发布网友
共2个回答
热心网友
As
we
all
know,
recent
accidents
resulted
from
school
buses
have
risen
national
concern
about
the
safety
of
school
buses.
As
a
primary
transportation
for
school
children,
the
frequent
accidents
of
school
buses
can
be
traced
to
several
reasons.
First
of
all,
school
budget
is
limited
so
that
the
school
cannot
afford
sufficient
buses.
Secondly,
the
regulation
on
overloading
is
not
perfect.
Consequently,
school
buses
often
accommodate
more
students
than
the
required
number,
which
will
be
potentially
dangerous.
In
order
to
guarantee
the
safety
of
school
buses,
schools
and
the
society
must
cooperate
to
enhance
the
security
standard
and
be
responsible
for
the
students.
我们都知道,最近的事故是由于校车了*问题的关注,学校巴士。作为一个主要的交通事故频发,失学儿童,学校巴士可以追溯到几个原因。首先,学校的预算是有限的,学校不能提供足够的公共汽车。其次,监管上的超载是不完美的。因此,校车经常容纳更多的学生比所需要的数量,这将是潜在的危险。为了保证安全,学校巴士,学校和社会必须共同提高安全标准并负责学生。
热心网友
找到一篇斯坦福大学的学者写的
history
as
mirror
http://www.wondersandmarvels.com/2009/06/history-as-mirror.html
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