The movie is very good
the film "Hobbit 2:The
Desolation of Smaug" remains a feast – although, befitting the time of year, it is a
Christmas feast where everything is good but it is endless and
eventually just feels indulgent and gluttonous. This remains the case
because the film almost never feels like it was shot wholly on a
location. I remember the LotR films impressing me with their natural
beauty but here even a shot of people walking across a field seems to
have been digitally enhanced and, as good as it looks, it does remove me
from the film somewhat. Visual effects are impressive but it does
really hurt to see Jackson leaning towards the George Lucas "if we can
do it then we should do it" school of effects management. The cast do
solid jobs – I liked Freeman and McKellan when they were allowed to be
more than just special effects The dwarfs made more of an impression on
me this time but the elves not so much – Bloom remains stiff while Lilly
sports the only unconvincing effect in the film in the shape of her
ears. Cumberbatch was strong as the voice of Smaug and I enjoyed Fry and
McCoy in supporting roles (shame the latter missed out on more time due
to his Doctor Who efforts during the 50th anniversary year!).