

2022-05-03 来源:独旅网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Incorporating knowledge of human anatomy, such as numerical anatomical models, into imaging systems to produce more meaningful results.(将人类解剖知识,比如数字解剖模型合并到图形系统,从而产生更多有意义的结果。)

2、It is possible—just—that these anatomical differences are the result of long and rigorous training. But it is unlikely.(可能这些解剖上的不同是长期严格的训练结果——但这只是可能,不太切合实际。)

3、we now know from genetic studies that small alterations in the regulation of genes can have major anatomical consequences in a short amount of time.(通过遗传研究我们已经知道,基因调控方式的微小变更会在短时间内导致解剖学上的重大改变。)

4、Addiction always causes psychological, chemical, and anatomical changes in the brain along with behavior changes.(上瘾通常会造成脑的心理、化学和解剖学变化及一些行为变化。)

5、Still, over the decades researchers who doubted the dinosaur-bird link also made good anatomical arguments.(但在那几十年中,质疑恐龙与鸟类紧密关联的研究者们并没有坐以待毙,他们也通过解剖很好的论证了自己的观点。)

6、Listing 2 shows the basic anatomical structure of a WSDL document.(清单2显示了WSDL文档的基本组织结构。)

7、Nearby, there's an anatomical model with an exposed brain.(附近有个解剖模型,脑子还在外面露着。)

8、But they pose questions about what were the transitions in human evolution, why did those anatomical features change?(但他们对人类进化是如何进行的提出了问题,为什么这些解剖特点改变了?)

9、They include most of his incredible anatomical drawings.(包括了他不可思议的解剖学的结构图。)

10、The superior nuchal line is not always a reliable external anatomical mark.(上项线不是一个可靠的浅表解剖学标志。)

11、The disease distribution by anatomical site was: pleura, 41.3%; peritoneum, 4.5%; pericardium, 0.3%; and unspecified sites, 43.1%.(从解剖部位看,疾病的分布为:胸膜,41.3%;腹膜,4.5%;心包,0.3%;非指定部位,43.1%。)

12、Caudipteryx has an interesting mix of reptile and bird-like anatomical features.(尾羽龙有一种有趣的爬行动物和鸟类的混合解剖特征。)

13、One of these involved the anatomical snuff box.(其中一个就涉及鼻烟窝。)

14、Such images provide an important anatomical reference on which researchers can overlay information about gene expression.(这些图像为研究人员获取基因表达的信息提供了解剖学参考。)

15、The long-standing 19th-century anatomical model of the brain's language network just got a 21st-century upgrade.(现存已久的19世纪大脑语言网络解剖模式在21世纪得以升级。)

16、And thanks to several anatomical peculiarities of the eye, it is an ideal testbed for therapies that would be riskier in other parts of the body.(感谢眼睛的解剖特点,使其成为治疗方案的理想试验区,如果是人体其它部位风险就会上升。)

17、Behind the colorful somata in the foreground, a pattern of light and dark in the background suggests anatomical distinctions.(多彩的神经元密质部分位于前景,背景上的明暗模式表明了结构上的差别。)

18、"Clearly he has anatomical knowledge," said Tierney. "I."(“显然,他具有解剖学知识。”田世福说。)

19、Contemporary yoga has taken the practice to whole new levels of anatomical precision.(现代瑜伽已经将练习的精确性带到解剖学的高度。)

20、The anatomical relationships and the distance within the asterion, the anteriorangle of parietomastoid sutures and the adjacent bone structures were studied with dried skulls.(研究干性颅骨标本外侧面星点、顶乳突缝前角与周围解剖结构的距离及其位置关系。)

21、Each line or point represents specific anatomical structures in the body in normal or diseased state.(每一条线或点都展示了身体的正常或病变的解剖学结构。)

22、A previous study of anatomical changes in toe bone structure had dated the use of shoes to about 30, 000 years ago.(先前一项关于趾骨结构解剖学变化的研究,将人类开始穿鞋的时间确定为约3万年前。)

23、The notion of "vital heat" is fundamental to Galen’s understanding of the anatomical differences between female and male.(“生命之热”的概念在加伦关于男女解剖结构上差异的认识中处于至关重要的地位。)

24、Also, the dog has physiological and anatomical similarities with humans.(此外,狗具有同人类在生理和解剖上的相似性。)

25、A first-generation anatomical imaging X-ray machine was built in Holland in early 1896.(在荷兰,有一台1896年建好的第一代X射线解剖成像机。)

26、A first-generation anatomical imaging X-ray machine was built in Netherlands in early 1896.(1896年初,一台第一代X射线透视成像机在荷兰建成。)

27、There are physiological and anatomical reasons for that.(这种‘不知’既有生理学方面的原因,也有解剖学方面的原因。)

28、The assumption has long been that Jack must have had anatomical knowledge because of the skill with which his victims' organs were removed.(一个存在了很久的假设是:鉴于被害人器官被移除的手法,开膛手杰克必然具有一定的解剖学知识。)

29、"Clearly he has anatomical knowledge," said Tierney. "I have no doubt he's done this before."(“显然,他具有解剖学知识。”田世福说。“我觉得他以前做过手术。”)

30、Most readers know that it involves capturing anatomical images in digital form, enhancing them, and helping human experts analyze them.(大多数的读者都知道它包括获得数字形式的解剖图形,放大这些图形,并且帮助人体专家对它们进行分析。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


