




From 1980s, a lot of western things, especially Hollywood movies have been swarming into China, which have influenced Chinese culture greatly. Just as everything has two sides. I think these influences include positive and negative aspects.

Positive aspects:
Political culture----the concept of democracy
In American movies, there are lots of scenes such as election, parliament and ballot. Chinese know the western democracy truly that is different from the ecation of the Chinese Communist Party.
Life culture----real western life style
In American movies, we find that life can be so degage like that. It makes many people thirsty for American life even paying with their lives.
Family culture----the new family concept
In the Chinese culture, there are usually big families. Lots of people live together including your grandparents, your parents, your aunts, your uncles, your brothers, your sisters and you. However, when we have seen American movies, we changed our concept. We know that parents and we can live separately. Parents will not put so much attention on us as before after we could support ourselves. They can live happily by themselves, but in past, parents put their attention on us all their lives. Meanwhile, we also find that we will not take care of our parents so much when we come up the stage. In past, the situation is not so. Chinese attach importance to filial piety so that we should take care of our parents very much.
Clothing culture----various clothing
In American movies, we find that we can live by ourselves which is called indivialism. In the past, Chinese clothing is simple that is different from motley clothing and hairstyle in America. Recently, from Sun Yet Sen's uniform to business suit, from cheongsam to erogenous clothes,the clothing has changed greatly.
Food culture----food and drink
In American movies, we can frequently see a family having breakfast together in the morning. Milk and coffee become more and more popular among youths in China. Meanwhile, tea that represents traditional drink in Chinese culture has less influence than before. Moreover, fast foods such as hamburgers, sandwiches, chips and buffet dinners impact Chinese food. A lot of Chinese, especially youths consider them as their favourite food, though they are a litter expensive.

Negative aspects:
Sexual culture----eroticism
As everyone known, there are lot of sexual scenes such as bareness and sex in Hollywood movies. Praiseworthily, they bring liberation of sex in China. However, it leads many problems such as porno, coprology, carnalism and one-night love.
Violent culture----adoring violence
Typical violent movies such as 007 greatly influence Chinese. A lot of people like to use violence to settle problems.


