造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The small-sized blockhouse architectures show good earthquake-proofing capacity as well.(小体量碉房建筑也在客观上产生了较好的抗震作用。)
2、According to the new management method of canceling bad debts after verification for financing enterprises, cancel the loan losses of small-sized enterprises in time in accordance with the law.(按照新的金融企业呆坏账核销管理办法,对小企业贷款损失依法及时核销。)
3、By the use of modularity designing method this paper discussed a process of designing a kind of small-sized versatile machine tools urgently needed by the market.(本文论述了应用模块化设计方法设计一种市场急需的小型多功能机床的过程。)
4、Due to over-heat phenomenon under high temperature work conditions, small-sized hydraulic excavators can't properly operate.(小型液压挖掘机在高温环境下因出现发动机过热现象而无法正常工作。)
5、The group's latest study, recently released in Washington, cites issues ranging from toxic paints, to toxic chemicals used in manufacturing, to dangerously small-sized toys for babies.(这个组织最近在华盛顿发布最新的研究报告,提出了许多问题,从生产过程中使用的有毒颜料和有毒化学物质,到对婴儿来说很危险的小玩具等等。)
6、There are particularly challenging issues for small- and medium-sized enterprises.(中小企业面临的问题尤为严峻。)
7、Scientists are trying to design some small-sized cars so that one day in future they can replace current big cars.(科学家们正尝试着设计一些小型车,它们可能终有一天会代替现在的大型车。)
8、Each image will have a little description tag with a small-sized font and when clicking on it, a larger version will appear from below.(每个图像将会有一个小的描述标签与一个小型字体,当点击它,就会出现一个更大的版本从下面。)
9、There may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small-and medium-sized businesses in the next year or so.(在未来一年左右的时间里,中小企业信贷的可获得性实际上可能会恶化。)
10、In some season, squirrel also takes some edible insect and other small-sized animal.(在有的季节松鼠也取食一些昆虫及其它小型动物。)
11、If you look closely, will be found under reef, there are crickets in small-sized crabs.(你如果仔细观察,还会发现在岸礁底下,有蟋蟀一样大小的小螃蟹。)
12、If you don`t get anything there, try medium or small-sized companies.(如果没有收到任何回信,你可以再尝试一些中型或小型的公司。)
13、It has such advantages as using less energy, being productive, small-sized, quiet and creatively designed, reliable performance and easy operation and has obtained a number of national patents.(它具有低能耗、高产出、机体小、噪音低、构思新、性能可靠、操作简便等优势,并获得多项国家专利。)
14、They were mostly concerned with safeguarding the interests of the medium and small-sized enterprises.(他们最关心保护中小型企业的利益。)
15、Some futurists envision nanotechnology also being used to explore the deep sea in small submarine, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with micro miniature instruments.(一些未来学家设想纳米技术也可以用于在小型潜水艇里探索深海,甚至可以用来发射装有微型仪器的手指大小的火箭。)
16、There are many sanitary problems among Dongchangfu medium and small-sized restaurant, especially small-sized unit.(东昌府区城区中小型餐饮单位存在很多卫生问题,小型餐饮业尤其突出。)
17、thus, such mode is only employed by a very few small-sized power plants.(现在仅有某些小电厂仍采用这种方式。)
18、Purchasing management of the medium and small-sized printing enterprise information system was designed by using UML.(利用UML建模工具对中小型印刷企业采购管理信息系统进行了系统设计。)
19、You may have to buy them on the bad days, but I am used to that in medium and small-sized stocks here.(必须在坏日子里买,不过我已经习惯于买中小规模股票了。)
20、The paper aims at analysing several ammonia synthetic processes used in some middle and small-sized plants by the method of exergy analysis.(本文采用粗(米用)分析法对我国中小型合成氨厂的氨合成流程进行了分析比较,绘制了(米用)流图。)
21、The new policy, which took effect June 12, aimed at helping micro-lending firms operate on a bigger scale and provide stronger support to small-sized rural businesses and individual farmers.(上述新政已经在6月12日生效,目的在于帮助微型放贷公司提高业务规模,并为小型乡村企业和个体农夫提供更加强有力的支持。)
22、Some of the participating artists are long oriented towards small-sized artworks and some created their works by chance.(此次参展的艺术家有的是长期以小尺寸作品为创作方向,有的创作则是来自于“偶然”。)
23、The small-sized plane of small town of home of join United States is exiting the market stage by stage.(连接美国国内小城市的小型客机正逐步退出市场。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。