

24、The simplest starts by the oath giver saying, "I swear by my virility."(最简单的由宣誓人这样说开始:“吾以吾男子气概之名发誓。”)

25、Research, he says, indicates they may actually increase virility.(通过研究,他说,这的确能增加男性生殖能力。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


