


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The protective effect of WEP on endothelial cells may be synergic with inhibitor of HMGCoA reductase such as fluvastatin sodium.(与氟伐他汀钠联合应用,对血管内皮细胞损伤有协同保护作用。)

2、Acute Kidney Injury Predicts Major Adverse Outcomes in Diabetes: synergic Impact With Low Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria.(急性肾损伤的预测糖尿病的主要不良后果:协同影响低肾小球滤过率和蛋白尿。)

3、A high efficient mixed paraffin remover was prepared with benzene, mutual solvent a, mutual solvent b, and a synergic agent as materials.(针对我国油井结蜡严重的现象,以苯、互溶剂a、互溶剂b和协同剂为原料,制备了一种高效混合清蜡剂。)

4、Mode conduces to improve synergic efficiency, big question may appear scarcely in such database designs in in advance.(模式有助于提高协作效能,这样在先期的数据库设计中几乎不可能出现大的问题。)

5、Thematic tourism cooperation is to take some themes as a clue, to integrate tourism-related elements for forming a tourism synergic organization.(主题旅游协作是以某一个主题为“红线”,将相关旅游要素组织起来形成一个旅游协作组织形式。)

6、In addition, the hydrolysis fragments of pectin play a role in resisting tumor metastasis and can have a synergic action with 5-fu.(同时果胶水解片段具有抗肿瘤转移的作用,能与5-FU具有协同作用。)

7、synergic development is the core of the model opening a source that software develops.(协作开发是软件开发的开源模型的核心。)

8、The synergic production mechanism of a multi stage distributed manufacturing system is studied by means of multi agent technology.(运用多智能体技术,对一种多级分布式制造系统协同生产机制进行研究。)

9、The improved specific capacitance may be attributed to synergic effects from each pristine component, and the electrochemical catalysis effect of nickel.(我们认为材料的比电容增加是由于电容器各部分的协同作用和金属镍的电化学催化作用。)

10、anp and avp probably make synergic reaction in the central regulation of the activity of baroreflex.(心房钠尿肽和血管升压素可能在压力感受性反射活动的中枢调节中起协同作用。)

11、Cassia bean gum showed highly synergic with Xanthan gum and Carrageenan, but not synergic with Guar gum.(决明子胶与黄原胶、卡拉胶具有明显的协效性,与瓜尔豆胶无协效性。)

12、They are not only synergic in biologic activities but also interactive in molecularity, which is regulated by the genes of virulence island.(各毒力因子不仅在生物学活性上具有协同作用,而且在分子水平上也是相互影响,受毒力岛上调控基因调节。)

13、Secondly, the process of distributed and synergic modeling under network is surveyed. Some facets of such mechanism are pointed out.(其次,考察了网络环境下的分布式协同建模过程,讨论了网络化协同建模机制的几个研究内容;)

14、At last, we establish workflow system frame relative to synergic production management and give detailed project.(最后提出了一种适合协同生产管理的工作流系统框架,并给出具体实现方案。)

15、The fat soluble synergic tea polyphenols solution was prepared by using mixed nonionic surfactants as solvent.(利用复配非离子表面活性剂作为溶剂,制备了增效脂溶性茶多酚溶液。)

16、For each layer, we introduce its structural characteristic and the design of the core components and their synergic relation.(具体介绍了每一层的结构特点,层中拥有的核心组件的功能设计和组件间的相互协作关系。)

17、We put forward total model and general frame of synergic production procedure controlling based on workflow combining whit WfMS technology.(结合工作流技术,提出了基于工作流的协同生产过程控制总体模型和协同生产过程总线框架模型。)

18、So Equator East Pacific SSTA and the IOD have synergic effect.(赤道东太平洋海温异常和印度洋偶极子有协同作用。)

19、This research screened the strain HBF-1 that has synergic action on the strain HD-1 against Lepidoptera pests.(本研究通过增效菌株的筛选获得了对HD-1菌株具有强增效作用的苏云金杆菌HBF-1菌株。)

20、Attention must be paid on the synergic effect of smoking and silicosis in cancer complication.(吸烟和矽肺同时存在时,有必要注意协同作用。)

21、synergic competition is an important form for innovation behavior of Enterprises in Cluster.(协同竞争是集群中企业技术创新行为的一种重要形式。)

22、The results have the practical meaning for studying synergic damage and optimizing the structure of anti-missile warhead.(该研究对于研究反导的协和毁伤效应以及优化反导战斗部的结构具有实际意义。)

23、Good ability to solve problem; good attitude for work and good energy for solidify synergic, stronger responsibility for work.(有处理解决较大工艺问题的能力,有良好的工作态度和团结协作的精神。工作责任心强。)

24、It is shown that silk fabric with synergic treatment of ultrasonic and MTG shows better crease-resistance and other performances.(结果表明,超声波和MTG酶协同作用显著地改善了真丝织物的抗皱性,且其他性能也都有所提高。)

25、The membrane bioreactor (MBR) is a kind of synergic process of biodegradation and membrane separation essentially.(膜生物反应器实质是生物降解与膜分离相互影响、共同作用的过程。)

26、Our models and propositions will facilitate synergic effect research and the effective management of the synergic management process.(这些模型和命题的创立为企业集团度量和分析协同管理效应提供了一套便利的方法。)

27、The synergic extraction is main to from multicomponent complex of mixed ligand in extractive separation.(溶剂萃取分离中的协同萃取,是形成混配多元络合物的主要表现。)

28、Results showed that the LAS and AEO-9 mixtures at the ratio of 1:4 had minimum surface tension and the best synergic effect.(研究表明:几种表面活性剂在混合后表面张力最小,协同作用最显著的是LAS与AEO-9比例为1∶4的复配溶液。)

29、Chapter 6 gives realization of the synergic production management software system.(第六章给出了协同生产管理软件系统的具体实现。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


